UEFA FFP investigation - CAS decision to be announced Monday, 13th July 9.30am BST

What do you think will be the outcome of the CAS hearing?

  • Two-year ban upheld

    Votes: 197 13.1%
  • Ban reduced to one year

    Votes: 422 28.2%
  • Ban overturned and City exonerated

    Votes: 815 54.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 65 4.3%

  • Total voters
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So is this shit or bust for FFP?

Probably the latest in a long line of ever increasing panic measures dreamt up by a more and more paranoid elite. This won’t end here - the sorts of people we are dealing with don’t live in a stable reality or accept facts. They have convinced themselves of their ‘god given right’ and will fight until they are utterly destroyed defending their ivory towers!
I think it's just used as shorthand for the cartel clubs.

Yep - they still exist, just under a different guise... they all have representation in high places that look after their "interests" – it's no accident PSG got their own insider, City need one too, then this bollocks would stop!
Serious? You have complaints about the Neymar ban and you believe that refereeing is the reason for your club's comical Champions League record?

Then you complain about an investigation where you were let off on a "technicality" .

Are you really surprised supporters of conventional clubs don't take you seriously? I stress conventional because it's not only the elite that looks down on PSG. It's also the ordinary rank and file clubs in France.

What the fuck is a conventional club? One where it bullies all other clubs in its league to give up its best players at low prices or if they refuse, get those players to see out their contracts and leave on a free?

Fucking conventional, fuck off with you sanctimonious bullshit.
This ^^^^^ and their press leak talks of conflicting answers ! I think a court will no doubt want to know how they sought to address the conflict before making a decision! Look forward to hearing how they did this without talking to City.
Quite. I didn't make that clear in my response, but your bang on. It's so amateur on UEFA's part it's untrue. I can only conclude UEFA want this Kangeroo Court exercise to crash and burn.
What the fuck is a conventional club? One where it bullies all other clubs in its league to give up its best players at low prices or if they refuse, get those players to see out their contracts and leave on a free?

Fucking conventional, fuck off with you sanctimonious bullshit.

Conventional clubs are those who fix the finances of a league to suit themselves, fix the finances and structure of competitions to make sure they're in it and get huge amounts of dosh, and then conventionally fix the rules to try to prevent anyone else being a part of it, while saying they've earned it all.
So is this shit or bust for FFP?
CAS wont be ruling on FFP, more UEFA's application of its own rules and the investigatory process, but if The fish that the net was designed to catch escapes, then the process will become even more discredited, and will probably be overhauled and replaced with FFP2
I wonder what has happened for City to trigger this now? May not be anything specific

Neutrals might just think that City knew that UEFA were about to sanction City, and have decided to pre-empt bad news and make it look like we are in control.

How so? The CFCB IC clearly breached a number of their own rules in referring it to the AC, CAS is to ensure due process was followed in the first instance and that any sanctions are deemed fair in the 2nd. If the CFCB failed to follow their own due process as documented by UEFA and posted on here if your interested, why the fuck would city consider a neutral perspective when they and I expect shit hot legal eagles feel there tangible evidence the IC breached due process? The article 10 breach is beyond repute by the way and documented by the NYT. The article 13 stuff is not wholly in the public domain but there is clearly enough circumstantial evidence to indicate numerous CFCB IC breaches here as well. City's appeal to CAS on the basis of the IC not following process if upheld revokes the article 17 escalation to the AC and shows the IC alleged investigation to be a sham. It has sod all to do with giving a portrayal of being in control to a neutral.
Are you really surprised supporters of conventional clubs don't take you seriously? I stress conventional because it's not only the elite that looks down on PSG. It's also the ordinary rank and file clubs in France.
Is bribing your way into the top flight one of these conventions you speak of?
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