UEFA's plans for "summer footbal"

BigTony said:
Lancet Fluke said:
I'd have to choose between playing cricket or watching football. I hope Blatter and Platini die rapid (yet unusally painful) deaths and it never happens.

I can understand your dilemma, maybe do both?

I play cricket on a Saturday. I know lots of our matches are on Sundays now but it would still be a right shitter.
Lancet Fluke said:
BigTony said:
I'd love to see it really.

I can never understand why we all sit there freezing int he winter watching and playing football yet in the summer when it would be a joy to go to a game there's never any on, it worked in rugby league i think we should give it a go.

I'd have to choose between playing cricket or watching football. I hope Blatter and Platini die rapid (yet unusally painful) deaths and it never happens.

I like the way you are thinking.
rassclot said:
so this is the next, & not very subtle, stage in paving the way for the 2022 world cup in qatar to be held in january. the changeover would require a gap of about 10 months when there would be no domestic football. what would clubs, player & fans do then? how many small to medium sized clubs would go out of business because they couldn't afford to pay all the wages & other running costs for 10 months with no income coming in?

what a pair of twats blatter & platini are.

Even more interesting. We go from having a nice, baking hot, dying-from-the-Sun Qatar summer tournament to having a nice winter World Cup in Russia. During the snowy months. In Russia. A World Cup. In the Russian winter.

Nope, can't possibly see a problem there.
dont care when the season is tbh, but summer sounds good, no more freezing matches. Im up for it
Off on a slight tangent but I think kids football should definitely be moved to the summer months.
My sons team for the last two years have had an enforced two month winter break and the season has had to be shortened. Any impetus is lost and there can't be anything more demotivating to a kid than standing on a muddy field in the driving rain on a Saturday morning.

Professional football should stay as it always has.
jordinho09 said:

To sum it up UEFA want to move the time period of the season so the international competitions are in the winter. The "propsed season" will be from March to October. sorry if already posted.

A firm NO(!) and a simple fuck right off, from me!
Dear Mr Platini

I was interested to see and read your proposals for summer football in this Country as well as other major leagues in Europe. We welcome such an approach because it will give ourselves, Spain, Italy, Germany and France an opportubity to form a new administative body without your meddling. Furthermore we have been in touch with all the major sponsors and TV companies and they agree that the Champions League you have so long advocated will be scrapped and replaced by a European Cup. To this end new major sponsors have been found and the venue for the final will be held in Abu Dhabi.

As a side note it has also been decided that because you will no longer be in charge of the aforementioned countries your plans for financial fair play have also been scrapped.

PS You can tell your mate Blatter if he continues fucking around with the world cup the same group of countries will pull out of FIFA and again hold an alternative world cup. Please feel free to have many meetings about your plans with no expense sparred because we won't be paying for those either.

Yours faithfully

FA Chief Executive.
As Qatar is hosting world cup I assume they have a domestic league as well. Since all this bollocks is to avoid playing wc in summer in Qatar lets make their league play through the summer instead not once but every year. Also what about all the other countries that have hot summers kick off at midnight I think not

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