UFO's real or not?

didactic said:
Max_Headroom said:
If the aliens are so technically advanced but obviously don't want to land and be seen, why do people always describe their ships as having bright lights on the outside?
Why haven't they contacted us, they must know we cannot harm them with our primitive weapons so why do they come here fly around and sod off again?

Maybe they are indifferent I mean if you do some digging some say there are hundreds if not thousands of different alien races and species. Hence the different craft.

Some would also say they have made contact before and still do but not on a mass scale. Im going to throw this in there for debating purposes but since the Roswell "crash" have you noticed how fast technology has advanced?. We went from black and white TVs to phones more powerful that the biggest computers of the 70s.

Also I think 99% of what is seen is ours but that is technology revers engineered. Im at work so cant check videos but google "The Real Nasa UFOs" you clearly see several "crafts" flying around in space changing direction doing impossible things. Its all there if you do some digging.

Most people will agree that WW2 took technology forwards about 100 years in the space of 6
Also I think 99% of what is seen is ours but that is technology revers engineered. Im at work so cant check videos but google "The Real Nasa UFOs" you clearly see several "crafts" flying around in space changing direction doing impossible things. Its all there if you do some digging.

Dont get me wrong I do believe we are not alone, but what i don't get is why they have been (if you believe) flying round the planet for donkeys years and have not made contact with us, if they are so advanced it would be easy for them to interrupt out TV broadcasts and introduce themselves, its not like we are going to panic and run outside to arm ourselves with our pitchforks.
I saw somethin unexplainable a few years ago, reported it to a website but can't remember which one, probably doesn't exist anymore.
Max_Headroom said:
Dont get me wrong I do believe we are not alone, but what i don't get is why they have been (if you believe) flying round the planet for donkeys years and have not made contact with us, if they are so advanced it would be easy for them to interrupt out TV broadcasts and introduce themselves, its not like we are going to panic and run outside to arm ourselves with our pitchforks.

Well we are looking at it from a human perspective but if they are here some reports say they have been here even before us so we are of no interest to them. How often do you go to ants for example or other creatures lower down the food and intelligence chain and try and communicate with them?.

Some would also say (science) there is no inbetween from cave man to what we are now. What happened to us to move us so quickly to the level of intelligence we are here now?. Sonme say the (aliens) manipulated our DNA and moved us along and that is how we jumped to the next stage.
didactic said:
Max_Headroom said:
Dont get me wrong I do believe we are not alone, but what i don't get is why they have been (if you believe) flying round the planet for donkeys years and have not made contact with us, if they are so advanced it would be easy for them to interrupt out TV broadcasts and introduce themselves, its not like we are going to panic and run outside to arm ourselves with our pitchforks.

Well we are looking at it from a human perspective but if they are here some reports say they have been here even before us so we are of no interest to them. How often do you go to ants for example or other creatures lower down the food and intelligence chain and try and communicate with them?.

Some would also say (science) there is no inbetween from cave man to what we are now. What happened to us to move us so quickly to the level of intelligence we are here now?. Sonme say the (aliens) manipulated our DNA and moved us along and that is how we jumped to the next stage.
Some people need to get out more then
Max_Headroom said:
Planet X Video - Planet X Nibiru

Ahh I have read a great deal about Planet X some fascinating stuff. Did you know that that in ancient drawings and paintings the solar system is represented with 10 planets?. Scientists are still apparently searching for this 10th planet and if you read up on the Dogon tribe in Africa. This is a tribe of uneducated people who live in the wild yet they have an immense amount of knowledge about the solar system, stars and the climate changes. They claim that they were spawned by beings from another planet who left in craft but will some day return.

They also say these are the same as the Easter Island builders.

didactic said:
I go with real Egypt, Atlantis, Sumeria and the ancient tables. The Roman scrolls infact every ancient civilisation seems to agree that they had knowledge from superior beings from the heavens. Infact there are ufos in cave drawings, art and other documented evidence. Even the story of Aladdin and the flying carpets of the Indian Gods.

Do you know that even with todays technology we cannot build the pyramids?. I think that they are very real and still here just they have the ability to be inter dimensional. I do however also believe that 99% of what is reported aer man made secret aircraft. Its well known the Nazis had build saucers from crashed craft they had recovered and the Americans and ourselves secured this technology.

We know perfectly well how the pyramids were built.

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