UFO's real or not?

Max_Headroom said:
Watch from 7:45 -


I just thought I'd point out that what that guy says at about 8 minutes regarding the fusion of the two chromosomes is a blatant lie.

Yes we do share a common ancestor with the chimpanzee and two of the chromosomes of that ancestor were most likely fused to form the human genome, giving us a chromosome less than our primate cousins. It's the part where he says "This wouldn't happen, this can't happen in nature" that is a completely fictitious statement. It would happen in nature, we aren't the only species on Earth which differs from a relative by one chromosome. There is a now extinct type of wild horse which has 33 chromosomes, its common ancestor, the horse we know today has 32 due to translocation. It's a relatively common mutation which occurs and can produce viable offspring on the odd occasion. There is zero evidence that this must be some kind of 'other-worldly' tampering of our genes.

This is the kind of fallacious statement that helps these people lose all credibility they might have. Trying to take advantage of other people's ignorance of a subject is poor form to say the least.
Cheesy said:
didactic said:
I go with real Egypt, Atlantis, Sumeria and the ancient tables. The Roman scrolls infact every ancient civilisation seems to agree that they had knowledge from superior beings from the heavens. Infact there are ufos in cave drawings, art and other documented evidence. Even the story of Aladdin and the flying carpets of the Indian Gods.

Do you know that even with todays technology we cannot build the pyramids?. I think that they are very real and still here just they have the ability to be inter dimensional. I do however also believe that 99% of what is reported aer man made secret aircraft. Its well known the Nazis had build saucers from crashed craft they had recovered and the Americans and ourselves secured this technology.

We know perfectly well how the pyramids were built.

I did think this myself. Must be about a million books on how the pyramids were made
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Cheesy said:
didactic said:
I go with real Egypt, Atlantis, Sumeria and the ancient tables. The Roman scrolls infact every ancient civilisation seems to agree that they had knowledge from superior beings from the heavens. Infact there are ufos in cave drawings, art and other documented evidence. Even the story of Aladdin and the flying carpets of the Indian Gods.

Do you know that even with todays technology we cannot build the pyramids?. I think that they are very real and still here just they have the ability to be inter dimensional. I do however also believe that 99% of what is reported aer man made secret aircraft. Its well known the Nazis had build saucers from crashed craft they had recovered and the Americans and ourselves secured this technology.

We know perfectly well how the pyramids were built.

I did think this myself. Must be about a million books on how the pyramids were made

i'm not saying it was aliens but there is something missing, i don't think we had the ability back then to do it so precisely from what we are told now about the tools man had then.
ban-mcfc said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Cheesy said:
We know perfectly well how the pyramids were built.

I did think this myself. Must be about a million books on how the pyramids were made

i'm not saying it was aliens but there is something missing, i don't think we had the ability back then to do it so precisely from what we are told now about the tools man had then.

That why 100,000's of people died making a single pyramid that would take almost 100 years to build
Cheesy said:
We know perfectly well how the pyramids were built.

How?. Also the cap stone which is heaviest stone in the entire structure is at the top. The passages inside the fact that you cannot pass a razor blade between the stones. The cap stone was also covered in gold which has since been stolen. That is just the building not to mention how the pyramids are round the globe all connect. The angles the positioning so much more.

The pyramid is one of the few structures that can be seen from space.
SkyBlueFlux said:
Max_Headroom said:
Watch from 7:45 -


I just thought I'd point out that what that guy says at about 8 minutes regarding the fusion of the two chromosomes is a blatant lie.

Yes we do share a common ancestor with the chimpanzee and two of the chromosomes of that ancestor were most likely fused to form the human genome, giving us a chromosome less than our primate cousins. It's the part where he says "This wouldn't happen, this can't happen in nature" that is a completely fictitious statement. It would happen in nature, we aren't the only species on Earth which differs from a relative by one chromosome. There is a now extinct type of wild horse which has 33 chromosomes, its common ancestor, the horse we know today has 32 due to translocation. It's a relatively common mutation which occurs and can produce viable offspring on the odd occasion. There is zero evidence that this must be some kind of 'other-worldly' tampering of our genes.

This is the kind of fallacious statement that helps these people lose all credibility they might have. Trying to take advantage of other people's ignorance of a subject is poor form to say the least.

This is how this nutjobbery gets promulgated.
Idiots believing any old tosh.<br /><br />-- Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:55 pm --<br /><br />
didactic said:
Max_Headroom said:
Planet X Video - Planet X Nibiru

Ahh I have read a great deal about Planet X some fascinating stuff. Did you know that that in ancient drawings and paintings the solar system is represented with 10 planets?. Scientists are still apparently searching for this 10th planet and if you read up on the Dogon tribe in Africa. This is a tribe of uneducated people who live in the wild yet they have an immense amount of knowledge about the solar system, stars and the climate changes. They claim that they were spawned by beings from another planet who left in craft but will some day return.

They also say these are the same as the Easter Island builders.


There are only 8 planets.
do try to keep up.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
ban-mcfc said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
I did think this myself. Must be about a million books on how the pyramids were made

i'm not saying it was aliens but there is something missing, i don't think we had the ability back then to do it so precisely from what we are told now about the tools man had then.

That why 100,000's of people died making a single pyramid that would take almost 100 years to build

The Japaneese ran an experiment to re-make the pyramids and failed because they could not cut the stone with the same degree of accuracy with modern technogly. True.
denislawsbackheel said:
There are only 8 planets.
do try to keep up.

Because Pluto has been declared to not be a planet I am aware of this but in the ancient drawings it is has not been removed as one.

Also watch the Nasa footage and explain what it is that is flying around around the space station?.
ban-mcfc said:
i'm not saying it was aliens but there is something missing, i don't think we had the ability back then to do it so precisely from what we are told now about the tools man had then.

There's no doubt that the great pyramids were amazing achievements - in the same way that the Humber Bridge and the Taj Mahal and the B2 Stealth Bomber were great achievements. But they certainly had the means. The main key to building them was a well thought-out system being put into place. That and their faith about what it would allow them to achieve.

BoyBlue_1985 said:
That why 100,000's of people died making a single pyramid that would take almost 100 years to build

Not many people died building the great pyramids. Each one took in the region of 16 years to construct and people worked on them for a relatively short time before returning to their homes and being replaced by someone else - similar to doing national service really.

didactic said:
How?. Also the cap stone which is heaviest stone in the entire structure is at the top. The passages inside the fact that you cannot pass a razor blade between the stones. The cap stone was also covered in gold which has since been stolen. That is just the building not to mention how the pyramids are round the globe all connect. The angles the positioning so much more.

The pyramid is one of the few structures that can be seen from space.

So many inaccuracies in there. Depending on what you mean by 'space' then you could see a hell of a lot from space. But if you mean e.g. the moon, then you can't see any man-made structures.

Yes you can pass razor blades and more between the stones of the great pyramids. Inside Cheops and the others, it is effectively rubble. Only the outer layer had close attention paid to detail.

There is actually no evidence to suggest that the cap stone of any pyramid was made from gold. This comes from pure speculation. (I'm not saying they weren't gold. Just that we don't know what they were made from.)

Similarly there is no real valid evidence to suggest that global pyramids are in any way connected.

There are a lot of myths surrounding the pyramids, which we naturally want to believe because it's exciting. But most of them are just not true.
Stuuuuuu said:
ban-mcfc said:
i'm not saying it was aliens but there is something missing, i don't think we had the ability back then to do it so precisely from what we are told now about the tools man had then.

There's no doubt that the great pyramids were amazing achievements - in the same way that the Humber Bridge and the Taj Mahal and the B2 Stealth Bomber were great achievements. But they certainly had the means. The main key to building them was a well thought-out system being put into place. That and their faith about what it would allow them to achieve.

BoyBlue_1985 said:
That why 100,000's of people died making a single pyramid that would take almost 100 years to build

Not many people died building the great pyramids. Each one took in the region of 16 years to construct and people worked on them for a short time before returning to their homes and being replaced by someone else - similar to doing national service really.

didactic said:
How?. Also the cap stone which is heaviest stone in the entire structure is at the top. The passages inside the fact that you cannot pass a razor blade between the stones. The cap stone was also covered in gold which has since been stolen. That is just the building not to mention how the pyramids are round the globe all connect. The angles the positioning so much more.

The pyramid is one of the few structures that can be seen from space.

So many inaccuracies in there. Depending on what you mean by 'space' then you could see a hell of a lot from space. But if you mean e.g. the moon, then you can't see any man-made structures.

Yes you can pass razor blades and more between the stones of the great pyramids. Inside Cheops and the others, it is effectively rubble. Only the outer layer had close attention paid to detail.

There is actually no evidence to suggest that the cap stone of any pyramid was made from gold. This comes from pure speculation.

Similarly there is no real valid evidence to suggest that global pyramids are in any way connected.

There are a lot of myths surrounding the pyramids, which we naturally want to believe because it's exciting. But most of them are just not true.

Good post. Pretty much what I wanted to say but couldn't be arsed :-)

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