UFO's real or not?

Dawn of human race uncovered

16:07 11 June 2003 by James Randerson

Three fossil skulls from Ethiopia have been revealed as the oldest human remains yet discovered.

The 160,000-year-old finds plug an important gap in the fossil record around the time our species first appeared and provides strong new evidence that Homo sapiens originated only in Africa.

"These are landmark finds in unravelling our origins," says Chris Stringer, at the Natural History Museum in London, and a champion of the 'Out of Africa' hypothesis. He believes modern humans evolved in Africa before migrating across the globe, rather than evolving in parallel in different places.

"The problem with the African record is that it has been really sketchy," says Tim White at the University of California, Berkeley, who led the team that made the discoveries. There are good human fossils from 100,000 years ago, he adds, but from then back to 300,000 years ago the remains are either highly fragmented, poorly dated or both.

In contrast, the newly revealed skulls have precise dates thanks to the fragments of volcanic rocks found with the fossils. When rocks cool, they begin to accumulate argon gas from the decay of a potassium isotope. Analysing the gas gives the rock's age, in this case 154,000 to 160,000 years old.

Neanderthal influence

Homo sapiens appeared sometime between 100,000 and 300,000 years ago, and controversy has raged over whether there was a single African origin or whether other hominids such as Homo erectus and Neanderthals made a significant contribution to the evolution of modern humans by interbreeding.

The latest fossils provide substantial support for the Out of Africa camp, but proponents of the alternative 'multi-regional' hypothesis do not believe the argument is over. "This could easily be one of the ancestors of modern Europeans, but I don't believe it is the only ancestor," says Milford Wolpoff at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

The skulls look almost human, but retain some slight primitive features and so the team has given them their own subspecies - Homo sapiens idàltu. The skulls, from two men and a child, are also very large by human standards suggesting the adults cut an imposing figure.

The recovery of the fossils began in 1997, near the Ethiopian village of Herto, when White stumbled across a fossilised hippopotamus skull. His team eventually recovered skull fragments from 10 humans, along with many stone tools and animal fossils. The child's skull was in over 200 pieces strewn over hundreds of metres and it took two years of painstaking work to reconstruct it.

Ancestor worship

Some of the most intriguing aspects of the skulls are the modifications made after death. One of the adult skulls has parallel grooves around the perimeter cut with a stone tool.

"There's no meat in the places they're finding the cut marks," points out Sally McBrearty, a stone tool expert at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, so they did not result from cannibalism.

The child's skull is also marked and broken edges have been polished. This suggests to White that the skull was carried around after death and buffed up in the process - possibly as part of an ancestor worshipping ritual. This is the earliest evidence that bones were kept by descendants and points to an advanced level of cultural development. Journal reference: Nature (vol 423, p 737)
Some would also say (science) there is no inbetween from cave man to what we are now. What happened to us to move us so quickly to the level of intelligence we are here now?. Sonme say the (aliens) manipulated our DNA and moved us along and that is how we jumped to the next stage.

I'm not entirely convinced by it and it's nothing to do with aliens, but the theory put fwd by Terence McKenna in "Food of the Gods" is an interesting and somewhat plausible one. It has been retrospectively and poorly labelled as the "Stoned Ape" theory, but the name does give you some insight into what it's about...
Someone mentioned that people wouldn't be arming themselves with pitchforks if beings from another world were to make themselves known to us. I don't think you realise how big such an event would be. It would change EVERYTHING, the history of mankind as we know it.
For a start it would dispell almost all religion (apart from scientology, in parts) as we know it as fictional nonsense. That alone would cause millions upon millions of people to lose their minds. Also obviously you would get the people that would immediately consider them a threat.
You'd get the cults all surrendering themselves for sacrifice (theres always mental people).
The stock markets would suffer a huge crash, mainly due to the defence stocks. It would be hard to see the long-term value of military aircraft, radar, ships, and missiles in the face of vastly superior technology that could probably be used to overwhelm Earth if that fits in with the aliens' plans.
With the drop in the value of defence stocks would come similar drops in the value of stocks of hundreds of firms doing defence related work, especially in research and development. A stock market crash of epic proportions is easy to envision, this will undoubtedly lead to the layoff of thousands of blue collar and white collar employees and the collapse of all sorts of service and support businesses.

And thats only the start!
M22 Blue said:
Someone mentioned that people wouldn't be arming themselves with pitchforks if beings from another world were to make themselves known to us. I don't think you realise how big such an event would be. It would change EVERYTHING, the history of mankind as we know it.
For a start it would dispell almost all religion (apart from scientology, in parts) as we know it as fictional nonsense. That alone would cause millions upon millions of people to lose their minds. Also obviously you would get the people that would immediately consider them a threat.
You'd get the cults all surrendering themselves for sacrifice (theres always mental people).
The stock markets would suffer a huge crash, mainly due to the defence stocks. It would be hard to see the long-term value of military aircraft, radar, ships, and missiles in the face of vastly superior technology that could probably be used to overwhelm Earth if that fits in with the aliens' plans.
With the drop in the value of defence stocks would come similar drops in the value of stocks of hundreds of firms doing defence related work, especially in research and development. A stock market crash of epic proportions is easy to envision, this will undoubtedly lead to the layoff of thousands of blue collar and white collar employees and the collapse of all sorts of service and support businesses.

And thats only the start!

well put it this way, if aliens announced themselves there's not a chance i'd be turning up at work the next day cleaned shaved and ready to go.

sadly though, i reckon if they were to let themselves be known then it would be the end for the human race.
roman totale said:
Some would also say (science) there is no inbetween from cave man to what we are now. What happened to us to move us so quickly to the level of intelligence we are here now?. Sonme say the (aliens) manipulated our DNA and moved us along and that is how we jumped to the next stage.

I'm not entirely convinced by it and it's nothing to do with aliens, but the theory put fwd by Terence McKenna in "Food of the Gods" is an interesting and somewhat plausible one. It has been retrospectively and poorly labelled as the "Stoned Ape" theory, but the name does give you some insight into what it's about...

Terrence McKenna and grant morrison have some amazing theories,which IMO are mostly right.
Thaksinssoldier said:
roman totale said:
Some would also say (science) there is no inbetween from cave man to what we are now. What happened to us to move us so quickly to the level of intelligence we are here now?. Sonme say the (aliens) manipulated our DNA and moved us along and that is how we jumped to the next stage.

I'm not entirely convinced by it and it's nothing to do with aliens, but the theory put fwd by Terence McKenna in "Food of the Gods" is an interesting and somewhat plausible one. It has been retrospectively and poorly labelled as the "Stoned Ape" theory, but the name does give you some insight into what it's about...

Terrence McKenna and grant morrison have some amazing theories,which IMO are mostly right.

I agree, some great stuff in there. As I said, I'm not totally convinced by the arguments for rapid growth in brain size and subsequent cognitive developments. I would love to see it researched properly, but there's a fat chance of that happening in the current environment. On the other hand, I'm pretty much convinced it is the best explanation for the development of religious belief, but that's a whole other thread and one I see this forum goes down quite often...!
M22 Blue said:
Someone mentioned that people wouldn't be arming themselves with pitchforks if beings from another world were to make themselves known to us. I don't think you realise how big such an event would be. It would change EVERYTHING, the history of mankind as we know it.
For a start it would dispell almost all religion (apart from scientology, in parts) as we know it as fictional nonsense. That alone would cause millions upon millions of people to lose their minds. Also obviously you would get the people that would immediately consider them a threat.
You'd get the cults all surrendering themselves for sacrifice (theres always mental people).
The stock markets would suffer a huge crash, mainly due to the defence stocks. It would be hard to see the long-term value of military aircraft, radar, ships, and missiles in the face of vastly superior technology that could probably be used to overwhelm Earth if that fits in with the aliens' plans.
With the drop in the value of defence stocks would come similar drops in the value of stocks of hundreds of firms doing defence related work, especially in research and development. A stock market crash of epic proportions is easy to envision, this will undoubtedly lead to the layoff of thousands of blue collar and white collar employees and the collapse of all sorts of service and support businesses.

And thats only the start!

Well said they have done these social experiments before like the airing of "War of the worlds" on radio. Which if you research the time was around a time when there was record number of "UFO" sightings. I believe these were the secret Nazi aircraft like the hanuenbu disk.



But anyway when they said that beings from Mars had landed people lost it. Some commited suicide oters start shooting at everything including each other and others just went into a blind panic. It was only when they announced it was a radio show and eveything was fake that people started to calm down. Aliens announcing themselves would change EVERYTHING we have been taught break the laws on religion and science and even our so call origins. Not everyone can handle that regardless of if they are friendly or not.

Humans cannot even get along and we on the same little piece of rock, people hate each other because of skin color, religion, beliefs etc imagine a creature from another planet?. We are not ready for that and if theses beings are around I am sure they are very aware of that.
the story of Jesus is a joke anyway. the three wise men follow a star (ufo). Mary conceives a child even though she is a virgin (alien implant?). the child that is born, Jesus, can somehow perform miracles that no human could ever do (alien)

coincidence? ha ha

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