UFO's real or not?

ElanJo said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
According to grant Morrison and Terence McKenna they would be the opposite of evil.they claim they are hyper dimensional timeless antibodies correcting something.

Haha I knew that's who you were parroting in the 'life after death' thread!

I hold the man up there higher than the pope in terms of what I believe ;-)
Two US presidents have all said they have seen UFOs and the craft were not theirs. These men are in charge of the free world yet what they say is being dismissed by some posters here?. And saying "It cant be real because I cannot see it" is play ground argument. Can you see air?. Can you see gravity?. Lets be intelligent when we debate here too many people with too mush to lose and who hold positions none of us will EVER see have all said these things are real.
didactic said:
Two US presidents have all said they have seen UFOs and the craft were not theirs. These men are in charge of the free world yet what they say is being dismissed by some posters here?. And saying "It cant be real because I cannot see it" is play ground argument. Can you see air?. Can you see gravity?. Lets be intelligent when we debate here too many people with too mush to lose and who hold positions none of us will EVER see have all said these things are real.

they would say that wouldn't they.

One of the presidents, Reagan, also believed in astrology.
So that must be valid must it if a leader of the free world believes in it?

Classic disinformation tales of US presidents saying they saw spacecraft.

If you think US presidents are appraised of all top secret aircraft you are pretty naive.

Need to know basis stuff.if they don't need to know then they won't be told.
I believe many of them are secret aircraft but the president does have access to all military files as his job tile "Commander and Chief" implies. Not all UFOs are man made and to the guy who mentioned astrology I think you will find it is very accurate and has been in use for 1000s of years. Not your daily newspaper type of commercially pumped out rubbish but actual star gazing.

This is how many ancient civilizations operated and is the entrie basis for the lunar calender.

I want all you doubters to answer this question why would several people that have been in space say that they saw UFOs?. In Space on the moon and close to the atmosphere?. Why would there be an intercepted message saying that "The alien craft is still in our sights being sent to Nasa?."

What is the Santa Klaus they were talking about when they landed on the moon and stated that "Santa Klaus is definately real?."
corky1970 said:
ive posted something similar before however ill repeat it as its worth considering.

Astronauts are the top 1% of humans in talent intellect skill , relflexes, they were fighter pilots , war heroes we all wish we could be half the people they are.
we trust them with the defence of our country and we trust them to fly billion dollar aircraft.
They are the top 1% the best of the best.

yet if they say they have seen ufo,s on the moon or in orbit ( many have ), or aliens , they are loons and nutcases and we dont believe them,

cant have it both ways.

if a highly trained astonaut says they exist ...............they exist

Ooooo great point Corky lad!
didactic said:
I believe many of them are secret aircraft but the president does have access to all military files as his job tile "Commander and Chief" implies. Not all UFOs are man made and to the guy who mentioned astrology I think you will find it is very accurate and has been in use for 1000s of years. Not your daily newspaper type of commercially pumped out rubbish but actual star gazing.

This is how many ancient civilizations operated and is the entrie basis for the lunar calender.

I want all you doubters to answer this question why would several people that have been in space say that they saw UFOs?. In Space on the moon and close to the atmosphere?. Why would there be an intercepted message saying that "The alien craft is still in our sights being sent to Nasa?."

What is the Santa Klaus they were talking about when they landed on the moon and stated that "Santa Klaus is definately real?."

You believe astrology is accurate.

Nothing you can ever post again is worth reading.
didactic said:
I believe many of them are secret aircraft but the president does have access to all military files as his job tile "Commander and Chief" implies. Not all UFOs are man made and to the guy who mentioned astrology I think you will find it is very accurate and has been in use for 1000s of years. Not your daily newspaper type of commercially pumped out rubbish but actual star gazing.

This is how many ancient civilizations operated and is the entrie basis for the lunar calender.

I want all you doubters to answer this question why would several people that have been in space say that they saw UFOs?. In Space on the moon and close to the atmosphere?. Why would there be an intercepted message saying that "The alien craft is still in our sights being sent to Nasa?."

What is the Santa Klaus they were talking about when they landed on the moon and stated that "Santa Klaus is definately real?."

First off its Commander IN Chief.

Secondly Presidents do not micro manage Aerospace development.There are hundreds or thousands of black ops projects the Presidents never know of.Presidents like Kennedy and Clinton were not seen as friendly to the armed forces and would have been totally in the dark about an awful lot of what they actually did.

I was a big believer in UFOs/Aliens and have researched the hell out of them.

I've concluded the two are not related in the slightest.

I firmly believe UFO's are out there but are classified military aircraft.There is precedence for this with the B2 Stealth bomber.My biggest point on this is the amount of close encounters that have seen cars die or watches.Reeks of electro magnetism,and I highly doubt Aliens have any care to stop a car or watch.Its military technology.
As for aliens,I dont believe they are from space at all.Hyperdimensional entities that exist outside of time.Try taking DMT sometime.It messes with your perception of time.Then you start interacting with Aliens.Everyone has the same experience on DMT.It doesnt send you into outer space.DMT is naturally produced in the brain in small doses...its my belief this is what causes the abduction experience.
didactic said:
to the guy who mentioned astrology I think you will find it is very accurate and has been in use for 1000s of years. Not your daily newspaper type of commercially pumped out rubbish but actual star gazing.


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