UFO's real or not?

Thaksinssoldier said:

Heres one for you guys.


buzzer1 said:
allan harper said:
Thaksinssoldier said:

Heres one for you guys.



Fkin hell Al, thats maaaaad as fuk.

It is in it mate, I can't believe none of the kids are wearing United shirts either !
allan harper said:
Thaksinssoldier said:

Heres one for you guys.



Even the Daily Mail readership have driven a coach and horses through that pile of crap!
didactic said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
First off its Commander IN Chief.

Secondly Presidents do not micro manage Aerospace development.There are hundreds or thousands of black ops projects the Presidents never know of.Presidents like Kennedy and Clinton were not seen as friendly to the armed forces and would have been totally in the dark about an awful lot of what they actually did.

I was a big believer in UFOs/Aliens and have researched the hell out of them.

I've concluded the two are not related in the slightest.

I firmly believe UFO's are out there but are classified military aircraft.There is precedence for this with the B2 Stealth bomber.My biggest point on this is the amount of close encounters that have seen cars die or watches.Reeks of electro magnetism,and I highly doubt Aliens have any care to stop a car or watch.Its military technology.
As for aliens,I dont believe they are from space at all.Hyperdimensional entities that exist outside of time.Try taking DMT sometime.It messes with your perception of time.Then you start interacting with Aliens.Everyone has the same experience on DMT.It doesnt send you into outer space.DMT is naturally produced in the brain in small doses...its my belief this is what causes the abduction experience.

I notice you did not answer of my questions. Ok I will debate on your logic. If they are all "secret technology" what about the UFOs in ancient texts, paintings and drawings. What about the ones from before there was the technology.

The stopping of watches and cars is easily explainable look into the Manhatten project and time travel experiments. This is requires magnetism which causes distortion in gravity and space/time. Einstein wrote about this and did experiments on this as did Tesla and the result in many cases was a large electrical charge hat affected all equipment around it.

Thanks for the correction regarding Commander AND Chief, I dont see how me using IN makes any of my points less valid.

What? How does magnetism distorts gravity and space/time?
To answer the thread's question, yes, UFO's are real. Too many people believe UFO = alien spaceship, it doesn't. The clue is in the name, something unknown in the sky. Its a fact pilots and astronauts have come across things in the sky or space, which they can't explain.
BulgarianPride said:
didactic said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
First off its Commander IN Chief.

Secondly Presidents do not micro manage Aerospace development.There are hundreds or thousands of black ops projects the Presidents never know of.Presidents like Kennedy and Clinton were not seen as friendly to the armed forces and would have been totally in the dark about an awful lot of what they actually did.

I was a big believer in UFOs/Aliens and have researched the hell out of them.

I've concluded the two are not related in the slightest.

I firmly believe UFO's are out there but are classified military aircraft.There is precedence for this with the B2 Stealth bomber.My biggest point on this is the amount of close encounters that have seen cars die or watches.Reeks of electro magnetism,and I highly doubt Aliens have any care to stop a car or watch.Its military technology.
As for aliens,I dont believe they are from space at all.Hyperdimensional entities that exist outside of time.Try taking DMT sometime.It messes with your perception of time.Then you start interacting with Aliens.Everyone has the same experience on DMT.It doesnt send you into outer space.DMT is naturally produced in the brain in small doses...its my belief this is what causes the abduction experience.

I notice you did not answer of my questions. Ok I will debate on your logic. If they are all "secret technology" what about the UFOs in ancient texts, paintings and drawings. What about the ones from before there was the technology.

The stopping of watches and cars is easily explainable look into the Manhatten project and time travel experiments. This is requires magnetism which causes distortion in gravity and space/time. Einstein wrote about this and did experiments on this as did Tesla and the result in many cases was a large electrical charge hat affected all equipment around it.

Thanks for the correction regarding Commander AND Chief, I dont see how me using IN makes any of my points less valid.

What? How does magnetism distorts gravity and space/time?

Haha, glad you beat me to it BP, as a physics student I learn new things on here every day!

Just to clarify though, magnetism does indeed 'distort' space-time but that is only because electromagnetic fields have an associated energy density and this energy density creates a gravitational field. This gravitational field though would not have the effect on instruments described as it would be tiny (I would imagine immeasurable). Note: 'distort', to me at least, is bad semantics. It's better to say it represents a curvature of space-time.

In conclusion I actually have no idea what he is getting at here. Maybe you could explain it in more detail please? I am genuinely intrigued.
Didactic no offense but I think you read or view stuff and take it as pure fact,without checking it's validity.

Like I said 10 years ago I swore blind about this stuff but researched it thoroughly and it always lead back to military,b2 bombers,ion wind propulsion research and basic disinformation.

As for ancient claims,they hold little validity.its all vague and could be meteors/ball lightening etc.
Thaksinssoldier said:
Didactic no offense but I think you read or view stuff and take it as pure fact,without checking it's validity.

I see you still have not answered my questions.

Like I said 10 years ago I swore blind about this stuff but researched it thoroughly and it always lead back to military,b2 bombers,ion wind propulsion research and basic disinformation.

As for ancient claims,they hold little validity.its all vague and could be meteors/ball lightening etc.

Dont assume how I think its very insulting. Ask and I will answer. I dont take any of what I read as fact. None of it. I read things and cross reference sources this is a discussion where we are exchanging ideas noone he has "facts" no can disprove any of what we are discussing.

Also you are projecting your opinions on me just because you swore blind and have no refused to believe for whatever reason do not think I should also follow suit. We have different opinions as our research is different. I know someone who saw both a UFO and Aliens. Someone who to this day it changed her life. I was but a child when it happened to her but she talks about it like it was yesterday. So do not tell me someone with various degrees who for years educated children round the globe is insane.


Again with the ancient claims you are discrediting them when you have not even looked at the sources I have used. They described flight upwards, sideways, landing. They described physical beings, knowledge exchanges. These are not comets. They were far from stupid.<br /><br />-- Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:45 am --<br /><br />
SkyBlueFlux said:
Haha, glad you beat me to it BP, as a physics student I learn new things on here every day!

Just to clarify though, magnetism does indeed 'distort' space-time but that is only because electromagnetic fields have an associated energy density and this energy density creates a gravitational field. This gravitational field though would not have the effect on instruments described as it would be tiny (I would imagine immeasurable). Note: 'distort', to me at least, is bad semantics. It's better to say it represents a curvature of space-time.

In conclusion I actually have no idea what he is getting at here. Maybe you could explain it in more detail please? I am genuinely intrigued.

Read up on the manhatten project and Telsas work. Fascinating stuff and that small gravity field you described can be enhanced.

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