UFO's real or not?

UFO's are cool but human beings spontaneously combusting is better still
ElanJo said:
didactic said:
to the guy who mentioned astrology I think you will find it is very accurate and has been in use for 1000s of years. Not your daily newspaper type of commercially pumped out rubbish but actual star gazing.


that baby has got a really bad receding hair line.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2051796/Alien-filmed-Brazalian-rainforest-Is-creature-pictured-Amazon-outer-space.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... space.html</a>

Heres one for you guys.
Thaksinssoldier said:
First off its Commander IN Chief.

Secondly Presidents do not micro manage Aerospace development.There are hundreds or thousands of black ops projects the Presidents never know of.Presidents like Kennedy and Clinton were not seen as friendly to the armed forces and would have been totally in the dark about an awful lot of what they actually did.

I was a big believer in UFOs/Aliens and have researched the hell out of them.

I've concluded the two are not related in the slightest.

I firmly believe UFO's are out there but are classified military aircraft.There is precedence for this with the B2 Stealth bomber.My biggest point on this is the amount of close encounters that have seen cars die or watches.Reeks of electro magnetism,and I highly doubt Aliens have any care to stop a car or watch.Its military technology.
As for aliens,I dont believe they are from space at all.Hyperdimensional entities that exist outside of time.Try taking DMT sometime.It messes with your perception of time.Then you start interacting with Aliens.Everyone has the same experience on DMT.It doesnt send you into outer space.DMT is naturally produced in the brain in small doses...its my belief this is what causes the abduction experience.

I notice you did not answer of my questions. Ok I will debate on your logic. If they are all "secret technology" what about the UFOs in ancient texts, paintings and drawings. What about the ones from before there was the technology.

The stopping of watches and cars is easily explainable look into the Manhatten project and time travel experiments. This is requires magnetism which causes distortion in gravity and space/time. Einstein wrote about this and did experiments on this as did Tesla and the result in many cases was a large electrical charge hat affected all equipment around it.

Thanks for the correction regarding Commander AND Chief, I dont see how me using IN makes any of my points less valid.
denislawsbackheel said:
You believe astrology is accurate.

Nothing you can ever post again is worth reading.

I believe there are many things about the life experience that we cannot explain through science or technology. The calender we use on daily basis was created thousands of years ago USING ASTROLOGY. Yet you never question its accuracy. Understand what astrology is to begin with not what it has become.

Also I never asked you to read any of what I write to begin with.
didactic said:
denislawsbackheel said:
You believe astrology is accurate.

Nothing you can ever post again is worth reading.

I believe there are many things about the life experience that we cannot explain through science or technology. The calender we use on daily basis was created thousands of years ago USING ASTROLOGY. Yet you never question its accuracy. Understand what astrology is to begin with not what it has become.

Also I never asked you to read any of what I write to begin with.

You're merely describing astronomy. Why? because at one time they were the same thing. What went on to be called astronomy was the scientific part (ie. the sun in this position seems to cause a certain amount of heat - ie. the seasons) and the rest - the mystical horoscope type bullshit - went on to become astrology.

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