UFO's real or not?

Maybe this could explain it all...
And this...
I don't know the details about all this, all I do know is humans look nothing like monkeys..... The missing link has never been found, and if man did develop out of necessity/evolution, why are the monkeys still alive and still here? For me it's never been explained how primitive man built stone henge and countless other superstructures as for the NASCAR lines ( or whatever they're called)!!!!!! There were civilisations WAY before Jesus Christ who knew an awful lot about space long before telescopes, knowledge of orbits, knowledge that the earth was round even. The idea that gods, angels, visions, messengers were in fact spaceman seems more likely than the various religious yarns we have been spun. The book that eluded to some of this was conveniently left put of the bible. I'd love to know more, I find it all fascinating.
brass neck said:
I don't know the details about all this, all I do know is humans look nothing like monkeys..... The missing link has never been found, and if man did develop out of necessity/evolution, why are the monkeys still alive and still here?

Your post is a bit confused. Humans didn't evolve from apes, that's why we don't look alike (although having been to Barrow, I think that's arguable). The missing link you mention is the descendant from which both familes evolved, but we are on very different branches of the evolutionary tree.
brass neck said:
I don't know the details about all this, all I do know is humans look nothing like monkeys..... The missing link has never been found, and if man did develop out of necessity/evolution, why are the monkeys still alive and still here? For me it's never been explained how primitive man built stone henge and countless other superstructures as for the NASCAR lines ( or whatever they're called)!!!!!! There were civilisations WAY before Jesus Christ who knew an awful lot about space long before telescopes, knowledge of orbits, knowledge that the earth was round even. The idea that gods, angels, visions, messengers were in fact spaceman seems more likely than the various religious yarns we have been spun. The book that eluded to some of this was conveniently left put of the bible. I'd love to know more, I find it all fascinating.

A few things...

-There's a difference between monkeys and apes. A simple way of viewing is that monkeys are small and have tails.
-We didn't evolve out of monkeys, tho we are related, albeit more distantly than the apes. We're all primates.
-Technically, humans are apes.
-As Cheesy says, us and the other apes, Chimps being our closest relatives, evolved out of a common ancestor. We are cousins to them rather than them being our parent species.
-Even if they had have been our parent species it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for them to still be around. Species, and groups within that species, find niches within the environment. If, for example, Chimp group A was in location X and Chimp group B was in location Y, a change of circumstances/environment in location Y could lead Chimp group B to evolve into humans. Chimp group A would still survive and could remain largely unchanged to the present day.

As for ancient civilisations understanding of orbits etc. Sure, Aristarchus was the first known person to put the sun at the centre of the solar system. You're not giving ancient people enough credit. Telescopes weren't needed. infact telescopes were only invented, as far as we know, in the 17th century. All that was needed was a pair of eyes and a curious mind. People like Aristarchus examined the sky constantly, noting the movements of the planets every night etc.
Listen I know very little about all this and I'm prepared to be educated but from some of the stuff Ive watched there seems to be some anomaly's in the Darwinism theory with the bottom line being the missing link. What of this mitichondrial DNA research that says our genetic line is only about 200 thousand years old...has that been blown out of the water? The common believe is it not is that if a creature was standing then it was a pre cursor to human but they all look more like primates than human all the way from Australopithecus through to Homo habilis to Homo erectus to Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon are more like primates than they are human. Apparently all you need to be qualified as pre human is upstanding, but they to many people are just upstanding primates. What happened to make the change from standing, hairy, monkey faced, small brained creature to human apparently over night in Anthropological terms.
brass neck said:
Listen I know very little about all this and I'm prepared to be educated but from some of the stuff Ive watched there seems to be some anomaly's in the Darwinism theory with the bottom line being the missing link. What of this mitichondrial DNA research that says our genetic line is only about 200 thousand years old...has that been blown out of the water? The common believe is it not is that if a creature was standing then it was a pre cursor to human but they all look more like primates than human all the way from Australopithecus through to Homo habilis to Homo erectus to Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon are more like primates than they are human. Apparently all you need to be qualified as pre human is upstanding, but they to many people are just upstanding primates. What happened to make the change from standing, hairy, monkey faced, small brained creature to human apparently over night in Anthropological terms.

There are quite a few theories about our evolution

One is that homo sapien sapien or modern humans first appear in Africa about 200 thousand years ago. That is we become a separate species from one of the Homo species living in africa. Can't remember which, might of been homo heidelbergensis. .

No that is not the common believe. Homo sapiens shared this planet for a quite a long time with some of the other Homo species. Neanderthals were not like primates, they were like us just shorter and with more muscles with a larynx that did not allow them to talk like we do. It's believed we share the same ancestor with them, the homo heidelbergensis. Neanderthals were a separate species and occupied much of Europe while we were evolving in Africa. Last Neanderthal to die out was about 10-30 thousand years ago.

The way an ancestor is determined is by carbon dating and other techniques to determine when that fossil was alive. They also compare bone structures of the jaws, the larynx cavity, the skull and so on.

Our evolutionary path is well traces. The missing links are sub species, that is the gradual change between one specie onto another. We find fossils of such sub species but they are not a lot.
brass neck said:
Listen I know very little about all this and I'm prepared to be educated but from some of the stuff Ive watched there seems to be some anomaly's in the Darwinism theory with the bottom line being the missing link. What of this mitichondrial DNA research that says our genetic line is only about 200 thousand years old...has that been blown out of the water? The common believe is it not is that if a creature was standing then it was a pre cursor to human but they all look more like primates than human all the way from Australopithecus through to Homo habilis to Homo erectus to Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon are more like primates than they are human. Apparently all you need to be qualified as pre human is upstanding, but they to many people are just upstanding primates. What happened to make the change from standing, hairy, monkey faced, small brained creature to human apparently over night in Anthropological terms.

"The missing link" is pretty much a media invention. There are millions of missing links, we could find a fossil every 2 minutes and we'd still have countless missing links. With that said, missing information does not equal an anomaly.

I don't see what the problem is supposed to be with modern humans being around 200 thousand years old.
There's more to it than being bipedal.

CroMagnon is more human than "primate" (humans are primates), infact Cro Magnon is a term not used anymore because it's so difficult to distinguish them from humans. They're considered early modern humans.

We interbred with Neanderthals. It's entirely possible that someone on Bluemoon has a small percentage of Neanderthal genes. Evidence suggests that Humans and Neanderthals had a common ancestor about 600-800 thousand years ago. Rhodesiensis is the nearest known common ancestor.

This "Missing Link" you talk about wouldn't be from 200,000 years ago btw. It'd be much, much older than that (nearer 10 million). We didn't go from "monkey faced" to human 200,000 years ago.

There are no quick easy answers. It takes a long time to get to grips with evolution and it can get quite confusing when delving into taxonomy, especially with all the latin names. I know quite a bit but I'm in no place to educate anyone. All I'd suggest is to look at the actual science and listen to what the actual scientists are saying first before listening to what Annunaki/Nibiru advocates and religious people say about it. First of all tho learn the fundamentals. Someone who understands evolution wouldn't ask 'why are apes still around if we evolved?' ;)
I live directly across Dobbins Air force base in a suburb north of Atlanta, GA. Spotted crafts on two ocassions that blew my mind. The change in movement and speed just defied any kind of physics known on earth. Never made mention of it the first time, second time though there were 6 other people who saw it as well. Unless the US Air force are developing some super crafts there's no way those things I saw were human made
They travel all the way here and don't land or get caught unless it's buy the FBI or whatever. The brain plays tricks on people so it's a no from me x

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