UFO's real or not?

BulgarianPride said:
Alpha Kenny Wun said:
Still wonder why in all the recent history of humanity, no one has come forward with actual proof of aliens. No real video footage unless it's been during recent years of easily obtained software.

Also, if they have been here then I'm glad there's a cover up as people either panicking or becoming vigilantes and tooling up doesn't really excite me x

Maybe because these days it is much easier to obtain a camera or a device with a camera? It is also much easier to share the videos.

There is proof of aliens, not because they don't exist but because we have not obtained it. Chances of aliens visiting earth are very very slim, but i am 100% aliens exist. I am willing to bet the minority of the UFO's that remain identified after an investigation is new military technology.
So if you don't reckon they visit here but they exist, what is the whole point of your discussion?

I don't get the whole thing of how, if they exist, they will be far more intelligent than us. There's forms of life on Mars but nothing a bit of weed killer won't sort out :)
Alpha Kenny Wun said:
BulgarianPride said:
Alpha Kenny Wun said:
Still wonder why in all the recent history of humanity, no one has come forward with actual proof of aliens. No real video footage unless it's been during recent years of easily obtained software.

Also, if they have been here then I'm glad there's a cover up as people either panicking or becoming vigilantes and tooling up doesn't really excite me x

Maybe because these days it is much easier to obtain a camera or a device with a camera? It is also much easier to share the videos.

There is proof of aliens, not because they don't exist but because we have not obtained it. Chances of aliens visiting earth are very very slim, but i am 100% aliens exist. I am willing to bet the minority of the UFO's that remain identified after an investigation is new military technology.
So if you don't reckon they visit here but they exist, what is the whole point of your discussion?

I don't get the whole thing of how, if they exist, they will be far more intelligent than us. There's forms of life on Mars but nothing a bit of weed killer won't sort out :)

UFO's does not equal aliens now does it?

We are a very young species and all of our advanced technology break throughs has occurred in the last 200 years. An alien civilization that is twice as old as we are could be a lot more intelligent. Imagine an alien civilization that made their first space flight 200 thousand years ago. Where would they be now technology wise? Not every alien species/civilization will be intelligent but a lot will be. It is simply the nature of the vast universe.

Something did crash in Roswell, and it wasn't a weather balloon.
Alpha Kenny Wun said:
BulgarianPride said:
Alpha Kenny Wun said:
Still wonder why in all the recent history of humanity, no one has come forward with actual proof of aliens. No real video footage unless it's been during recent years of easily obtained software.

Also, if they have been here then I'm glad there's a cover up as people either panicking or becoming vigilantes and tooling up doesn't really excite me x

Maybe because these days it is much easier to obtain a camera or a device with a camera? It is also much easier to share the videos.

There is proof of aliens, not because they don't exist but because we have not obtained it. Chances of aliens visiting earth are very very slim, but i am 100% aliens exist. I am willing to bet the minority of the UFO's that remain identified after an investigation is new military technology.
So if you don't reckon they visit here but they exist, what is the whole point of your discussion?

I don't get the whole thing of how, if they exist, they will be far more intelligent than us. There's forms of life on Mars but nothing a bit of weed killer won't sort out :)

I think, generally, the VAST majority of aliens will be of inferior intelligence to us. Mostly bacterium that are 'nothing a bit of weed killer won't sort out' as you say.

If there is an alien capable of spanning the Universe to come visit us though, it's safe to assume they'd be more intelligent than us. As we are relatively young (just a few hundred million years old), the fact the Universe is 14 billion years old would indicate there's bound to be some life forms that are smarter than us. It just seems probable.

I don't think they've visited us though to be honest, I don't see why they would. As an example, scientists study ants nests (an inferior species) and this is often used as reasoning for why aliens would come here. Just think though, how many ants nests are out there? How many of those are studied by scientists? A very small sample to say the least.

We're but an ants nest of no consequence to a far superior civilisation. Yes we might be studied, but even that seems unlikely.
BulgarianPride said:
Alpha Kenny Wun said:
BulgarianPride said:
Maybe because these days it is much easier to obtain a camera or a device with a camera? It is also much easier to share the videos.

There is proof of aliens, not because they don't exist but because we have not obtained it. Chances of aliens visiting earth are very very slim, but i am 100% aliens exist. I am willing to bet the minority of the UFO's that remain identified after an investigation is new military technology.
So if you don't reckon they visit here but they exist, what is the whole point of your discussion?

I don't get the whole thing of how, if they exist, they will be far more intelligent than us. There's forms of life on Mars but nothing a bit of weed killer won't sort out :)

UFO's does not equal aliens now does it?

We are a very young species and all of our advanced technology break throughs has occurred in the last 200 years. An alien civilization that is twice as old as we are could be a lot more intelligent. Imagine an alien civilization that made their first space flight 200 thousand years ago. Where would they be now technology wise? Not every alien species/civilization will be intelligent but a lot will be. It is simply the nature of the vast universe.

Something did crash in Roswell, and it wasn't a weather balloon.

there could be civilizations that are millions of
years older than us. there will be other beings travelling
through worm holes from galaxy to galaxy, it's just a case of
finding us, or maybe they already have? there is a lot of evidence
of ancient and modern aliens visiting earth and the U.S
government is definitely hiding something. but we can't know for

i personally saw massive orange lights in the sky performing maneuvers
that no craft of ours that i know could of performed, there was me and
me mate, plus two other blokes outside our cricket club party one
night who saw it and none of us could work out what it could
SkyBlueFlux said:
Alpha Kenny Wun said:
BulgarianPride said:
Maybe because these days it is much easier to obtain a camera or a device with a camera? It is also much easier to share the videos.

There is proof of aliens, not because they don't exist but because we have not obtained it. Chances of aliens visiting earth are very very slim, but i am 100% aliens exist. I am willing to bet the minority of the UFO's that remain identified after an investigation is new military technology.
So if you don't reckon they visit here but they exist, what is the whole point of your discussion?

I don't get the whole thing of how, if they exist, they will be far more intelligent than us. There's forms of life on Mars but nothing a bit of weed killer won't sort out :)

I think, generally, the VAST majority of aliens will be of inferior intelligence to us. Mostly bacterium that are 'nothing a bit of weed killer won't sort out' as you say.

If there is an alien capable of spanning the Universe to come visit us though, it's safe to assume they'd be more intelligent than us. As we are relatively young (just a few hundred million years old), the fact the Universe is 14 billion years old would indicate there's bound to be some life forms that are smarter than us. It just seems probable.

I don't think they've visited us though to be honest, I don't see why they would. As an example, scientists study ants nests (an inferior species) and this is often used as reasoning for why aliens would come here. Just think though, how many ants nests are out there? How many of those are studied by scientists? A very small sample to say the least.

We're but an ants nest of no consequence to a far superior civilisation. Yes we might be studied, but even that seems unlikely.

Very well put. But think about this. Humans try to protect endangered species, we even go as far so to reintroducing them back into their natural environment and sometime create artificial environments.Could a very advanced civilization be doing exactly this? Trying to preserve and spread life across the universe. I know, a bit far fetched but we can draw many parallels that suite both cases from just observing our own behavior. Can't know for sure until we meet an alien.
BulgarianPride said:
Alpha Kenny Wun said:
BulgarianPride said:
Maybe because these days it is much easier to obtain a camera or a device with a camera? It is also much easier to share the videos.

There is proof of aliens, not because they don't exist but because we have not obtained it. Chances of aliens visiting earth are very very slim, but i am 100% aliens exist. I am willing to bet the minority of the UFO's that remain identified after an investigation is new military technology.
So if you don't reckon they visit here but they exist, what is the whole point of your discussion?

I don't get the whole thing of how, if they exist, they will be far more intelligent than us. There's forms of life on Mars but nothing a bit of weed killer won't sort out :)

UFO's does not equal aliens now does it?

We are a very young species and all of our advanced technology break throughs has occurred in the last 200 years. An alien civilization that is twice as old as we are could be a lot more intelligent. Imagine an alien civilization that made their first space flight 200 thousand years ago. Where would they be now technology wise? Not every alien species/civilization will be intelligent but a lot will be. It is simply the nature of the vast universe.

Something did crash in Roswell, and it wasn't a weather balloon.
There's too many contradictions in your discussion. One minute there is aliens, the next, there is not.

So the breakthroughs in technology over the last 200 years are not due to the evolution of mankind and are due to the lazy aliens (or not) that have only just decided to pop in when they've been around much longer than us? I think you've got a downer on how wonderful us humans can be ;)

I know a lad who says UFO's are time machines controlled by our future selves. His argument is that they mostly look like hairless, genitalless versions of us which we will eventually evolve into x
Alpha Kenny Wun said:
BulgarianPride said:
Alpha Kenny Wun said:
So if you don't reckon they visit here but they exist, what is the whole point of your discussion?

I don't get the whole thing of how, if they exist, they will be far more intelligent than us. There's forms of life on Mars but nothing a bit of weed killer won't sort out :)

UFO's does not equal aliens now does it?

We are a very young species and all of our advanced technology break throughs has occurred in the last 200 years. An alien civilization that is twice as old as we are could be a lot more intelligent. Imagine an alien civilization that made their first space flight 200 thousand years ago. Where would they be now technology wise? Not every alien species/civilization will be intelligent but a lot will be. It is simply the nature of the vast universe.

Something did crash in Roswell, and it wasn't a weather balloon.
There's too many contradictions in your discussion. One minute there is aliens, the next, there is not.

So the breakthroughs in technology over the last 200 years are not due to the evolution of mankind and are due to the lazy aliens (or not) that have only just decided to pop in when they've been around much longer than us? I think you've got a downer on how wonderful us humans can be ;)

I know a lad who says UFO's are time machines controlled by our future selves. His argument is that they mostly look like hairless, genitalless versions of us which we will eventually evolve into x

I have never said that ! My point is the rate of technology advances is exponential and an earlier start would most likely guarantee they are more advanced that we are. This is based by our own technological advancement.

Does you friend watch southpark?

I don't see any contradictions. Aliens exist! Has one visited earth? Most likely not.
I expect we will discover life is more plentiful in the universe than we currently imagine, even now we are finding evidence to suggest life has tried to take hold on our immediate neighbours, have aliens visited planet earth? Can't say for sure, I am very doubtful, but the video at the start of this thread has some interesting images.
Cheesy said:
SeanJason said:
Cheesy said:
Makes cracking business sense for them to do so.

How did it make business sense? No one from that town benefited from any publicity this event brought. The landowner was stripped of that portion of his land..if anything he lost profits. The people of Roswell hated the publicity.

Yep, the locals must really hate the 200,000 visitors they get each year to the International UFO Museum and Research Centre. The Annual UFO Festival and all the cash that brings in must be a real bind for them too.

You still don't get the point. That center wasn't even in existence for another 44 years after the incident. And what do you make of the crash at Aurora, Texas in 1897? Six years before man made aircrafts took the skies.

-- Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:35 pm --

I'm not sure if anyone here has heard of the Dogon tribe of Mali in West Africa. They have oral traditions which explain their origins from a star close to Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky).

Their stories claim that the smaller star was extremely heavy and had a 50 year orbit around Sirius. These claims were taught to the tribes people for thousands of years and modern scientists dismissed them until 1862 when Sirius B was discovered by telescope! A binary star of sirius..it is extremely dense.so it is smaller but much heavier than earth. In the 1930s two French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen recorded and documented these stories from four Dogon priests. It wasn't until the early 1970s that a picture of sirius B was even able to be produced. So how did these people know about it? Who was the source for their folk tales of existence? They claim the basic elements for human life where found on this star. They even had diagrams charting our solar system.including saturn with the rings..how did they see that thousands of years ago? Interesting shit

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