UK far right trouble July/August 24

Never heard that fact about Africa before, so basically there’s 1.4 billion people in the continent made up of 54 countries, so your looking at 750m more people over 25 yrs which equates to 30m per year, in comparison how will the continent of Europe fair, using the same graphics?
The figures I used are from The World Bank’s open data project and I didn’t go through every country, it’s an estimate based on the 15 most populous nations. Not perfect and probably on the conservative side. The International Monetary Fund are predicting an African population of just under 2.5 billion by 2050.

Figures for Europe are a bit trickier, depending on how they include or exclude Russia and Turkey but the IMF, World Bank and UN predict a fall of between 5 and 8% depending on how you cut it.
Middlesbrough looks like a major shithole. Surprised businesses are even open there
Never heard that fact about Africa before, so basically there’s 1.4 billion people in the continent made up of 54 countries, so your looking at 750m more people over 25 yrs which equates to 30m per year, in comparison how will the continent of Europe fair, using the same graphics?
Africa is the last continent which will see a population boom in the next few decades.

If they use this increase in working age people, along with the natural resources available, it can help to achieve a big improvement in development and wealth.

Russia and China understand this and are working to align themselves with many African nations, mutual benefits in mind.

Meanwhile we have a bunch of fat tattooed coke-addled louts pining for a mythic better past, attacking our police and looting our fellow citizens shops. Waving upside down Union Flags with their grey jogging bottoms falling down to reveal their fake Clavin Klein undies, as the wider world looks on and laughs.
It's the worst footage I've seen so far out of all these riots, pure evil and dangerous. Armed response should have turned up to that.

Saw blokes stopping cars in Middlesbrough and shouting is ‘he/she white?’ If they were they were allowed to drive on. Truly fucking dispicable. I prey those scum bags are giving serious time in jail.
Police treading a very fine line - there is nothing the brave patriots fighting to get their country back would like more than to fill social media with clips of them 'suffering' brutality at the hands of '2 tier policing'. This movement (I think it is distinct from previous incarnations of the far right) like maga draws heavily on claiming victimhood and persecution.
See also Yaxley Lennon moaning about persecution from his hotel pool

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