UK far right trouble July/August 24

and don't overlook he said "assault" - could have been sexual assault but fuck me having been involved with recruitment and retention of staff with a people facing role that word means you are a no - no - the risk is too high
Would you even have the right to ask unless it's something that would come up in an enhanced CRB check? I'm all for criminals being given the right to move on, but as far as I knew, they do have that in the UK. Which makes me think that this bloke has applied for about 4 jobs in the 3 years he's been out, not got them, and just accepted the 'reality' that he can't get a job because of immigrants. I can't imagine what jobs they're handing out work visas for that this bloke is also qualified for though. I'm pretty sure he's not a neurosurgeon.
It's not a few individual cases - there are around 25 thousand ultra high net worth individuals in UK (UHNW = people with at least £30M in liquid assets) who are jumping through loop holes like Rishi so there's at least 600 odd billion pounds (much, much more let's be honest) that should be getting taxed properly and most likely isn't. And that's not including very high net worth (£5M+) peeps and high net worth peeps (£1-5M).
You are advocating a wealth tax, I assume. Trouble is on the first day of a Commons debate, that liquid wealth will be offshore.
The problem can only be solved by a re casting of our tax regime. Have a look at Denmark which does not tax production as we do, but taxes consumption.
Their tax burden is much higher than ours, yet their finances are well in order.
It’s outrageous seeing wankers pushing the police lines back in Middlesbrough and them breaking into hotels when the police are stood there. Starmer needs to get a grip of this quickly. People are going to be killed if this carries on.
Sadly it’s got so bad already that somebody getting killed almost seems inevitable.The way these cowards act it’s a matter of time before an innocent person just happens to be walking alone and gets fatally injured. Obviously it’s reached a point where loads of asians are now looking for revenge too.

What a thoroughly depressing start to a week.
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You are advocating a wealth tax, I assume. Trouble is on the first day of a Commons debate, that liquid wealth will be offshore.
The problem can only be solved by a re casting of our tax regime. Have a look at Denmark which does not tax production as we do, but taxes consumption.
Their tax burden is much higher than ours, yet their finances are well in order.
Target where the wealth is tied up in property and land in this country. They can’t fuck off with the property to Dubai or wherever. Will never happen obviously but it’s the only way to sort out the ever widening inequality gap and slow down the house prices.

As i said to you yesterday where do you think the £300b from covid went? The money that was printed can’t just disappear. House prices, stocks and gold have all gone up. When the vast majority of people’s situation have got worse since covid.
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