UK far right trouble July/August 24

Who said anything about being at a rally.... I agree with you by the way.

The question is.... If anyone feels this government and all the previous governments in the last decade are not dealing with the people who are landing on our coast in the large numbers as they are, what platform do you have to make your feelings clear? I feel that anytime there is an utterance of complaint about this you are branded a Right Wing Fascist - I would genuinely like to know how we can have a proper conversation about this.

By the way I utterly deplore the actions that have been taking place and are currently taking place across the UK - just to be clear and @freshie no one can argue with what you say.

For my two penneth worth I feel the best way the Government can deal with this would be by coming out and telling us a) what they are going to do about the people who are landing on our beaches daily and b) what their plans are for dealing with the people who are already here awaiting their asylum application to be processed. So far their silence has been deafening other than to say they are going to set up a special border task force. Isn't that just a rehash of what the Tories haven't done over the last decade or so? We really do need positive action and leadership if we are to silence these mindless thugs and lunatics.

Do you honestly think that's the best thing the government could do right now?

What do you think would happen if the boats miraculously stopped overnight? Do you think these people would suddenly stop being racist thugs? What noticeable change would these people see in their lives?

The best thing the government could do is stop trying to kowtow to this discourse and accept they will never placate these people. They need to deal with the incitement we've seen in the media from politicians, media ownership and influencers/general gobshites.

Alongside that they need to deal with the levels of deprivation in society which create conditions whereby this kind of behaviour becomes more prevalent.
Who said anything about being at a rally.... I agree with you by the way.

The question is.... If anyone feels this government and all the previous governments in the last decade are not dealing with the people who are landing on our coast in the large numbers as they are, what platform do you have to make your feelings clear? I feel that anytime there is an utterance of complaint about this you are branded a Right Wing Fascist - I would genuinely like to know how we can have a proper conversation about this.

By the way I utterly deplore the actions that have been taking place and are currently taking place across the UK - just to be clear and @freshie no one can argue with what you say.

For my two penneth worth I feel the best way the Government can deal with this would be by coming out and telling us a) what they are going to do about the people who are landing on our beaches daily and b) what their plans are for dealing with the people who are already here awaiting their asylum application to be processed. So far their silence has been deafening other than to say they are going to set up a special border task force. Isn't that just a rehash of what the Tories haven't done over the last decade or so? We really do need positive action and leadership if we are to silence these mindless thugs and lunatics.
I honestly don't get why migration is an issue...

Austerity has been worse for the people of this country than anything else the past decade and that was and still is a political choice
I honestly don't get why migration is an issue...

Austerity has been worse for the people of this country than anything else the past decade and that was and still is a political choice
These nutcases are brainwashed into thinking migrants get everything they want when they arrive on these shores, new home, free health care etc etc. I believe most of them are camped up in centres around the country.
They need educating on immigration firstly, too many bandwagon jumpers in this country now
You are advocating a wealth tax, I assume. Trouble is on the first day of a Commons debate, that liquid wealth will be offshore.
The problem can only be solved by a re casting of our tax regime. Have a look at Denmark which does not tax production as we do, but taxes consumption.
Their tax burden is much higher than ours, yet their finances are well in order.
I've not advocated or stated a POV on anything here KS - just illustrating (with back of fag packet maths admittedly) there's not just a few wealthy elites and the amount they have. For full disclosure tho my political and economic views do align closer to Nordic countries than here but that's for another thread.
What I do find cringy is when I hear the left protestors shouting ' nazi scum off our streets'. I think there's a slight difference in that I'm sure these mindless thugs that are rioting haven't killed millions of Jews. I think I'd leave that one out next time
Sorry but we need to pack this in. Racists, Nazis and violent bigoted bullies are not an equivalent counter point to immigrants and asylum seekers. Trying to legitimise this behaviour as though it comes from a well meaning place isn't ok.

And this one of the main reasons things are where they are.

The apologists and excusers for this behaviour, where it aligns with their own political beliefs or unmanifested inherent prejudice.

Parts of society were happy to turn a blind eye to Brexit hatred, faragist speeches, billboards, go home notes, and argue it wasn't biggotry but legitimate concenrs and their right to have a political view on important matters. Next year will be a decade since that campaign (officially) started. A decade ffs. Some of the youths rioting, that will be all they have ever known!

'Let's have a grown up discussion about immigration', meaning let me say what I want under a pretense of politeness and you can't call it racist. And we Still see it now ffs, 'illegal' being the new shield word for closet racists to hide behind and pretend reason, while overtly bracketing all non-brits and implying and emboldening wider resentment for more to gravitate to.

Till we are bold enough to call this out, and it begins to actually stick, this will continue to grow. Including the politicians who have happily milked it to get the resentment votes.

Edit. Where this ends up happening, I should clarify. I'm sure some do Start with genuine unbiased intentions, but usually unravels or is hijacked by the more extreme view holders, using 'illegal' as the gateway drug towards, well ultimate lynch mobs we see on the streets now.
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And this one of the main reasons things are where they are.

The apologists and excusers for this behaviour, where it aligns with their own political beliefs or unmanifested inherent prejudice.

Parts of society were happy to turn a blind eye to Brexit hatred, faragist speeches, billboards, go home notes, and argue it wasn't biggotry but legitimate concenrs and their right to have a political view on important matters. Next year will be a decade since that campaign (officially) started. A decade ffs. Some of the youths rioting, that will be all they have ever know!

'Let's have a grown up discussion about immigration', meaning let me say what I want under a pretense of politeness and you can't call it racist. And we Still see it now ffs, 'illegal' being the new shield word for closet racists to hide behind and pretend reason, while overtly bracketing all non-brits and implying and emboldening wider resentment for more to gravitate to.

Till we are bold enough to call this out, and it begins to actually stick, this will continue to grow. Including the politicians who have happily milked it to get the resentment votes.

Love how these type of dickheads respond to the “illegality” by breaking every public order law going.

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