UK far right trouble July/August 24

Social media and the 24/7 news cycle has made us able to dehumanise people we see on a screen. Whether it be immigrants or the rioters, these are other human beings with lives, families and worries like us all. The majority of these people you could probably have a chat and a laugh with, a reasoned discussion and maybe learn something from each other. Back in the day we probably would.
The amount of different personalities in the workplace and we still manage to leave at the end of the day without having fought with anybody or called them names, 2 minutes on twitter though and people go mental.
Absolute nonsense. We're just seeing some sections of society for what they truly are - abhorrent, racist bigots
What I do find cringy is when I hear the left protestors shouting ' nazi scum off our streets'. I think there's a slight difference in that I'm sure these mindless thugs that are rioting haven't killed millions of Jews. I think I'd leave that one out next time
You think that is all be German Nazi party did? or the other nazi groups since? nazi is a term for a belief beyond one act of barbarism

and plainly there were nazis in the gangs and plenty of evidence shared online to support it
I am successful immigrant in the United Kingdom, and had to undergo several months of preparation, documentation, and proof to be allowed to live and study in the UK in 2012. I wasn’t allowed a full bank account, access to NHS ( had to have a private medical insurance ) or a NINO until I had employment. I required a yellow card, with proof of sustained financial backing to not rely on the system when I was here. I am European by the way.

I happily complied. Done everything right, and assimilated the culture, the law and the people.

In 2014 they scraped the whole lot of regulations I had to comply by. I know because I had family members who waltzed into banks and opened bank accounts like popping candy.

What happened with the immigration laws, is a travesty. But reacting like monkeys during mating season is simply not acceptable.

I have been paying tax, and sustained the economy and pensions since day 1, because I wanted to be here. My desire to be part of this society meant I had to learn everything and respect it. I believe the vast majority of people that choose the UK are like myself. I respect and love your country, for better or worse, with all its shades, inclusion, nations and skin colours. So where is the hate coming from? What are these people expecting to affect? Or change?

Why even after the obnoxiously racist Brexit campaign has Britain not had an Australian style immigration policy at the border? Why are these people not asking THIS question in particular to their MP’s, if the bloody boats are the problem? It’s nigh on 8 years since the vote.

These clowns are rioting now against Islam and the channel crossing?


A decade after the laws that were already in place for a stable migration system, were butchered, after years and years of gaslighting and irregular and sometimes pathetic governance, these lot blame the Muslims for the shit state of their own country? The 5% is a problem?

Lads, you voted for this. Why the long face now!?
Social media and the 24/7 news cycle has made us able to dehumanise people we see on a screen. Whether it be immigrants or the rioters, these are other human beings with lives, families and worries like us all. The majority of these people you could probably have a chat and a laugh with, a reasoned discussion and maybe learn something from each other. Back in the day we probably would.
The amount of different personalities in the workplace and we still manage to leave at the end of the day without having fought with anybody or called them names, 2 minutes on twitter though and people go mental.

Sorry, but it isnt social media that has dehumanised the rioters, it's themselves.
I'm seriously considering deleting it myself, for the first time. I rarely post on there now, and am just getting fed so much toxic stuff on the "For you" tab. If it's not tedious culture war bollocks, then it's videos of people fighting/getting battered, girls advertising their OnlyFans, or ads for cheap shit goods from China. Musk really has destroyed the platform, which was probably his intention when he bought it.

Don't use the 'for you' tab. At all. Ever.

The rest of it can still be okay if you're selective about who you follow, but it is getting worse.
What I do find cringy is when I hear the left protestors shouting ' nazi scum off our streets'. I think there's a slight difference in that I'm sure these mindless thugs that are rioting haven't killed millions of Jews. I think I'd leave that one out next time
To be fair to the nazi’s, they didn’t kill millions of Jews at the start. Burned their shops and books first, then stopped them being in the armed forces, then stopped them being doctors, then stopped them having any jobs. Genuine Concentration camps then followed.
Genuine question now:
If you asked the people stirring this up and, many of the people being stirred, if they thought it was a good idea to do the above steps to Muslims, ‘illegals’ and, in some some cases, all non-whites, what do you think they would say?
What I do find cringy is when I hear the left protestors shouting ' nazi scum off our streets'. I think there's a slight difference in that I'm sure these mindless thugs that are rioting haven't killed millions of Jews. I think I'd leave that one out next time
I think it's more about the idealogy of wanting a white master race, unfortunately I know a few of these types and several think Hitler had the right idea and have become pretty vocal, I'm utterly ashamed that these people are English

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