UK far right trouble July/August 24

That doesn't mean some of the people turning up to protests aren't concerned parents it's just don't you agree with them/or are attaching the behaviour of the thugs and the far right to them. Take the protests in Liverpool for example, scan the crowd, listen to the views they aren't all far right but we are losing them to far right voices because we just keep calling them racist.

Also, half the knob heads out for ruck aren't far right either. I've met real far right people and they are much more sinister than this.

This is exactly what makes it grow.

Call it racist. Call it biggoted, fascist etc.

Because that is what it is. Don't broaden it.

Won't stop it, will make some even more determined. But it will be whittled down to the true hardcore, the real far right that give no shit either way and know it will either be universally condemned, or limited in number and hardly worth it.

But bracket in that 'concerned parents', 'the generally aggrieved' and all other disguised justification and you add volume to it, where people in the margins gravitate to it. Or at least where the real nutters know they can be seen representing such groups where the apologists will excuse it.

You are widening the margins. Narrow them down. The people in between with a choice of going extreme or staying away, when it comes to numbers you will lose some to the extreme. But many more will steer clear. But blur what is extreme and what is supposedly 'reasonable concerns', and the the extreme is far more easier to hide in that volume. And uses that!

Which is what has been happening the best part of a decade.
Elon sees it as his own reactionary right propaganda machine these days. I'm like you, I used to have it to follow academics and football and now every other post is a far right talking point. It's as clear as day.
And this is why extremist enabling megalomaniacs like Musk shouldn’t be allowed to buy out social media platforms
To be fair to the nazi’s, they didn’t kill millions of Jews at the start. Burned their shops and books first, then stopped them being in the armed forces, then stopped them being doctors, then stopped them having any jobs. Genuine Concentration camps then followed.
Genuine question now:
If you asked the people stirring this up and, many of the people being stirred, if they thought it was a good idea to do the above steps to Muslims, ‘illegals’ and, in some some cases, all non-whites, what do you think they would say?
I think a lot would agree to do the same, but we can't just generalise that all these idiots rioting are ' far right'. There were members obviously but also local yobs who just wanted a scrap and anarchists there to loot shops.
But the media just use the ' far right' label to all involved. Better off just using mindless thugs
What I do find cringy is when I hear the left protestors shouting ' nazi scum off our streets'. I think there's a slight difference in that I'm sure these mindless thugs that are rioting haven't killed millions of Jews. I think I'd leave that one out next time
Like these? Have a day off mate

What I do find cringy is when I hear the left protestors shouting ' nazi scum off our streets'. I think there's a slight difference in that I'm sure these mindless thugs that are rioting haven't killed millions of Jews. I think I'd leave that one out next time
What I find cringy is when morons try to defend the behaviour of the far right. So sad to see
The Jews don't happen to be the target this time around.
Muslims have been brought on as a sub.
But remember - the Nazis did not only persecute or kill Jews. It was pretty much anyone who wasn't them. They didn't say: 'Oh, we've killed enough Jews now. Time to be Liberal Democrats.'
The far left have that one covered these days.

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