UK far right trouble July/August 24

I’ll hold my hands up if I’m wrong, but there wasn’t many far left ‘Protesters’ smashing windows and kicking in the doors at Jewish neighbourhoods
While the marches protesting against the Israeli actions in Gaza have been largely peaceful, there's a significant anti-semitic element in them, which is quite disturbing if you're Jewish. There has also been a rise in antisemitic attacks in the UK, which is exactly the same mindset of the racists attacking Mosques and people of colour.

The Muslim community is now starting to find out how the Jewish community has lived over the last few years, with constant security around synagogues, schools and other communal buildings.
The Jews don't happen to be the target this time around.
Muslims have been brought on as a sub.
But remember - the Nazis did not only persecute or kill Jews. It was pretty much anyone who wasn't them. They didn't say: 'Oh, we've killed enough Jews now. Time to be Liberal Democrats.'
This is perhaps the saddest part of all this. Once the would be soldiers have done the bidding of the people orchestrating this, they’ll be denounced in the blink of an eye. They’ll go from England saving patriots to feral scum before they can say Tommy Robinson!
Jewish schools were forced to close early because of violent threats.

Political extremists of all kids are utter wankers and like I said above in this thread, I’d like to lock the far right and the far left in a warehouse and just let them wipe each other out.

I’m politically centrist, our idea of a violent protest is the bloke with a megaphone on Whitehall waving an EU flag ;)
Id never heard about the threats to the Jewish schools, thats tragic.

In my defence though I never saw any vids of them happily laughing along as they did that and shared it to social media with pride (cue you telling me there actually is ;) ).
Feels like we're beginning a Weimar-style slow march to hell.
A definite feeling of gloves off. That something has switched in the collective brain of a certain kind of person. Suddenly thousands of people bringing up previous grievances like the rape gangs. I guess these people will seize the moment run with the ball and hope that they can eventually erase people they don't like. They don't even have to have majority public support.
I'm certainly not defending them

Yes you are. You can say you’re not but that’s exactly what you’re doing. You are making arguments on their behalf because you don’t approve of the label people are giving them, what else would you call that?

If I came on here saying the Taliban aren’t all terrorists, some of them are just downtrodden victims of the military industrial complex, what would you call that? Defending them. Right.

Along with the 10 other people who have tried to make the exact same point in this thread over the weekend.

Once again we have somebody who can’t just say “look at this, isn’t it terrible.” No you can’t just do that can you?

It’s extremely worrying for me that there are so many like you who seemingly can’t just simply condemn horrific acts - it’s not hard to just do that. Instead they are triggered into protecting the reputations of the people burning down buildings with families inside and mobbing black people in the streets. You cringe when people call them Nazis? Really? That is fucking immensely concerning with regard to where your sympathies lie.
While the marches protesting against the Israeli actions in Gaza have been largely peaceful, there's a significant anti-semitic element in them, which is quite disturbing if you're Jewish. There has also been a rise in antisemitic attacks in the UK, which is exactly the same mindset of the racists attacking Mosques and people of colour.

The Muslim community is now starting to find out how the Jewish community has lived over the last few years, with constant security around synagogues, schools and other communal buildings.
You’re not wrong. I don’t deny that antisemitism is alive and kicking. I don’t doubt the majority of people at these ‘protests’ would be out on the streets if the protest
had antisemitic sentiments.

My comment was admittedly to challenge what I assumed was akin to political what-about-ery. In hindsight I see the irony.
Feels like we're beginning a Weimar-style slow march to hell.
A definite feeling of gloves off. That something has switched in the collective brain of a certain kind of person. Suddenly thousands of people bringing up previous grievances like the rape gangs. I guess these people will seize the moment run with the ball and hope that they can eventually erase people they don't like. They don't even have to have majority public support.
Possibly not, but they need at least to have a significant minority support which they do not. These people represent no more than 10% of the UK population and are not economically powerful so the notion that they are going to bring about huge societal changes is fanciful imo.

This will all have blown over in a week.
Lived, worked, studied, and had a son in this country. 12 years now, soon to be 13. Made a decision to leave due to the overall state of the housing market, support for pregnancy, state of education a couple of months ago.

My decision is looking better and better every day. Leaving day cannot come soon enough. I sincerely don’t recognise the country anymore. I’m stunned every day, I’m saddened every day, I’m disgusted every day. The f*ck has happened to this country?

where to?

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