UK far right trouble July/August 24

While the marches protesting against the Israeli actions in Gaza have been largely peaceful, there's a significant anti-semitic element in them, which is quite disturbing if you're Jewish. There has also been a rise in antisemitic attacks in the UK, which is exactly the same mindset of the racists attacking Mosques and people of colour.

The Muslim community is now starting to find out how the Jewish community has lived over the last few years, with constant security around synagogues, schools and other communal buildings.
Plenty of far-right people hate Jews too. They hate anyone who isn't them. I'm sure you must have seen the BS about Jews flooding Europe with people of colour to damage the white race. Many of these types see Jews as manipulating everything.

Albeit, some side with Israel as they see it as being anti-Muslim. At this moment, their hatred for Muslims trumps all else.
Yep, some obviously are nazi sympathisers, but the media are stupid to brand everybody on the marches ' far right'

I think you really need to have a long hard think about why your highest context right now seems to be wanting to deny that the participants in these acts of criminal violence are far right and why you're couching it in language like "marches". These are violent riots organised and cheered on by the far right. The participants in them are engaging in far right activity.

People are being beaten up based on the colour of their skin, buildings are being set on fire with people still inside them, vital local services under attack and businesses being looted. But you seem most worried about the perpetrators are being mischaracterised. Sadly it's this kind of denial and the insistence on describing people like this as concerned citizens that has emboldened them to behave in such away. No doubt you'll hate me saying this, but what you're doing is enabling.
No. They're Nazis. Anyone trying to defend them is a sympathiser.
I’m not sure that’s at all accurate. ‘Nazi’ connotes a pretty narrow grouping which (inter alia) held that Arians were genetically superior to all other races. I’m not sure many of these out in the streets would subscribe to that view. ‘Nazi’ is a pejorative term that has been deployed far too glibly when describing the far right.

I think the terms criminal, antisocial, simplistic, racist, easily-manipulated, indolent, selfish, inconsiderate, incoherent, feral, (in the main) sinfully stupid and very, very badly dressed paint a far more accurate picture.
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Yes you are. You can say you’re not but that’s exactly what you’re doing. You are making arguments on their behalf because you don’t approve of the label people are giving them, what else would you call that?

If I came on here saying the Taliban aren’t all terrorists, some of them are just downtrodden victims of the military industrial complex, what would you call that? Defending them. Right.

Along with the 10 other people who have tried to make the exact same point in this thread over the weekend.

Once again we have somebody who can’t just say “look at this, isn’t it terrible.” No you can’t just do that can you?

It’s extremely worrying for me that there are so many like you who seemingly can’t just simply condemn horrific acts - it’s not hard to just do that. Instead they are triggered into protecting the reputations of the people burning down buildings with families inside and mobbing black people in the streets. You cringe when people call them Nazis? Really? That is fucking immensely concerning with regard to where your sympathies lie.
I've called them mindless thugs
I think you really need to have a long hard think about why your highest context right now seems to be wanting to deny that the participants in these acts of criminal violence are far right and why you're couching it in language like "marches". These are violent riots organised and cheered on by the far right. The participants in them are engaging in far right activity.

People are being beaten up based on the colour of their skin, buildings are being set on fire with people still inside them, vital local services under attack and businesses being looted. But you seem most worried about the perpetrators are being mischaracterised. Sadly it's this kind of denial and the insistence on describing people like this as concerned citizens that has emboldened them to behave in such away. No doubt you'll hate me saying this, but what you're doing is enabling.
I've called them out as mindless thugs where violence is probably on their minds 24/7, they're found in every town, village and City in this country
Possibly not, but they need at least to have a significant minority support which they do not. These people represent no more than 10% of the UK population and are not economically powerful so the notion that they are going to bring about huge societal changes is fanciful imo.

This will all have blown over in a week.

I’m inclined to agree that this’ll blow over too (for now).

I also don’t believe that these people represent anywhere near 10% of the population.

1%, MAYBE?

I’d love to see some research on it, which will inevitably happen.

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