UK far right trouble July/August 24

I doubt it's even 1%.

If you watch the tv footage, there's not actually that many directly involved, the vast majority you see, just seem to be watching and/or filming it, and not directly getting involved, some with kids, or even walking the dog.

I've no idea why you would go to watch it, the chances of ending up in the middle of something if it kicks off are high, and then you have no control over what happens.
@cleavers. You are one of the quiet, sensible majority in our little/big community. You help to keep this member from total despair. There are other members who do as well but you are way up there.

I always say how lucky I am when it comes to the people I meet. 99.99999999% recurring I am treated with kindness and respect both on here and in the wider world. So when I read the things that are happening I get saddened and start to feel depression until I read something like this and it brings me back to normal again.
Thank you.
I have decided to return home. Support from our families and the local government allows us to buy land and build a beautiful home to our design under 75K. We’re planning to have animals, and enjoy nature as we live in Transylvania. As well, the government pays for full salaries for two years after giving birth, and an increased child allowance for up to 6 months after birth. Coupled with a more relaxed rural lifestyle, and excellent private and sometimes state education, free universities and the feeling of home, it’s a non starter.
Don't blame you mate, visited Romania many moons ago when it was still in the communist bloc. Was only a kid, went to Vlads Castle. Loved it.
I doubt these people have ever willingly read a book, never mind Mein Kampf.

But they have been seduced by simplistic, lying propaganda put online by people who are, in broad terms, fascists, nazis, nativists or simply power seekers by any means.

I see Farage is putting a distance between these rioters and himself, but I bet any money he sees this as things going his way. Grifters like him just want money, and to a degree, power. Ideally what the Daily Mail has, power without responsibility 'the prerogative of the harlot through the ages.'*

* Quote, Stanley Baldwin, Conservative PM.
Is tear gas forbidden in the UK? Water cannons perhaps? Sonic repression even? Some of the police responses are kinda weak in terms of dispersal ability, in a number of cases they even lacked the propper riot gear.

Not too hard to make teargass oneself, if you ever need to deal with a large crowd and get things dispersed its a pretty good tool. Kinda surprised that noone has slapped a few of them to FPV drones to drop them on hot spots.
The country is broken
Politicians have deliberately sabotaged this country.
Whilst this isn’t the right way to go about things, the important issues are not being solved.
Call people scum and they will start acting like it.
Starmer is incompetent.
Wait, aren’t these the type of people who complain about a ‘snowflake society’ where things like name-calling and labels are concerned? You can’t be telling us they’re upset with being called a name now that is literally what they are?
I’m inclined to agree that this’ll blow over too (for now).

I also don’t believe that these people represent anywhere near 10% of the population.

1%, MAYBE?

I’d love to see some research on it, which will inevitably happen.
I suppose it depends on what your definition of ‘these people’ is. I was referring to people who believe that immigrants are the primary cause of more of society’s ills than any other factor. Think they are spilt into those who are relatively poor and look upon immigrants as the main cause of their problems, and a significant number of relatively well off people who don’t perceive the same direct disadvantage as a consequence of migrants, but who are inimical to immigration for cultural reasons.

I think that figure (10%) is broadly in line with the Reform vote at the last GE, which is probably a decent rough and ready indicator.

If you’re referring to those who are actively engaged in the protests then yes, 1% is far more accurate - but my point was about the broad support for their overall sentiments around immigration, and why these ‘protesters’ will not take the country with them, or anything vaguely resembling that.
Good luck mate, it’s a shame you’ve been driven out by the wankers in our society.
Not necessarily the main reason I’m leaving, but I’m quietly stunned by just how badly governed this country has been. The decline in stability, quality of life, and exorbitant housing prices.

This is the cherry on top ( the current events ) but the reality of life for myself, and my family is no longer compatible with what we feel is required for us both. I love the UK, I love the people, I will forever love the north, and its stunningly warm embrace, the pubs, the chats, the laugh, the football.

So sad to think that even when you can vote, the vote itself is pretty null. People want real action, real change, real help, real community, and we get f*** all.
The country is broken
Politicians have deliberately sabotaged this country.
Whilst this isn’t the right way to go about things, the important issues are not being solved.
Call people scum and they will start acting like it.
Starmer is incompetent.
I fail to see how this is Starmers fault when they started kicking off before Starmer had said anything
The country is broken
Politicians have deliberately sabotaged this country.
Whilst this isn’t the right way to go about things, the important issues are not being solved.
Call people scum and they will start acting like it.
Starmer is incompetent.
So there's the problem all along. We've been calling the scum "scum" when we should have been nice to them. If we hadn't called them "scum", we wouldn't have ANY of this right now.

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