UK far right trouble July/August 24

Yes you are. You can say you’re not but that’s exactly what you’re doing. You are making arguments on their behalf because you don’t approve of the label people are giving them, what else would you call that?

If I came on here saying the Taliban aren’t all terrorists, some of them are just downtrodden victims of the military industrial complex, what would you call that? Defending them. Right.

Along with the 10 other people who have tried to make the exact same point in this thread over the weekend.

Once again we have somebody who can’t just say “look at this, isn’t it terrible.” No you can’t just do that can you?

It’s extremely worrying for me that there are so many like you who seemingly can’t just simply condemn horrific acts - it’s not hard to just do that. Instead they are triggered into protecting the reputations of the people burning down buildings with families inside and mobbing black people in the streets. You cringe when people call them Nazis? Really? That is fucking immensely concerning with regard to where your sympathies lie.
If you contrast this with the JSO thread, their are a fair few in there that repeatedly vent their hatred of them for disrupting society.

They’re weirdly absent in this thread though. Perhaps they’re just authoritarian when their cause isn’t the one being “protested” about.
Watching it with my wife (an American) last night and she kept saying "why haven't they called the army in?"
I didn't have an answer

I'd imagine the police are better able, and more used to dealing with this kind of low level disorder.

I was also reading something last week about the use of more aggressive anti-riot tactics in Europe, and the argument was that they can be counterproductive. The police response is almost certainly to prioritise people not getting hurt, and when it's small numbers of idiots, who can be mostly contained, and then taken to court the next day, they are probably happy.

A more confrontational response could inflame things - a few major injuries on the rioters side, could bring out many more, and a more pro-active approach might draw in more people from the 'shouting but watching' side, to the actively rioting.

The police have got to go back and work in these areas the day after a riot, and it doesn't make sense for the state (whether it's the police or the army), to be seen as the enemy.
Don't the rioters have jobs?
They'll be complaining next that "the illegals" have nicked their jobs, the job they fail to turn up for
If they do, they won’t have after this week.
Funnily enough though, Farage, Tice, Robinson, Oakshott and the like, will all be doing absolutely fine. In fact, lots of the poor saps will be sending money into Robinson so he can ensure his 5 star Cyprus stay is all paid for (obviously it’s to ‘keep Tommy patriot out of jail’) not fuel his ultra lazy lifestyle, the hate filled, Russian paid for, grifting twat..
What I do find cringy is when I hear the left protestors shouting ' nazi scum off our streets'. I think there's a slight difference in that I'm sure these mindless thugs that are rioting haven't killed millions of Jews. I think I'd leave that one out next time
Yeah...these rioters are more like the Klu Klux Klan than Nazis, I'll give you that one.

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