UK far right trouble July/August 24

If they do, they won’t have after this week.
Funnily enough though, Farage, Tice, Robinson, Oakshott and the like, will all be doing absolutely fine. In fact, lots of the poor saps will be sending money into Robinson so he can ensure his 5 star Cyprus stay is all paid for (obviously it’s to ‘keep Tommy patriot out of jail’) not fuel his ultra lazy lifestyle, the hate filled, Russian paid for, grifting twat..
Cyprus swarming with Russians.
I’m not sure that’s at all accurate. ‘Nazi’ connotes a pretty narrow grouping which (inter alia) held that Arians were genetically superior to all other races. I’m not sure many of these out in the streets would subscribe to that view. ‘Nazi’ is a pejorative term that has been deployed far too glibly when describing the far right.

I think the terms criminal, antisocial, simplistic, racist, easily-manipulated, indolent, selfish, inconsiderate, incoherent, feral, (in the main) sinfully stupid and very, very badly dressed paint a far more accurate picture.
Fair enough. Some are Nazis, all of them are scum.

Thick scum:
If they do, they won’t have after this week.
Funnily enough though, Farage, Tice, Robinson, Oakshott and the like, will all be doing absolutely fine. In fact, lots of the poor saps will be sending money into Robinson so he can ensure his 5 star Cyprus stay is all paid for (obviously it’s to ‘keep Tommy patriot out of jail’) not fuel his ultra lazy lifestyle, the hate filled, Russian paid for, grifting twat..
Those Balmain swim shorts don’t come cheap.
I honestly don't get why migration is an issue...

Austerity has been worse for the people of this country than anything else the past decade and that was and still is a political choice
Because it's far easier for those in power to blame their shortcomings on "the immigrants" than it is to take accountability for the way they've fucked up this country whilst making the super rich even richer
My old man voted reform (miserable old twat in his 70s) and while I’ve not asked him, it’s unfathomable that he’d be anything other than as sickened as you or I by these wankers.

Definitely likes a grumble in the pub though about the modern world leaving people behind etc, but he’s in no way racist (married to a black woman and one of his best pals is a Muslim bloke!)

Do you know why he voted Reform? I don't know the politics of his best mate and his wife, but I'd imagine they wouldn't look too kindly on the kind of rhetoric Nigel Farage and his foot soldiers have been spewing about brown people and Muslims over the years. Reform voters were not 100% white, so we know their numbers had black, brown and Muslim people among them, so it could well be both of them agree with Reform's politics and rhetoric. You obviously do not have answer this if you don't want to. I'm just asking out of pure interest.

A Reform voter with a black wife and a Muslim best mate is quite an interesting dynamic.
Do you know why he voted Reform? I don't know the politics of his best mate and his wife, but I'd imagine they wouldn't look too kindly on the kind of rhetoric Nigel Farage and his foot soldiers have been spewing about brown people and Muslims over the years. Reform voters were not 100% white, so we know their numbers had black, brown and Muslim people among them, so it could well be both of them agree with Reform's politics and rhetoric. You obviously do not have answer this if you don't want to. I'm just asking out of pure interest.

A Reform voter with a black wife and a Muslim best mate is quite an interesting dynamic.

I don’t really know the ins and outs tbh, I couldn’t be arsed getting into it.

He’s voted green before now, tbh I think he just votes for whatever leaflet he read last.
I have decided to return home. Support from our families and the local government allows us to buy land and build a beautiful home to our design under 75K. We’re planning to have animals, and enjoy nature as we live in Transylvania. As well, the government pays for full salaries for two years after giving birth, and an increased child allowance for up to 6 months after birth. Coupled with a more relaxed rural lifestyle, and excellent private and sometimes state education, free universities and the feeling of home, it’s a non starter.
Sorry to hear this. I had a fantastic holiday staying in Bran about 10 years ago. It’s a glorious, unspoiled and relaxed part of Europe full of lovely people. The bear warning signs were a bit alarming, though.
Saddens me to hear that the land I still think of as "home" in many ways is in such trouble. There's little chance I will live in England again (even with the prospect of another Trump presidency here in U.S.) but that's not because of the disturbances of the last few days, rather it's because things that made Britain so appealing don't work like they used to - thinking especially of the NHS and the railways. Which just leaves me with nostalgia as a solace; if anyone fancies a good dose of that I recently re-read Bill Bryson's Notes From a Small Island and recommend it as an affectionate and entertaining portrait of our green and pleasant land (even though he didn't like Manchester at all.)

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