UK far right trouble July/August 24

Saddens me to hear that the land I still think of as "home" in many ways is in such trouble. There's little chance I will live in England again (even with the prospect of another Trump presidency here in U.S.) but that's not because of the disturbances of the last few days, rather it's because things that made Britain so appealing don't work like they used to - thinking especially of the NHS and the railways. Which just leaves me with nostalgia as a solace; if anyone fancies a good dose of that I recently re-read Bill Bryson's Notes From a Small Island and recommend it as an affectionate and entertaining portrait of our green and pleasant land (even though he didn't like Manchester at all.)

I love Bill Bryson but found that book quite a difficult read.

His trademark sarcasm and gentle piss taking definitely leaned into something a bit too sneery and almost quite nasty in parts.

Maybe it’s because I’m British, and as you say his comments on Manchester were actually quite cruel and not particularly funny.
I'd imagine the police are better able, and more used to dealing with this kind of low level disorder.

I was also reading something last week about the use of more aggressive anti-riot tactics in Europe, and the argument was that they can be counterproductive. The police response is almost certainly to prioritise people not getting hurt, and when it's small numbers of idiots, who can be mostly contained, and then taken to court the next day, they are probably happy.

A more confrontational response could inflame things - a few major injuries on the rioters side, could bring out many more, and a more pro-active approach might draw in more people from the 'shouting but watching' side, to the actively rioting.

The police have got to go back and work in these areas the day after a riot, and it doesn't make sense for the state (whether it's the police or the army), to be seen as the enemy.
Exactly, nowadays the approach is de-escalation,
otherwise you give more reason to fight harder against the 'system' and you will also pull more people into the mess.

But make no mistake, there is a reason for those riots and it's inside of the society. Talking about 'nazis' suggests that the reason might be outside UK, it's not. Ignoring the problems will not sort them out.
Robinson's loving it isn't he.

He doesn't care who gets killed or injured the cowardly little shit.
Wouldn't surprise me if he or his supporters staged a murder and made it look like a Muslim did it. Seems like we're just one more serious incident away from a Kristallnacht type uprising.

This type of human garbage has no shame.
Genuine question...hoping for an insightful answer....why would someone get a nazi tattoo....or indeed, throw nazi salutes?

Id like to think they really dont agree with/admire/yearn for the 1930s/40s of nazi germany.

The guy in that tweet with the nazi symbol on his back...i think he had ENGLAND across his stomach.
Does anyone know anyone with this? Has anyone spoken to such a person and asked that question?

Without getting obvious, sarccy answers, i would genuinely like to know the rationale behind it just for show/bantz??
reports of a number of thugs being charged and remanded..lovely stuff.

Just like 2011, lots of people are going to find out the hard way-fuck around, find out.

Imagine constantly fearing the early knock from the police?

A serious point-govt/police leaders will be v keen for punishment to be handed out quickly with v harsh priosn sentences to deter others.
So far from what I've read I good many are being put on remand rather than bail.

Good to say, however they'll kick off about two-tier justice etc.

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