UK far right trouble July/August 24

Nah mate your old man voted reform for one reason and one reason only. You just can't bring yourself to admit it. The rest of us see it for what it is. Dormant racism that has now been resurrected because they finally feel empowered to show their true feelings. It isn't as though the views of Farage, Anderson and Tice have been hidden from us for all these years is it?

The thing about social media, is that while there are a lot of lies peddled, you can also find truth. Social media, even the older versions like twitter and Facebook, are used mostly by people who are middle-age at most.

Seniors stay off it and mostly still buy newspapers. Unfortunately some of our newspapers have been pushing the far-right rhetoric for the last ten years or so, and those who solely read newspapers are more likely to buy it.

The papers are telling them there's a problem, so they believe there's a problem.
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I've called them out as mindless thugs where violence is probably on their minds 24/7, they're found in every town, village and City in this country

And that's great. But you also said it was stupid of the media to call them all far right. But that's what they are. This is a far right enterprise and I think it's more than fair to assume that these people support the message being put out there by the likes of Tommy Robinson etc.
It's only a guess/opinion but I reckon a lot of these involved in the riots hate everyone that isn't like them. It's not just people from overseas etc it's also people (of any colour) that they consider to represent authority or an obstacle to getting what they want (by whatever means).
Often involved in drugs, criminality and basically just being twats for much of their lives.
reports of a number of thugs being charged and remanded..lovely stuff.

Just like 2011, lots of people are going to find out the hard way-fuck around, find out.

Imagine constantly fearing the early knock from the police?

A serious point-govt/police leaders will be v keen for punishment to be handed out quickly with v harsh priosn sentences to deter others.
The police should knock once. Count to 3. No answer? In goes the door..... let the scumbags pay to repair the damage as the taxpayer has to pick up the bill for the damage they caused.
Saw screenshots relating to this earlier. Had no idea if they were real or not. Now been picked up by The Times.

Saw screenshots relating to this earlier. Had no idea if they were real or not. Now been picked up by The Times.

Yes there are people coming in boats (desperate people.) But as much as I like Boudica she was on the wrong side of history and so are these guys.
It's only a guess/opinion but I reckon a lot of these involved in the riots hate everyone that isn't like them. It's not just people from overseas etc it's also people (of any colour) that they consider to represent authority or an obstacle to getting what they want (by whatever means).
Often involved in drugs, criminality and basically just being twats for much of their lives.

Yeah the kind of people who want to kill you if you for example go to a library or have any basic cultural interest or are in any way slightly different
People who shouldn't have been born and shouldn't breed in other words. Fuck em they need vaporising and it's my background more or less
Its Sad what is happening right now. As a British born Asian, I fear for what will happen over the next few weeks/years. Even my kids are afraid. My daughter was in a pub in Droylsden a few weeks ago with my nephew and was confronted by 3 lads in the pub, questioning what they were doing in there. They then said you are ok as you are having a drink but if we saw you out on the street you'd get abuse.

The lads said they voted for Reform as they have promised to get rid of your lot. Thankfully both my daughter and nephew didn't say anything.

These are tough times.
Sorry to hear that, nobody should have to put up with that sort of behaviour.
And that's great. But you also said it was stupid of the media to call them all far right. But that's what they are. This is a far right enterprise and I think it's more than fair to assume that these people support the message being put out there by the likes of Tommy Robinson etc.
Yep, the front line cannon fodder may or may not be ‘right wing’ consciously- but those pulling their strings and pushing their buttons certainly are.

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