UK far right trouble July/August 24

Sky still pushing this two tier policing bollocks
These wankers are so desperate to use this to get viewers the shit stirring lying cnuts
They are fuckin lovin it

For the very first time today I watched GB News. BBC 24 hour news was covering a different topic and Sky News seemed to be in the middle of a 10 minute advert break. I looked down the list of channels on my fire stick and there I caught GB News.
I think I gave it around 15 mins before turning The Chase on for light relief.
This bloke (who sounded like an older Cockney - what else) was going on about two tier policing as I turned it on. He said he was walking down Commercial Road in Whitechapel or Bethnal Green and there were Palestinian flags on lamp posts. About 3 times he said ''they are illegal and the police do nothing about it''.
This prick wants the police to spend their time taking down flags from the lamp posts. That's a council job not the police you knob!
It was my first and last listen. I noted Talk TV was two channels below GB News. I dread to think what that was like.
I think Starmer, Sunak, May, Cameron, Brown and Blair have a good deal to answer given what we seeing now.
Are you giving the biggest wanker of them all a free pass by omitting his name?

Edit - just saw @west didsblue asked the same question on the previous page
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Given the huge numbers of Chinese immigrants in Manchester, I wonder why they don’t evoke anything like the same visceral hatred we see towards the Pakistani / Muslim population.

The same is true for the Indian, Hindu, East European and Jewish communities that all seem to have integrated relatively peacefully (granted there have been the odd occasion where tensions have arisen).

It seems a particularly Islamist/ Pakistani problem.
Be careful... You can't have a different opinion.
Given the huge numbers of Chinese immigrants in Manchester, I wonder why they don’t evoke anything like the same visceral hatred we see towards the Pakistani / Muslim population.

The same is true for the Indian, Hindu, East European and Jewish communities that all seem to have integrated relatively peacefully (granted there have been the odd occasion where tensions have arisen).

It seems a particularly Islamist/ Pakistani problem.
Except when it's a Rwandan problem, right?
doesn't matter what you say or do dick wad you are fucking nicked

Are cops not given watches? Getting her phone out to check the time.

Also that look from presumably his wife or daughter at the end seemed very much like an "I told you so."
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Those communities generally get on and improve themselves and their community
Unlike these rioters, right?

Incidentally, this whole thing was kicked off by someone of black African descent committing a horrendous murder. And yet black African kids way outperform white kids in education nowadays. They do better on GCSEs even when from a poor background. They are also significantly more likely to go to university (71% compare to the national rate of 48%). Black Africans are basically the 'model minority' these days.

But this is how racism works, because at the same time as using the success of the East Asian, Indian or black African communities to slag off Pakistani or Caribbean communities, they won't turn that same criticism on themselves. No, white kids doing badly is evidence that everything is biased against white people nowadays. We've got our two-tier justice system, of course. No, not the one that means black men are 2.4 times more likely to be arrested than white men (that's because they're all criminals), but the one where police turn a blind eye to crimes from ethnic minorities, and definitely don't stand by as white criminals try to set fire to a hotel full of people.
There's been a marked difference between the protesters and counter protesters that has been evident on many videos. Only one side here looking to fight the police, as has been the case on many of the protests /counterprotests. Muslims now.preparing to defend their communities will also fight which is a new factor threatening dangerous escalation.

WTF, the state of them, jesus wept, we need open season on a lot of these "patriots"
Sky still pushing this two tier policing bollocks
These wankers are so desperate to use this to get viewers the shit stirring lying cnuts
They are fuckin lovin it

I agree with what you’re saying and it’s clear the two tier narrative is being pushed, however I do have to question certain examples. For instance in Birmingham there were hundreds of men carrying weapons and attacking innocent people - not a police officer to be seen or any arrests made.

The police approach does seem to be a bit all over the place at times.

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