UK far right trouble July/August 24

A vacuum where our prime minister gives the green light to certain sections of society to go out and beat the hell out of people just because of their skin colour or heritage. I have been in Tesco in Prestwich this evening and you normally see a good number of Jewish people going about their shopping like my Jewish wife and children. Not this evening as there is an ugly atmosphere in the air. I think Starmer, Sunak, May, Cameron, Brown and Blair have a good deal to answer given what we seeing now.
What a stupid fucking comment. Firstly, he's been in the job two minutes. Secondly, how is he giving the green light to the rioters? Can you point me to the part where Starmer said "go out and riot, beat the shit out of each other and tear down your communities"? These brainless thugs would have continued irrespective of what Starmer said in his address.
I agree with what you’re saying and it’s clear the two tier narrative is being pushed, however I do have to question certain examples. For instance in Birmingham there were hundreds of men carrying weapons and attacking innocent people - not a police officer to be seen or any arrests made.

The police approach does seem to be a bit all over the place at times.
There is a stark difference in how certain groups are policed as opposed to other groups.
It's retaliation for the racist riots. It wouldn't be happening otherwise.

Just like the riots themselves, there is absolutely no excusing it. Shocking behaviour that only helps the rioters feel more 'justified'. Thick morons, the lot of them, the same type of lawless thug.
Well said Bob, your girlfriend should not have to feel unsafe and I am sure you will do all you can to protect her as she is beautiful human being.

Aside from Bobs post one thing has been nagging at me for the last few days and I think it is time I prepare myself to run the anti-semitic gauntlet. The Isreal lobby has a huge influence in British politics, if you watch the Labour Files you will see how much influence they have in the Labour party and the Conservative party.

It makes me wonder why the conflict in Palestine is now back page news and who benefits from that.

I am not anti semitic, i think PB will back me up on that, but without doubt Netanyahu and his far right government will have benefited from the change in media focus and the attacks on Muslims help with the demonisation of the Palestinians.

@prestwichblue what do you think pal?
It would help if you used my correct username, which has an underscore. I see @west didsblue has already answered you.

Funnily enough I was going to answer an earlier post of yours wondering who's behind it, saying "It's the Jews of course, Everyone knows they're behind everything". Given the post I'm replying to, it's probably as well I didn't as it might not have been taken as sarcasm.

It's utter bollocks Russ and you know it. There are almost certainly external actors whipping this up. Farage, Yaxley-Lennon, Musk and probably Putin. Their aim is to incite civil disorder to make immigrants feel uncomfortable, or ultimately a civil war.

You say you're not antisemitic and I'd agree that you don't have an irrational hatred of Jews per se. But there are less overt ways of demonstrating it, and coming out with conspiracy nonsense like this runs the risk of falling under that heading.

(Edit) In fact it's a trope that the far left and far right both espouse in slightly different ways. The right's conspiracy theory is that "Zionists" like Soros are actively involved in organising mass migration to destabilise Western society. Many Muslims also believe that 'Zionists' (they mean Jews of course) are actively destroying the UK. I'm therefore surprised to see you in bed with the ideas of the far right. The far left see Jewish influence in terms of controlling global finance (the Rothschild's, etc.) but it's still antisemitism and it's clearly an issue the far right and far left can unite around, despite the difference in their perspective.

There's a lot of malicious things you can lay at Netanyahu's door (and it seems he's the obstacle to a ceasefire deal that his senior military and intelligence chiefs are urging him to accept, among others) but this isn't one of them. You've made yourself look rather foolish by even expressing it, and you're far from foolish.
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