UK far right trouble July/August 24

There's been a marked difference between the protesters and counter protesters that has been evident on many videos. Only one side here looking to fight the police, as has been the case on many of the protests /counterprotests. Muslims now.preparing to defend their communities will also fight which is a new factor threatening dangerous escalation.

“Nana’s against Nazis”.

Proper firm, them.
It would help if you used my correct username, which has an underscore. I see @west didsblue has already answered you.

Funnily enough I was going to answer an earlier post of yours wondering who's behind it, saying "It's the Jews of course, Everyone knows they're behind everything". Given the post I'm replying to, it's probably as well I didn't as it might not have been taken as sarcasm.

It's utter bollocks and you know it. There are almost certainly external actors whipping this up. Garage, Yaxley-Lennon, Musk and probably Putin. Their aim is to incite civil disorder to make immigrants feel uncomfortable, or ultimately a civil war.

You say you're not antisemitic and I'd agree that you don't have an irrational hatred of Jews per se. But there are less overt ways of demonstrating it, and coming out with conspiracy nonsense like this falls under that heading. There's a lot of things you can lay at Netanyahu's door (and it seems he's the obstacle to a ceasefire deal that his senior military and intelligence chiefs are urging him to accept, among others) but this isn't one of them and you've made yourself look rather foolish by even expressing it.
I'm going out on a limb here, but if pushed I'd hazard a guess that Netanyahu has never been to Rotherham.
What a stupid fucking comment. Firstly, he's been in the job two minutes. Secondly, how is he giving the green light to the rioters? Can you point me to the part where Starmer said "go out and riot, beat the shit out of each other and tear down your communities"? These brainless thugs would have continued irrespective of what Starmer said in his address.
Just shows what Starmer and Labour are upset against-they were never going to get an easy ride from the MSM and online agitators-eg Johnson ‘he’s doing his best’ etc
A vacuum where our prime minister gives the green light to certain sections of society to go out and beat the hell out of people just because of their skin colour or heritage. I have been in Tesco in Prestwich this evening and you normally see a good number of Jewish people going about their shopping like my Jewish wife and children. Not this evening as there is an ugly atmosphere in the air. I think Starmer, Sunak, May, Cameron, Brown and Blair have a good deal to answer given what we seeing now.
Funnily enough I was in Tesco in Prestwich yesterday evening just after 6. It was pretty quiet but there was a group of about 6 or 8 Jewish girls in there.

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