UK far right trouble July/August 24

That's my fiancée now coming to me saying she's tired of being a brown person in the UK and doesn't know what to do with so many racists about. She was born here, has grown up here, lives here, but doesn't feel safe in her own country. Her mum came over from Malaysia in the 70s, her dad fled Uganda as a refugee after escaping Idi Amin. All that history and opportunity, all that sacrifice, and it's wound up with me and my fiancée having tentative discussions about moving to somewhere better, fairer, more tolerant.

But that only wound up with us realising that our options (aside from third world countries) are just bits of Scotland and, much further afield, Canada. Scotland the only realistic option and even then we'd have to live in a city centre to feel like we were in a cosmopolitan area.

Her mum lives in north London and rumours of more riots on Wednesday in places like Lewisham and Harrow have made her frightened of going outside.

Things will go back to normal after a few weeks but regardless, these are upsetting times. The genie is out of the bottle. These thugs are gleeful at the terror they're causing everyday people.

And anyone trying to defend the riots or their causes on this forum needs to hang their heads in shame. Far too many of them still haven't been banned from this forum. If the weeks go by and they're still here I might have to think about whether I want to spend any time here at all.

A shameful, depressing week.
Pics :)
Given the huge numbers of Chinese immigrants in Manchester, I wonder why they don’t evoke anything like the same visceral hatred we see towards the Pakistani / Muslim population.

The same is true for the Indian, Hindu, East European and Jewish communities that all seem to have integrated relatively peacefully (granted there have been the odd occasion where tensions have arisen).

It seems a particularly Islamist/ Pakistani problem.
A lot of this comes from what has happened historically over the last 40 years. We haven't been at war in Chinese or Indian countries and we haven't been bombed in our cities by an extreme minority of them either.

Muslims are also a growing demographic, demographic estimates currently estimate that potentially 15% of the UK population will be Muslim by 2050, it's currently 6.5%. No other demographic is growing this fast. So some people will regard this as a slow invasion and Islam itself is very different to other cultures.

This isn't to say that certain people aren't racist towards other minorities because of course they are, they just view Muslims as a greater threat.

For myself I have zero problem with Muslims at all but I do have big questions about Islam and its long term compatibility with UK culture and law. How Islam treats women for example cannot be accepted ever in the UK. Obviously it will never be accepted but as the population grows it's understandable to have some concern.
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when the ETIAS is implemented next year will mean all these rioters can say goodbye to holidays in Benidorm and Magaluf if they get arrested and a criminal record.
They can already say goodbye to going to the US ever again. Any criminal conviction involving violence is pretty much computer says no.
Given the huge numbers of Chinese immigrants in Manchester, I wonder why they don’t evoke anything like the same visceral hatred we see towards the Pakistani / Muslim population.

The same is true for the Indian, Hindu, East European and Jewish communities that all seem to have integrated relatively peacefully (granted there have been the odd occasion where tensions have arisen).

It seems a particularly Islamist/ Pakistani problem.

You think these people will stop at Muslims? And how many of these people when they are attacking a South Asian stop to wonder if the person is Muslim or Hindu or Buddhist? They will eventually target every minority, Jewish, black Eastern European, or whoever is deemed target of the month.
Best keep it up, the portcullis down, and the moat topped up. I’d bring the floating duck house in, too.
We will put up with a lot in this country but do not fuck with a man's floating duck house. No going back for society after that, may as well be back in the caves or Stoke.
You think these people will stop at Muslims? And how many of these people when they are attacking a South Asian stop to wonder if the person is Muslim or Hindu or Buddhist? They will eventually target every minority, Jewish, black Eastern European, or whoever is deemed target of the month.
Members of the magic circle will have to vanish sharpish.

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