UK far right trouble July/August 24

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Also, I don't think the government and police are helping matters. They're handling different people different ways and that's creating even more resentment. Two tier policing in this country is really a thing, it's not a "far right" conspiracy. They'd admitted with things like the Rotherham reports that they wouldn't arrest rape gangs out of fear of being called racist. The head of police in Rotherham had to answer in an inquest why his police arrested an 11 year old rape victim instead of the men that did it. Sorry, that is disgraceful and it still happens today. The police, government and media are flat out refusing to acknowledge there's cunts out harming people. That shouldn't happen. Police people equally. The police legged it away in Leeds the other week with the romani rioters. They're nowhere to be seen while Muslim gangs roam the streets with weapons. They turn up with dogs and batons and use them on the rest. Let's not turn a blind eye to this.

There's scumbags on both "sides", but I urge you to find me a video where the police are out with their dogs and batons stopping Muslim gangs beating people 15 onto 1. The police aren't doing a thing about this. For me, these kind of thing is only adding more problems, more resentment.

I'm not on the side of anybody but I'm on the side of fairness and common sense. Are there a lot of people using this to exercise their racism? Absolutely and they're a disgrace. Is there also people from Muslim communities feeling like they have free reign to carry weapons through the streets and attack random people because seemingly the government and police won't touch them? Yes.

The whole thing is a mess, it's not all one sided and the government and police are handling it horribly too.
The two tier policing is bullshit. What happened in Leeds is completely different. Don't compare the two things. Nothing at all like each other.
Yeah, i agree with what you’re saying and obviously all discrimination is wrong. The problem in this case seems to be time doesn’t seem to be helping integration. The problems don’t seem to be easing and if anything as we’ve seen lately things seem to be getting worse.

That’s not having a dig at anyone other than racist morons but the divide seems as big as ever.
Can't agree with that Craig. 'Integration' as you call it, is measured over decades and it's pretty obvious, in my town at least, that second and third generations of immigrant families have moved up the social scale from where their parents/grandparents were when arriving on these shores.
The two tier policing is bullshit. What happened in Leeds is completely different. Don't compare the two things. Nothing at all like each other.

Find me a video of the police with batons and dogs set on gangs of muslims who are roaming the streets with weapons beating people on their own.

Go on..
Is there anything the government can do about Elon Musk as his tweets definitely sound like he's incenting riots

All he said was a question why all communities aren't protected equally. It's a fair question.

They don't like Musk because he has a platform that allows different perspectives to be shown, not just one. Millions of people get to watch things from many sources, independent journalists etc and make their own mind up, rather than just some TV news spinning what they want or what they're told to.

It seems like some of you would prefer to live in a communist country with state run TV and Media and no place for independent people to share their views. My family come from a place like that, and I assure you that's not what you want.
All he said was a question why all communities aren't protected equally. It's a fair question.

They don't like Musk because he has a platform that allows different perspectives to be shown, not just one. Millions of people get to watch things from many sources, independent journalists etc and make their own mind up, rather than just some TV news spinning what they want or what they're told to.

It seems like some of you would prefer to live in a communist country with state run TV and Media and no place for independent people to share their views. My family come from a place like that, and I assure you that's not what you want.
Think most want to live somewhere where cunts are not rioting and burning, looting buildings.

Posters like you who pretend they want balance are full of shite and part of the problem.
Musk is a dangerous individual with the wealth and following to cause real issues to the world in the near future.
His apologists make me fucking spew.

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