UK far right trouble July/August 24

Be interesting to see people's voting intentions now, wonder if reform would gain more votes.

Doubtful. No one has an issue with peaceful protests, there should always be a right to peaceful protest. But as soon as they turn violent then support tanks, even with a Reform voters. Nearly 60% view the rioters as racist, 67% as thugs.

There is no political upside in stating ‘those rioting have legitimate concerns’ as only 16% believe that. The riots and violence damage the far right case which is why we are seeing splits in their ranks. Starmer paints the rioters as far right, thugs and racists and this is supported in the polling.
This two tier policing thing appears to have become somewhat of a slogan among the far right rioters. The actual policing data shows white people have it far better with police than black and brown people. All the stop and search data, the arrests data show black people especially but certain brown groups too, show white do not get stopped and searched at anywhere near the rate as black and brown people, and they don't get arrested at anywhere the same rate either.

Now, unless you want to suggest that black and brown are 9 times or 2 times as likely to commit a crime as a white person, then you'd agree those stats are not are not only problematic but also flies in the face of the two tier policing disadvantaging the white population claim. There is two tier policing in this country and white people are not the ones suffering because of it.

I can't be arsed to find the actual data, I'm supposed to be working right now, but if you're actually interested in reading it, I can fetch it for you. It's somewhere on the government website.

It’s just a buzzword, ask them what they actually mean by it and none of them can actually tell you other than some vague commentary about how it “feels unfair”.

Somebody a few days ago was wittering on about how nobody was arrested for the Harehills riot as if that was incontrovertible evidence. 27 people have been arrested for that incident (so far). A two second Google search would have revealed this but it goes against their narrative so they just choose to believe what confirms their biases.

Don’t get me wrong. There have been legitimate miscarriages of justice related to race. But these are singular incidents, not evidence of a systemic and deliberate nationwide two-tiered approach to policing.

It’s a conspiracy. Yet another one that is deliberately designed to put a dividing line between two groups of people.
Seems a strange area to be targeted by the knuckle draggers.
I regularly participate in the Parkrun at Peel Park, and walking to and from there, it mainly seems to be student accommodation around those parts.
They have a large number of international students, paying large fees, new intake due any minute, how many here over the summer is anybodies guess.
Seems a strange area to be targeted by the knuckle draggers.
I regularly participate in the Parkrun at Peel Park, and walking to and from there, it mainly seems to be student accommodation around those parts.
Completely separate point mate but if you really fancy a challenge on a park run come and join us at Heaton park. Angina hill is a real place of pain!!
Twxttxr is not a “free speech” platform. Nor is Musk a good faith actor (he never has been).

Musk regularly silences speech on the platform he doesn’t like or that call’s out his dangerous, illegal, unethical behaviour (either outright via direct platform censorship or via rallying his cult followers to attack the source of the speech he wants to silence). He has also intentionally modified the Twxttxr content moderation and safety system (if you could even call it that, given he has completely gutted it) to allow rampant abuse from his cult followers and other groups which leads to accounts constantly being suspended pending often lengthy “reviews” of their content to determine if they meet the now laughably arbitrary application of the lax posting guidelines. The “reviews” for content he has been historically critical of often take far longer than reviews of content he has historically supported or amplified. He also regularly parrots antisemitic, fascist, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic ideology and conspiracy theories, or retweets content that does. He has repeatedly amplified (often obviously) mis/disinformation to millions of users (though, how many of them are actually bots is a hotly debated topic) and rarely if ever apologises or retracts when it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be false.

Musk’s Twxttxr exists as his own personal communication platform, where he can wield very real power of controlling a portion of public discourse, with very real world impacts. He has had a hand in indirectly and directly creating tensions and inciting disorder and violence in numerous countries, even before he acquired Twxttxr. He has used the platform to commit fraud and attack his enemies, as well as carry out petty feuds that have gone on to destroy the lives of good people that simply had the temerity of questioning his motives for taking certain actions or the validity of the statements he has made. And his unhinged, unchecked behaviour has only increased since the acquisition.

Twxttxr is a “free speech” platform the same way Weibo is a “free speech” platform, which is why it is interesting you reference people seemingly wanting a “communist” system of state run media (which is usually largely controlled by an authoritarian leader who acts erratically and in bad faith).

Please, please don’t drink Musk’s Koolaid. You are far too intelligent to be taken in by his Putinesque tactics and juvenile, narcissistic nonsense.

I never said X was a free speech platform but it does offer more scope for people to post because I can post , you can post independent journalists can, mainstream news outlets can post. Surely having that ability is better than a very few sources of media that act like an arm of the government sometime

I don't really give a shit about Elon Musk as a person or his business ventures or anything. I was saying x as a platform at least has more scope for different views than the BBC, Sky etc. it's not perfect, far from it, but i would rather support a platform that allows more variation than them.

As someone from a family that lived under actual communism and all the media being state run, I would say that things like the BBC are not a million miles from that. At least platforms like X give independent journalists a chance which you wouldn't get in some places, and I can only support that, even if it's not perfect.

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