UK far right trouble July/August 24

It's a sad situation, but anyone would do the same. Being racially attacked for no reason will get ANYBODY's backs up.

Are you talking about Birmingham last night if so I cant agree with you the guy was outside on his own ( I do take your point that the far right/protesters have inflamed/caused the situation but that does not excuse what happened outside that pub ) , fair play to the guy who knocked him out cause he then tried to stop about 25/30 others stamping on his head .

Also was good to see to some of the local Muslim community who then went to the pub and apologised for what had happened and where quoted saying they wanted no part in what had happened .

Hopefully things will get better soon .
It’s just a buzzword, ask them what they actually mean by it and none of them can actually tell you other than some vague commentary about how it “feels unfair”.

Somebody a few days ago was wittering on about how nobody was arrested for the Harehills riot as if that was incontrovertible evidence. 27 people have been arrested for that incident (so far). A two second Google search would have revealed this but it goes against their narrative so they just choose to believe what confirms their biases.

Don’t get me wrong. There have been legitimate miscarriages of justice related to race. But these are singular incidents, not evidence of a systemic and deliberate nationwide two-tiered approach to policing.

It’s a conspiracy. Yet another one that is deliberately designed to put a dividing line between two groups of people.

100% - there are loads of isolated incidents where police should have done much better when policing minorities and other cases where they have been needlessly harsh and aggressive when policing white people. It is undeniable that this happens and it isn't good. The Rotherham case was a shameful, very shameful episode for the police.

Citing isolated incidents isn't helpful though, when the overall policing data shows the opposite of what people want to portray when they bring up the Rotherham case.
All he said was a question why all communities aren't protected equally. It's a fair question.

They don't like Musk because he has a platform that allows different perspectives to be shown, not just one. Millions of people get to watch things from many sources, independent journalists etc and make their own mind up, rather than just some TV news spinning what they want or what they're told to.

It seems like some of you would prefer to live in a communist country with state run TV and Media and no place for independent people to share their views. My family come from a place like that, and I assure you that's not what you want.

It is shit like this, that enables - maybe even encourages, shit like we are seeing with the riots.

This is going to take decades to meaningfully get on top of.

The only difference between this and the guy in Belfast Nolan just interviewed, is the better pretense at 'balance'.
It is shit like this, that enables - maybe even encourages, shit like we are seeing with the riots.

This is going to take decades to meaningfully get on top of.

The only difference between this and the guy in Belfast Nolan just interviewed, is the better pretense at 'balance'.
Shows how bad social media is when Nolan can be seen as Balanced. The only balance he has is holding a box of Krispy Kreme in each hand.
I never said X was a free speech platform but it does offer more scope for people to post because I can post , you can post independent journalists can, mainstream news outlets can post. Surely having that ability is better than a very few sources of media that act like an arm of the government sometime

I don't really give a shit about Elon Musk as a person or his business ventures or anything. I was saying x as a platform at least has more scope for different views than the BBC, Sky etc. it's not perfect, far from it, but i would rather support a platform that allows more variation than them.

As someone from a family that lived under actual communism and all the media being state run, I would say that things like the BBC are not a million miles from that. At least platforms like X give independent journalists a chance which you wouldn't get in some places, and I can only support that, even if it's not perfect.

Absolute bollocks from start to finish. Musk is supporting a far right terrorist campaign and agitating for civil war and the BBC are the bad guys. Fuck me, we’ve got a bona fide hotel burner in our midst.
Heard a clip on Radio Manchester earlier. The Police were saying that they have arrested 7 men for the assault on the black man in Piccadilly Gardens. Hopefully the scumbags will all go down.

Yeah was horrible that, some proper snidey cunts joining in when he wasn't looking at them. One was at least 60 trying to get a sucker punch in hope he broke his wrist the toothless shitbag.
Heard a clip on Radio Manchester earlier. The Police were saying that they have arrested 7 men for the assault on the black man in Piccadilly Gardens. Hopefully the scumbags will all go down.
We should deport THEM. How much better the country would be if we could round up all these rioting racist twats and deport them? Utopia.

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