UK far right trouble July/August 24

Thanks for your honest reply mate, it's appreciated.

The Middle East Forum, a Pro Israeli lobby outfit paid £60,000 of Tiny Tommys legal bills, the co-founder of the EDL Paul Ray was an Israeli intelligence officer

Prof Des Freedman said Islamophobia and anti-migrant rhetoric have become the acceptable forms of racism in the mainstream. The fascists and the far-right launder their reputations primarily by focusing on attacking the same groups the government and the media are, while dropping the anti-Semitism with which they were previously mostly associated. In the looking-glass world we now live in, Tommy Robinson, like Marine Le Pen in France, accuses the left of being anti-Semitic.

This is in an interesting article from the Times of Israel

BTW i am not in bed with the far right and i am not in bed with the far left on this issue probably because it is a minority view on the far left.

I agree there is probably influence from Putin and as i said somebody somewhere must have the means to control the mass amounts of misinformation on twitter, Putin probably has those resources at hand it is in his interests to destabilise the UK,

As for Netanyhu he will be welcoming the European media eyes moving away from him, I do not think you can argue against that.
Thanks. I'm shocked but not entirely surprised at that. As Israel learned with Hamas, and the US with the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, your enemy's enemy is definitely not always your friend. The American right, whatever religion they are, is a toxic presence in religion and politics.
Is there problems, fighting in Birmingham from Muslims? I cant tell from social media what is real and what isnt anymore. Add to that Elon Musk trying to support a RW revolution in my fkin country (The absolute twat). I just dont know
Strong rumours of trouble in Glodwick yesterday (to the point where they sent the staff of the NHS building we manage home) didn't materialise.
Isnt that were the Riots in Oldham started all those years ago?

A lad originally from our village was attacked and killed in Glodwick as he accidently strayed into the predominatly Asian area that had a history of violence towards whites after a night out.

Mr Hopley never regained consciousness after the attack and died on Friday night in the intensive care unit of North Manchester General Hospital.

Rip Gavin Hopley and Rip Stephen Laurence. Two racially agravated murders that have no place in any civilised society
A lot of coverage on Stephen, but sadly not as much media coverage with Gavin.
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It has become a really dangerous and powerful app, gone of the days where it was for kids doing shite dance routines. The ''LIVE'' section is full of people spreading hate and conspiracies against either against Jews, Christians or Muslims it is crazy. Half these protests and counter protests are people turning up to film for Tiktok and get loads of views. I reported a video the other day that was listing all these planned protests from a bot account citing that it was spreading hate, they didn't remove the video and said no terms were broken.

Needs controlling, but no doubt a new app would appear to fill the void.
Social media is sending us nuts.
yYeah, i agree with what you’re saying and obviously all discrimination is wrong. The problem in this case seems to be time doesn’t seem to be helping integration. The problems don’t seem to be easing and if anything as we’ve seen lately things seem to be getting worse.

That’s not having a dig at anyone other than racist morons but the divide seems as big as ever.
I may have misunderstood you, but how do you integrate racist morons into normal British society?

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