UK far right trouble July/August 24

I’m not so sure that’s true and that it’s far more symbiotic than that!

Tesla is the lowest cost EV manufacturer in the USA. Trump is not interest in theEV subsidies and Musk likes that, as it makes the new slate of US EVs much more expensive. Throw in Trump’s China tariffs and the prohibition on Chinese EVs in the U.S., and you NOW have Musk’s wet dream: No higher quality/lower priced Chinese competition and U.S. manufacturers whose new union contracts and new EV infrastructure costs are years behind Tesla!

Now, throw in SpaceX, the de facto “new-NASA” payload rocket producer, which theUS seem incapable of living without, and Musk has theYS over the barrel.

His rocket return concept was considered pie-in-the-sky technology…until he did it numerous times, both inland and floating docks out in the ocean!!!

No, I think Musk knows EXACTLY what he’s doing and is far more libertarian in his personal views, but non-union, protectionist in his professional views…and that squares with Trump far more than Harris today.
I never said that the US was not currently somewhat dependent on SpaceX (by the by, the way he secured those NASA payload contracts is currently under review), but that doesn’t conflict with SpaceX’s huge dependence on US government funding, both contract guarantees and subsidies. There’s more spending on low earth orbit satellite delivery being proposed, as well, and Trump could see that increase substantially.

And I actually class the likely massive tariffs Trump will impose on Chinese imports as subsidies for Musk (that go beyond just Tesla). That is because they almost always effectively are for whichever industry is being protected (at the price of consumers). I would also add that Trump could make things much, much easier on Tesla from a regulatory standpoint, including dropping quite a few high profile safety, quality, and harassment investigations currently ongoing.

My post was also intentionally short. I could put on my trained economist hat and go in to a pretty extensive deep dive in to how dependent Tesla and SpaceX were and are on government funding of various types, as well as a laundry list of illegal activity and practices he has used to keep both afloat over the years (and have done so in other discussions on here) but I thought I would spare everyone another diatribe.

I would just encourage anyone that is interested in the many reasons why Musk has decided to back Trump to read this excellent write up on the subject:

We live in dangerous times, the biggest platform of news and propaganda is being owned by a man like Elon who I always had an admiration for but recently he has come across like a total di*k. Hopefully the situation gets better soon
I used to admire him. Especially what he did with Space X.
Then he started opening his mouth. Downhill from there on...

Oh and making this!
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There's way more than that but agree he's one of the worst..

Laurence fox, Julia hitler brewer, that speccy **** David atherton, and that sad **** musk who is arguably the worst of all now

The right are already controlling the narrative mind, with the story becoming increasingly about the two tier policing thing, when it should be about holding the scum who caused this to account (e.g all of the names mentioned above) and making sure it doesn't happen again
Atherton is a good shout. @Don Karleone flagged him up earlier in the thread as someone spreading the disinformation about Southport. Definitely under the radar that ****.
hi @Vic

You seem to post a lot on this thread so you must have a good grasp of the plurality of views on here.

I personally have been concerned about the number of people arriving in the UK over the years. I see myself as an open minded, liberal individual who sees the benefits that people coming to this country bring.

However, I just see the impact on housing, transport and other practical considerations that this level of migration brings.

Is this a fairly well represented view on here?


Immigration puts strain on housing - but we need immigrants to build houses. (And older people with their own houses often oppose new housebuilding.) We need immigrants to do jobs that Brits don't seem to want to do. The last government had to backtrack on a "points-based" system because crops weren't being picked, pigs weren't being slaughtered (most abattoir vets were from the EU), people weren't getting care in homes. We also needed replacements for British doctors and nurses going abroad for better pay and conditions. It just so happens that wars and famine were creating a lot of refugees (though asylum seekers are a small fraction of immigration) just as Brexit meant young EU workers (who came here for a few years then went home) stopped coming and have been replaced by others who are more likely to stay permanently.

I've also pointed out how historically immigration has meant innovation and job creation (just in the Manchester area from Flemish Weavers to 19th century manufacturers like Beyer, Renold, Ferranti) - often employing immigrants from other parts of Britain as mechanisation hit labour-intensive agricultural occupations. *

But yes, the idea that "Britain is full" has been well represented on Bluemoon, including for the swap scheme with Rwanda (which has greater density of population than the UK).

As for transport, immigrants tend to use public transport more so that helps viability. As there's a bus driver shortage (despite the hourly rate going up by more than 50% since Brexit and Covid) I'd be in favour of scouring refugee camps for bus drivers who want to come to the UK.

I may be downplaying the challenges of immigration, but arguments against immigration do get plenty of an airing here, so I thought I'd state the positives.

* I wouldn't be from Manchester if my grandfather and his brother had not moved here from East Anglia (and set up a building firm).
I never said that the US was not currently somewhat dependent on SpaceX (by the by, the way he secured those NASA payload contracts is currently under review), but that doesn’t conflict with SpaceX’s huge dependence on US government funding, both contract guarantees and subsidies. There’s more spending on low earth orbit satellite delivery being proposed, as well, and Trump could see that increase substantially.

And I actually class the likely massive tariffs Trump will impose on Chinese imports as subsidies for Musk (that go beyond just Tesla). That is because they almost always effectively are for whichever industry is being protected (at the price of consumers). I would also add that Trump could make things much, much easier on Tesla from a regulatory standpoint, including dropping quite a few high profile safety, quality, and harassment investigations currently ongoing.

My post was also intentionally short. I could put on my trained economist hat and go in to a pretty extensive deep dive in to how dependent Tesla and SpaceX were and are on government funding of various types, as well as a laundry list of illegal activity and practices he has used to keep both afloat over the years (and have done so in other discussions on here) but I thought I would spare everyone another diatribe.

I would just encourage anyone that is interested in the many reasons why Musk has decided to back Trump to read this excellent write up on the subject:

My post was meant to show that he has moved on from the desire to court liberals and their subsidies to courting Trump and his protectionist policies that are now of more use to him at this stage of Tesla’s evolution, and to boost X revenues.

Like Trump, he appears more of a transactionalist than ideologue, and for Musk 2024, it appears having the ear of King Donald serves him more than courting Harris.
I think Starmer shut down access to Twitter and tik tok, if it’s been used for to organise stuff and spread hate from all sides then shut it down. Let’s see how the morons deal without social media for a while. Musk would be instantly silenced, he can complain all he wants no fucker would know. The USA are on about banning tik tok due the Chinese so it can be done.

Not possible.

There's literally organisations that give away VPNs* for free to allow people to bypass restrictions like the ones you've proposed in countries with current strict online policies.

(*Makes it look like you're connected from another country)

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