UK far right trouble July/August 24

You mentioned South Africa. I pointed out a fact. The handover was because of past mistakes. The racism was awful. I'm not really sure why you think I'm racist. I'm just a realist with a different point of view. Is it not ok to point out the facts that it's a real shit show now? It's always been bad, but the whole infrastructure is in freefall now. Who is to blame?

Anyway.. off to bed.
The ANC got their arses handed to them at the polls and instead of being a one party state have had to pivot to more inclusivity. We will see the results of collaboration in good time.
Can't agree with that Craig. 'Integration' as you call it, is measured over decades and it's pretty obvious, in my town at least, that second and third generations of immigrant families have moved up the social scale from where their parents/grandparents were when arriving on these shores.
That’s good then mate. Was just going off what i’ve seen. Hopefully over the coming years things get better in the country. Unfortunately with the economic state of the country and the amount of extreme right wing loons in the media it’s difficult to be too optimistic. Sad times.
I absolutely hope that the search through the social media output of Darren Grimes, Matthew Goodwin and Isabelle Oakshott, among others, begins in earnest. Their incessant spreading of anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, two-tier policing, has done Farage's work for him and helped these riots along. Someone is paying them a lot of money to spew their bile, and I would forensically follow those funds relentlessly. As for Braverman, Patel, Gullis, Anderson, Tice and Lowe, they are the kind of politicians the nation needs to be rid of, for they will deeply damage it for their own, personal gain without a moments thought.

Goodwin was bigging up Orban's Hungary on X/Twitter the other day. It was one of his more transparently proto-fascist tweets.


I replied to him with quotations from two reputable sources (the authors are far less mediocre academics):

'With his [Orban's] recent move to create a parallel, partisan judiciary, overpowering the nominally independent judiciary, Hungary is no longer liberal or democratic.'

'It has become a competitive authoritarian state, which allows an increasingly embattled and harassed opposition to exist only on the political margins.'

'Orban has transformed Hungary into an illiberal democracy, using nativist campaigns against asylum seekers to marginalize his remaining political opponent Jobbik, while intensifying an antisemitic campaign against...George Soros to curtail civil society.'

'Orban has reduced parliament to a partisan rubber-stamping institution, which does little else than uncritically introduce and pass government- initiated legislation.'

'He has weakened non-majoritarian institutions, from courts to tax offices, by limiting their power and stacking them with cronies.'

'Today, with the exception of one TV station (RTL Klub), and a few websites, the Hungarian media are completely under Orban's control.'

Fidesz has won all national and European elections since 2009 by 'using an enormous amount of public financial resources, constraining public opposition parties' access to media, and manipulating electoral rules.'

Orban also espouses the baseless 'Great Replacement' conspiracy theory. The demographics which support it have been comprehensively debunked, and the theory is also logically fallacious (it commits the 'post hoc ergo propter hoc' error).

If I was still teaching, I would use the tweets of characters like Murray, Grimes, Fox, Robinson (Tommy), Robinson (Calvin), Tousi, Daubney, Slater et al. to teach critical thinking skills to sixth formers, as they are often very easy to debunk.
Goodwin was bigging up Orban's Hungary on X/Twitter the other day. It was one of his more transparently proto-fascist tweets.

View attachment 127614

I replied to him with quotations from two reputable sources (the authors are far less mediocre academics):

'With his [Orban's] recent move to create a parallel, partisan judiciary, overpowering the nominally independent judiciary, Hungary is no longer liberal or democratic.'

'It has become a competitive authoritarian state, which allows an increasingly embattled and harassed opposition to exist only on the political margins.'

'Orban has transformed Hungary into an illiberal democracy, using nativist campaigns against asylum seekers to marginalize his remaining political opponent Jobbik, while intensifying an antisemitic campaign against...George Soros to curtail civil society.'

'Orban has reduced parliament to a partisan rubber-stamping institution, which does little else than uncritically introduce and pass government- initiated legislation.'

'He has weakened non-majoritarian institutions, from courts to tax offices, by limiting their power and stacking them with cronies.'

'Today, with the exception of one TV station (RTL Klub), and a few websites, the Hungarian media are completely under Orban's control.'

Fidesz has won all national and European elections since 2009 by 'using an enormous amount of public financial resources, constraining public opposition parties' access to media, and manipulating electoral rules.'

Orban also espouses the baseless 'Great Replacement' conspiracy theory. The demographics which support it have been comprehensively debunked, and the theory is also logically fallacious (it commits the 'post hoc ergo propter hoc' error).

If I was still teaching, I would use the tweets of characters like Murray, Grimes, Fox, Robinson (Tommy), Robinson (Calvin), Tousi, Daubney, Slater et al. to teach critical thinking skills to sixth formers, as they are often very easy to debunk.
Goodwin is being paid very good money by somebody, as is Grimes. I hope they are charged with inciting violence.
Not possible.

There's literally organisations that give away VPNs* for free to allow people to bypass restrictions like the ones you've proposed in countries with current strict online policies.

(*Makes it look like you're connected from another country)
I know that but the majority of morons who use it, either couldn’t be bothered or wouldn’t know what they are doing, you’ve got to remember we are talking about the general public here.
So a new tactic in highly populated asian area where any mob will get a kicking is to leak a false meet up, get this equally unecessary MDL lot out and then claim lawless britain.

all being funnelled through twitter which is now wall to wall right wing musk approved content on peoples "for you" pages
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