UK far right trouble July/August 24

The far right has found a home on X and Musk is most definitely facilitating that and actively inciting real world disorder and violence in multiple countries, including ours.

When was this? Also, what is a “left wing cesspit”?

He’s really not a particularly smart individual. Many, many people that know him well (family members, people he has worked with, and other direct contacts) have said he isn’t actually especially intelligent, he is just very good at bullshitting and at taking credit for intelligent people’s work (and committing fraud and getting away with it).

And it isn’t his dark side that comes out on Twxttxr, it is who he has always been: a racist misogynistic conman opportunist that admires authoritarian leaders and espouses whatever political beliefs are required to maintain his leadership of his cult and grow his wealth. What we have seen from him since he was forced to buy Twitter (because his juvenile narcissism backed him in to a corner) is exactly who he has always been, just now coming through the world’s biggest megaphone he wields like a psychopathic twelve-year-old whose parents never loved him (which is actually probably an accurate description of him).

It’s really not that hard to work out what he is doing or gaining by cozying up to the far-right and Trump in particular. The only reason Tesla and SpaceX even exist (and largely still operate) is because of massive subsidies from the US government (and others). Some of that he actually secured fraudulently, got caught by the SEC, but ended up settling it, only to then continually break the terms of the settlement. There have been obvious signs that the subsidy gravy train was starting to slow even before Biden won office, and would likely slow further under another Democrat administration, so he has been aligning himself with Trump, Xi, and Putin to keep the government money flowing and Tesla and SpaceX afloat (and his personal megaphone up and spewing vile shite). Oh, and him out of significant legal jeopardy for numerous illegal actions he has taken over the last decade, involving basically every enterprise he is connected to.

He stands to gain a lot from Trump being re-elected, as he loves strongmen that are willing to give him free government money (leeway to do almost anything he wants, as was the case under Trump’s presidency). He stands to lose a lot from Harris being elected, as even beyond the subsidies not flowing like condoms at the Olympic village, there will likely be crackdowns on his unethical (and often illegal) practices at Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter.

Trump gains another means of controlling narrative and discourse among his base (far right nutters).

And, make no mistake, despite Musk’s booked wealth, he desperately needs the government gravy train to keep running.
So I take it you're not a fan then?

Look, you're only taking an interest in hating him because you can't stand his move into politics. I doubt you would of had this view say 5 years ago where if you weren't interested in space or cars then you probably wouldn't know who he is.

If it was that easy and he was just a total fraud then he must be the most successful fraud in history but I don't buy that. I certainly don't see how he's any different to Zuckerberg or any of the other billionaires who struck gold at the right time. Rather ironically most people on the left hate Branson because he was a Thatcherite. Meanwhile the right hate him because he was pro-EU. This sort of just shows how politics tortures and poisons people's minds and judgement.

Of course Musk benefits from the government but this is an incredibly naive and pointless argument. SpaceX and Tesla directly benefit from government funds but so what? Do you believe that Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, GM, Ford, Stellantis or Toyota don't benefit from government funds? These companies have bled the American taxpayer dry and who do you think they're donating to? And you think Musk is the problem....

I don't like where he's taking X or where he's going on politics but I've never met the guy and clearly never will so I can't take your path to hate somebody that I've never met. Meanwhile I'll watch on as the space industry and car industry flourishes because unlike politics that actually matters and it's also more interesting.
I think Starmer shut down access to Twitter and tik tok, if it’s been used for to organise stuff and spread hate from all sides then shut it down. Let’s see how the morons deal without social media for a while. Musk would be instantly silenced, he can complain all he wants no fucker would know. The USA are on about banning tik tok due the Chinese so it can be done.

Should do the same with Sky, BBC and the papers as well then.

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