UK far right trouble July/August 24

So a new tactic in highly populated asian area where any mob will get a kicking is to lwak a falsle meet up, get this equally unecessary MDL lotmout amd then claim lawless britain.

all being funneled throjgh twitter which is now wall to wall right wing musk approved content pn peoples "for you" pages
Musk is inside your keyboard boss..........the virus ****
I know that but the majority of morons who use it, either couldn’t be bothered or wouldn’t know what they are doing, you’ve got to remember we are talking about the general public here.
Yep. It's different from pirate websites or things like that, where people are already going to great lengths to get past all kinds of restrictions so one more isn't going to make much difference. Twitter is a casual thing. An ISP block would likely be a death sentence for it in the UK. For a start, even if you are committed to overcoming the restrictions, are all of the people you're following? Are the journalists, politicians, comedians, etc, really going to go out of their way to post on there when the audience has gone down to whoever can be arsed to set up a VPN?

Not that any of this will happen. But what it does mean is that the UK government could reasonably demand that certain changes are made, perhaps in conjunction with the EU, where they have similar concerns.
Not possible.

There's literally organisations that give away VPNs* for free to allow people to bypass restrictions like the ones you've proposed in countries with current strict online policies.

(*Makes it look like you're connected from another country)
I wouldn’t be quite so sure. Whilst less liberal countries let some people circumvent internet restrictions, it’s a great way of finding out what subversive groups in your country are getting up to by pretending it can’t be intercepted. It’s only as secure as its encryption and the entry and exit points from the VPN tunnel.
I shall say no more.
I wouldn’t be quite so sure. Whilst less liberal countries let some people circumvent internet restrictions, it’s a great way of finding out what subversive groups in your country are getting up to by pretending it can’t be intercepted. It’s only as secure as its encryption and the entry and exit points from the VPN tunnel.
I shall say no more.
I have NordVPN because I live outside the UK and want to watch stuff on UK TV occasionally (like the Olympics). But it's around $100 a year (maybe every two years - they always have a 'special offer' on when I renew), and I can't imagine people paying that to get on Twitter (then again, some thick bastards paid for the blue tick). I did use to use one of those free ones, but it was unsurprisingly shite, and AFAIK, they're basically making their money by selling all of the data they get when you browse.
I wouldn’t be quite so sure. Whilst less liberal countries let some people circumvent internet restrictions, it’s a great way of finding out what subversive groups in your country are getting up to by pretending it can’t be intercepted. It’s only as secure as its encryption and the entry and exit points from the VPN tunnel.
I shall say no more.

Correct, VPNs are not security products (despite what some may lead you to believe).

I don’t really think restricting access to social media is the way to go. It’s almost like treating the symptoms instead of the cause. I would like to see corporations and politicians stop using it. I would like to see much tougher regulations on disinformation. Sites that don’t have sufficient safeguards and allow the proliferation of disinformation and hate speech should be punished with an order that company advertising on those sites is banned.

These people only understand one language and that’s money.
Correct, VPNs are not security products (despite what some may lead you to believe).

I don’t really think restricting access to social media is the way to go. It’s almost like treating the symptoms instead of the cause. I would like to see corporations and politicians stop using it. I would like to see much tougher regulations on disinformation. Sites that don’t have sufficient safeguards and allow the proliferation of disinformation and hate speech should be punished with an order that company advertising on those sites is banned.

These people only understand one language and that’s money.
You can’t regulate Twitter and tik tok, Musk will just tell them to go fuck themselves, I honestly think switching it off for a week would help tremendously, what’s the worst that could happen, riots over tik tok!
You can’t regulate Twitter and tik tok, Musk will just tell them to go fuck themselves, I honestly think switching it off for a week would help tremendously, what’s the worst that could happen, riots over tik tok!

You can’t regulate Twitter but you can regulate the companies using it. Musk is so annoyed over the initial wave of companies that boycotted his platform when he first bought it that he is currently suing them for antitrust activity… the best indication of what annoys him is who he has sued.

Enforce firms to pull their advertising if they refuse to properly moderate their content. Ask the EU to do the same. They probably would.

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