UK far right trouble July/August 24

One of the dickheads arrested during the riots was charged with possession of a weapon because he was carrying a pole around. Fair enough. On the other hand though, an Asian lad was in clear view of Sky News cameras and police carrying a fucking sword around and nothing.

Its stuff like this that just fans the flames imo. A prick is a prick, doesn't matter what colour you are. The police need to stop being afraid to uphold the law because of "optics".
How do you know they wouldn’t have identified him and arrested him the following day? Arresting someone with a sword would probably have needed several police and a taser so they could well have decided to observe him and arrest him later unless he started trying to use it.
how do you know? police might be in the process of tracking him down as we speak.
will take their time but most of the thugs will get their comeuppance.

They shouldn't need to track him down. He was in full view of the police with a deadly weapon in his hand, action should have been taken there and then
I take your point, of course, but I am not sure it's that hazy. I don't really understand why these social media sites are allowed to be anonymous. You have an opinion you want to share? Put your name to it. Then the consequences of saying the wrong thing can be the same on the internet or in real life.
Who on here would post on these political threads with their real name? Nobody would or at least very few would say what they really think. You see this on X most, people using their real names tend to say the least or less controversial things but those who put it all out there tend to see negative consequences.

Imagine if you got a bit angry and said something stupid by accident against your name, we're all human and it happens. Does this mean that you should now lose your job or what if city decided to ban you from the ground? In reality you're going to avoid saying what you really think.

There are also the ethical questions because do you really want the government or companies to know exactly who you are and what your views are? With X they don't know but with others such as Facebook they do and we've seen what those companies do with that information.
I decided Musk was a **** six years ago when he called the guy who rescued the kids from a flooded cave in Thailand a pedo because he wouldn’t use his shitty toy submarine to rescue them. That was when I first became aware of him, and everything he’s done since then has reinforced my opinion.
He wouldn't be the first person to be sued for saying something stupid. I mean a single British bloke living in Thailand.. it's a common trope that we could all be forgiven for thinking of first. Cuntish yes but I've heard worse.

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