UK far right trouble July/August 24

I decided Musk was a **** six years ago when he called the guy who rescued the kids from a flooded cave in Thailand a pedo because he wouldn’t use his shitty toy submarine to rescue them. That was when I first became aware of him, and everything he’s done since then has reinforced my opinion.
He wouldn't be the first person to be sued for saying something stupid. I mean a single British bloke living in Thailand.. it's a common trope that we could all be forgiven for thinking of first. Cuntish yes but I've heard worse.
I don't read or watch the news these days but I'm aware of one post Musk made in response to Starmer's tweet that he would protect British Muslim communities, he tweeted shouldn't that be "all communities". Is that so bad or am I missing something?

Vinny Kompany worked hard and contributed to the homeless community, they deserve help and protection but I rarely hear about those people anymore, hate seeing people on the street but they get little help, I do my bit but admit it's not enough.

All people deserve respect until they break the law, there's no excuse, none whatsoever, regardless of age, race or nationality It's utterly depressing reading this thread with some poster's more interested in being back slapped than acknowledging the problems we face in this terrible time of our lives.

Yes. You are missing the point that the community currently under attack is the Muslim community. It is therefore reasonable for a Govt to offer support to that community. The same would apply to any minority community.

Musk resents the Muslim community being protected and seeks to fan further protest by drawing a false comparison to other communities and implying the Govt believes they are not worthy of being protected.

It is an obvious and cynical move that anyone of a fair mind could see through.
He wouldn't be the first person to be sued for saying something stupid. I mean a single British bloke living in Thailand.. it's a common trope that we could all be forgiven for thinking of first. Cuntish yes but I've heard worse.
This type of stereotyping by morons like you is why we are so fucked in the first place - grow a brain

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