UK far right trouble July/August 24

If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Does it make the far right riots ok?

Well played, the guy shit stirring, managed to pull a few into his whataboutery wormhole, with just a couple carefully placed words. Shows how easy it is.
The precedent set by the decision on Begum could be used to stop Yaxley coming back into the country. I’m sure the Irish wouldn’t thank us though!
Maybe we can do a deal with a third country and charter some flights to send our unwanted...

Start with Begum, Yaxley Lennon...Kalvin Phillips?
Alastair Campbell read out the first page of the terrorism act on the Rest is Politics - if I were the DPP I'd be throwing the book at the lot of them and prosecuting them with terror offences.

We all know it won't happen though. They'll get 6 months in a low security prison, out in 3 if they say sorry and help do the washing up.

IMO they should be treated like any other terrorist - shipped out to some MI6 black site in bumfuck nowhere never to see daylight again.
I agree, but to be fair there’s quite a lot of people who think that should happen to Alastair Campbell as well.
If this is genuinely the fag end of this what a blinder Starmer has played-standing up to the far right, using his experience to work with law enforcement and push for harsh sentences for the thugs in quick time-that’s a deterrent.

At the same time causing huge damage to brand Farage. Hopefully Robinson never sets foot in this country ever again-and if he does he has everything thrown at him.

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