UK far right trouble July/August 24

Fair enough, I suspect that comes from the fact that we consider ourselves bastions of democracy and defenders of liberty to an extent. Hence we offer opinions on the situation in other countries.

China on the other hand is bribing it's way through Africa and South America in its quest onto hoover up the worlds resources. I actually think that's worse in the 21st century than offering opinions via media.

Out of interest, do you consider your own media to be bias free and balanced?

I never understand this view that China "bribes".

What does the West do, then?!

If China "bribes" then they 'bribe' by building or teaching useful things for African countries in order to get what they need for their own. Sort of a co-op or old fashioned trading.

The West? Regime change that often causes war and 'bribing' the 'recognised leader' to make resources more readily available to them for dirt cheap as long as President/ Prime Minister 'XX' gets a fat pocket through favouritism which... drives people to find economic sanctuary elsewhere.

And here we are.
13 year old girl in court for participating in the riots.

Fucking sickening, who are these parents?!?

I can’t wrap my head around it.

Should have their kids taken off them and they should be banned for keeping anything bigger than a goldfish for life.

When I hear stories like this I always feel eternally grateful for the upbringing and education I had.

This is an awful thing to say but for some kids they really are doomed from birth.

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