UK far right trouble July/August 24

Fucking hell…

A 13-year-old girl has pleaded guilty to threatening unlawful violence during a protest in Aldershot on 31 July.

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted the violent disorder offence following the protest outside Potters International Hotel.

She sat with her parents at the short hearing at Basingstoke Magistrates' Court.

District Judge Tim Pattinson ordered for a pre-sentence report to be made and adjourned the youngster’s sentencing to take place on 30 September.

Willing to bet my house and every penny I own that her parents already knew the way to the local magistrate court.
I never understand this view that China "bribes".

What does the West do, then?!

If China "bribes" then they 'bribe' by building or teaching useful things for African countries in order to get what they need for their own. Sort of a co-op or old fashioned trading.

The West? Regime change that often causes war and 'bribing' the 'recognised leader' to make resources more readily available to them for dirt cheap as long as President/ Prime Minister 'XX' gets a fat pocket through favouritism which... drives people to find economic sanctuary elsewhere.

And here we are.
The Chinese do. Its a well known fact in the international minerals market. You should do some research.
'White police officers lost out on a job when bosses told to pick an asian'
This is a current headline run by the racist Daily Telegraph.
I had no desire to click the link so don't know the context but it may explain why white people living in picture postcard villages are voting Reform (as mentioned in posts earlier) As long as racists can persuade people that the black/asian bloke is the bad guy we will always have serious problems.
Thanks. I'm shocked but not entirely surprised at that. As Israel learned with Hamas, and the US with the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, your enemy's enemy is definitely not always your friend. The American right, whatever religion they are, is a toxic presence in religion and politics.
From what I have read of the Christian Evangelist right in the US they are the really scary fuckers. look them up mate, they terrify me more than any other grouping on earth.
Fucking hell…

A 13-year-old girl has pleaded guilty to threatening unlawful violence during a protest in Aldershot on 31 July.

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted the violent disorder offence following the protest outside Potters International Hotel.

She sat with her parents at the short hearing at Basingstoke Magistrates' Court.

District Judge Tim Pattinson ordered for a pre-sentence report to be made and adjourned the youngster’s sentencing to take place on 30 September.
No 13 yr old should have that much hate inside them. This is either taught or learned. Hope it isnt from people who should know better. Isnt Aldershot a big military town?
I've read both your post and the reply from @Prestwich_Blue . You are both very persuasive with your points so I'm non the wiser cheers!
It is refreshing to see two posters who strongly disagree manage to do so in civil way and articulate their views without accusing each other of being woke, racist, gammon, thick or the next Hitler though. A lesson to us all.
Me and PB have been friends for many years, i would never want to upset him and i think he would feel likewise.

Where we disagree, we disagree, yet still have a pint before the game if i can find the midget fucker :))
Fucking hell…

A 13-year-old girl has pleaded guilty to threatening unlawful violence during a protest in Aldershot on 31 July.

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted the violent disorder offence following the protest outside Potters International Hotel.

She sat with her parents at the short hearing at Basingstoke Magistrates' Court.

District Judge Tim Pattinson ordered for a pre-sentence report to be made and adjourned the youngster’s sentencing to take place on 30 September.
That is madness. But it is under laws brought in by the Tories.

What really annoys me mate, is that legitimate protests should be allowed and I would even support the far right's right to protest outside hotels. That is democracy as I see it.

The violence though is unacceptable and if under the law as it stands as much as I disagree with it then the girl has to face the consequences of her actions. Hopefully she gets a smack on the wrist
That is madness. But it is under laws brought in by the Tories.

What really annoys me mate, is that legitimate protests should be allowed and I would even support the far right's right to protest outside hotels. That is democracy as I see it.

The violence though is unacceptable and if under the law as it stands as much as I disagree with it then the girl has to face the consequences of her actions. Hopefully she gets a smack on the wrist
She wont ever get anything more. What needs to happen is her parents or wherever she gets her formative information from should be ashamed of themselves
13 year old girl in court for participating in the riots.

Fucking sickening, who are these parents?!?

I can’t wrap my head around it.

Should have their kids taken off them and they should be banned for keeping anything bigger than a goldfish for life.

When I hear stories like this I always feel eternally grateful for the upbringing and education I had.

This is an awful thing to say but for some kids they really are doomed from birth.


And what's the betting that this girl has friends of a different race at school, listens and dances along to a singer of a different race, tends to enjoy foods of a different culture all whilst interacting with parents that have their own lives impacted by the same events...?

The sheer ignorance is staggering for these people (and for a few on BM, let's be honest) not to understand how much their lives have been enriched, thus far.

As an aside, if 'Far Right' idiots are so concerned with a 'loss' of their own culture, why have they allowed it to disappear? I remember as a Black kid 5-7 taking part in the May Pole dances with 'home made' costumes done by the class. And that wasn't in some village, that was the districts of South Manchester. Can't remember the last time I saw a visit to quaint tradition. Personally, I'd like to see it again.

There's no need for cultures to supercede one another, when all celebratory events could all be experienced and the bullshit reasons for the kick offs would be almost be silenced.

Just my opinion.

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