UK far right trouble July/August 24

One of the insitgators of the Middlesborough riots, offering to pay anyone hurting a police officer, was himself an illegal immigrant in Thailand and Vietnam.

So many of the thugs being arrested have had previous criminal convictions.... yet it's immigrants who are the problem for their own shitty decisions.

Honestly, these people are below average intelligence.

Note to all the fascist cunts on here , even your daily rag has thrown the towel in . The grifting coke head is sunning himself in Cyprus while you thick cunts destroy the country. Fucking mugs
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He's a grifting ****. The far rights Goldbridge.

Changed his name and cosplayed at being a far right freedom fighter.

Never once truly cared about the girls being groomed. He used their plight to raise money for himself... and the dumb, morons believe him and keep giving him money!
People questioning police tactics-it’s been covered here numerous times:

The training is to stand in lines with shields. Occasionally moved forward a bit, occasionally back.

You are wearing cumbersome protective kit under those overalls. The helmet squashes your ears, you can’t hear the radio properly and the visor steams up.

You have a long stick.

Sometimes you will see ‘snatch squads’ move between the lines to grab individuals they target and arrest them-but its really important officers don’t break the lines, otherwise you can easily get isolated.

You have consider staffing-every time you arrest someone that’s your serial gone, then you’re queued up in custody waiting to get your prisoner booked in. Plus you have to think of cell space-especially at weekends cell blocks can run at 80%+ capacity in normal times.

So it’s a case of standing there and taking everything thrown at you-and hope they get bored and go home.

Remember the majority of these officers are taken from the frontline so people reporting crimes that need an officer will be waiting days and days.

I think they have been incredibly brave. They will be scared ant times and absolutely exhausted working long shifts in that kit in this heat.

Just guessing but in reality the police can only keep this up for a few more days.

Keir Starmer was exactly right to call this out as actions by the far right.

What upsets me personally is realising just how prevalent racism is in society and it’s not only made me think about my use of social media but also look twice at some friends and wonder…
Totally agree, people need to try restraining someone in that gear and find out just how much it takes out of you as well as the mental exhaustion from a prolonged shift, Speedo anti fog spray always worked a treat on my visor back in the day. The point about isolation is a good one seen plenty dragged back by their mates when they’ve gone a bit hung ho. All these people criticising police tactics need to walk an hour in their boots in these situations, too many armchair Gold Commanders commenting who haven’t got a clue.
I still watch it about once a week. They really nailed the future of news media consumption with that one. Has to be one of the most prescient skits ever.
It’s still the most dead eyed piece of satire I’ve seen on British TV.

We have a monthly newsletter at work and occasionally a new editor will ring me and ask for a story. I’ve gone through ‘Where now for man raised by puffins?’ And ‘Crazed wolves in store a mistake admits Mothercare’ before they stopped ringing me.
One of the insitgators of the Middlesborough riots, offering to pay anyone hurting a police officer, was himself an illegal immigrant in Thailand and Vietnam.

So many of the thugs being arrested have had previous criminal convictions.... yet it's immigrants who are the problem for their own shitty decisions.

Honestly, these people are below average intelligence.

every knock on the door every ring of the bell will now result in that person shitting their pants - furthermore as thats online the Police can seize all devices - imagine what a warped mind could have been watching
Totally agree, people need to try restraining someone in that gear and find out just how much it takes out of you as well as the mental exhaustion from a prolonged shift, Speedo anti fog spray always worked a treat on my visor back in the day. The point about isolation is a good one seen plenty dragged back by their mates when they’ve gone a bit hung ho. All these people criticising police tactics need to walk an hour in their boots in these situations, too many armchair Gold Commanders commenting who haven’t got a clue.
I wish someone had given me that tip about the spray!!

I had a small laminated sheet with my orders on it and I honestly lost without it-so I’d resort to the tried and tested ‘watch your dressings!’ which I’ve heard several times this weekend.

But simply incredibly brave people-I’m in awe of what they do.

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