United 2016/17

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some have seen the light-

nutes ago
wc18New Member

Dec 1, 2015


Jose really is a cnut isn't he?
What's the point of having a go at Blind and Rojo like that? He selected a team with 2 left footed center backs no one else did. It's not like they gifted them the goals. We've conceded off a free kick and an overhead kick from outside the box for fecks sake. Very strange to single them out in a post match interview

We have no continuity or understanding in our midfield or attack. Valencia's absence was really glaring today...Darmian is just not an attacking full back. Found it really hard to get forward and supply quality. Same old story up top...no cutting edge. No one taking the game to the opponent other than Martial getting at them a few times on the wing. Ibra just has to be dropped imo he's offering us nothing at the moment. Rashford had a shit game today but i'd play him up top at the weekend
Worst (i.e. best) of all was them being forced into a Faustian pact with Mourinho. No way does that snide Portugee accord with any of their fondly imagined but none-too-visible values.

The Moyesiah was useless but harmless. A sort of flaccid dick.

Van Butthead was little more use but at least entertaining. Like a mutt that humps the vicar's legs and pisses on the carpet.

Fast forward to Desperationville when Pep rolls up in Beswick. The prospect of Moaninho going head to head with him to bring untold success was well worth whoring themselves for. Wasn't it?

Well wasn't it, raggies?

Paddy Barclay still waiting for Pep to rip up his contract in fear of the mighty Maureen.
Looking at it objectively, Mourinho just seems to have lost something. It's as if some part of him is dead, just doesn't care enough anymore. He's a shadow of his former self. His handling of Mkhitaryan is puzzling to say the least, considering he signed him.

With that said, they'd be absolutely stupid to get rid of him before the season's end (doubt they would anyway), and some of their fans of Redcafe are just being ridiculous questioning whether he should stay or not. After all the shit they used to give people about chopping and changing managers, they've pretty much gone against everything they once stood for.
Bollocks - They never stood for anything. They didn't change managers because the Pisscan kept winning stuff. All these "things they stand for" are made up by the media. There isn't a ushited way it's just shite from the press, as is "The Arsenal Way" and "The Liverpool Way" all are made up notions from the pens of pissed up reporters who claim to be journalists.
The only one that was ever remotely close was "Typical City!!" but that covered a multitude of sins, often simultaneously.
"The ushited way" - entertaining football. It may have been under the Pisscan if hoofing it wide for the family man or one of the other clowns to chase then hoof in the box. OK it wasn't Wimbledon but it's certainly not Barcelona (or us). And the demand for such excitement would not have emerged over the past three and a half seasons if the Chosen (by Pisscan) One, the turtle or The Used to be Special One produced a few good results.
They got lucky by hanging on to the Pisscan in 89 as many of their fans wanted him out after we stuffed them 5-1. It's claimed one of their fanzines, when referring to Machin's sacking, said "City have had their Christmas present early, please give us ours". They might have given us earache for sacking the managers but many of them wanted a sacking of their own.
I feel like one of them Dementor things off Harry Potter, just feeding off their pain

Bollocks - They never stood for anything. They didn't change managers because the Pisscan kept winning stuff. All these "things they stand for" are made up by the media. There isn't a ushited way it's just shite from the press, as is "The Arsenal Way" and "The Liverpool Way" all are made up notions from the pens of pissed up reporters who claim to be journalists.
The only one that was ever remotely close was "Typical City!!" but that covered a multitude of sins, often simultaneously.
"The ushited way" - entertaining football. It may have been under the Pisscan if hoofing it wide for the family man or one of the other clowns to chase then hoof in the box. OK it wasn't Wimbledon but it's certainly not Barcelona (or us). And the demand for such excitement would not have emerged over the past three and a half seasons if the Chosen (by Pisscan) One, the turtle or The Used to be Special One produced a few good results.
They got lucky by hanging on to the Pisscan in 89 as many of their fans wanted him out after we stuffed them 5-1. It's claimed one of their fanzines, when referring to Machin's sacking, said "City have had their Christmas present early, please give us ours". They might have given us earache for sacking the managers but many of them wanted a sacking of their own.

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