United (A) Post Match Thread

Great win, well done.

No subs lol.

Oliver and VAR, blatant cheating that penalty was 100% clear, clear and obvious error what else you want for a good decision? Can you imagine that not given for Liverpool?
Nope, I can't. Nobody can. Because it's not a possibility...

I guess after the 0-5 it would be too much for Utd getting humiliated for the second time in a few days, at home vs a direct rival. So they were protected at the expense of the credibility of the PL, once again. A farse of injustice, yet providing equal chances to opponents in a PL fixture has not been the objective for officials for years, has it?

I'm probably going to regret this, yet that's the way I was brought up by my parents. So on this occasion I'm prepaired to give Oliver the benefit of the doubt. Let's say he missed it. That is exactly the reason justifying VAR's existence though, isn't it? As you say, "...clear and obvious error". Not sending Oliver to the monitor cannot be explained neither can it be accepted. It's not even down to incompetence here, the replays are clear. Oliver himself must be feeling uncomfortable after this, wouldn't be surprised if he complained to his colleague afterwards...

Oliver is not entirely innocent though. Bruno on Kevin is a clear yellow in the end, the **** got away with it again. Not to mention Utd got calls (fouls) City did not. Once again, we have to bleed so as to get a fucking foul, and so on, and so on...

Returning to the match itself, seems that people who get a hard on criticizing Guardiola, found another opportunity midweek, after his comments regarding the importance of the Brugges match. I expect the same people having very little to comment after this win. The important stuff usually remain in the dark due to ignorance...

For what it's worth, expecting Utd's 5 at the bank, wingless with Ronaldo on the pitch and Fernandes providing cover in midfield, by fielding Kevin, Ilkay and Bernardo, with Phil and Gabby ordered to stretch their defence (therefore restricting their fullbacks to defensive duties practically throughout the 90', Shaw especially), Pep won the match before Oliver's first whistle. That is not an exaggeration. In the process becoming clear it was bound to be a formality, unless we conceded through a silly mistake. For the whole 90' City seemed like playing with 12, even 13 players on the pitch, against Utd's 11...

By the way: Following his 5-0 victory at OT, Klopp talked about "respecting opposition", right? A few minutes before he was seen punching the air in front of his fans. Guardiola doesn't need that. He's not a hypocrite -and will never be a populist. Another reason for admiring the man, I salute him for that...

In terms of quality, our performances vs Chelsea and Brugges away were by far the best this season. This afternoon there was no way we could possibly match those performances though, it's deterministic. Do I have to explain why, do I have to explain how fucking dangerous this match was on paper? Following the win at SB, our intensity and sharpness gradually dropped, again, it was fucking deterministic. However, both in Paris as well as in Anfield, we deserved to have won. As for today, given the circumstances, the schedule etc, Pep remained calm, following his masterplan. Ruben got a rest midweek, John got some more match rhythme, Gabby was saved for today, Bernardo and Phil were subbed when the manager felt the result against the Belgians was secured. Which would not be enough anyway, people like Kyle, Joao, Rodri, Bernardo, Ilkay, Kevin and Phil, were expected to suffer today, each for different reasons. Which they did. Less than 3 fucking days to recover, man. Less than THREE fucking days!!!

Nevertheless, the team, I repeat, THE TEAM, delivered this performance, a few hours ago. For people expecting more, I would strongly suggest to not embarrass themselves. It's unfair, not to mention idiotic. As I said, it's deterministic. That is why this is the most important victory so far, exactly because of the circumstances under which it was achieved -and winning against Utd just makes it sweeter perhaps. And by the way, do not underestimate them, not for a moment. Second last season, definitely stronger in terms of squad options this season. Utd's problems lie elsewhere, but discussing them is beyond the purpose of this post...

Warm congratulations to the boss and the boys. Proud of them, as always...

PS. Guardiola is the only manager at this level who has a VALID argument regarding fatigue, fitness and stamina issues. An objective observation since the beginning of last season, to say the least. An argument he has never used though. Never. On the contrary, following the Brugges match, he said the team would be ready to play the following day, if necessary. And his boys delivered, once again. Still, the argument exists, for everybody interested in seeking the truth...
PS2. Is there any point repeating the fact that City are consistently officiated differently, domestically as well as abroad? Guess not. So I guess there is also no point repeating how poorly official City have dealt with this matter, is there? Clowns like Mourinho, currently in Italy, are doing what they've done throughout their carreers, making a case out of nothing, applying pressure to officials etc. I guess we're too large for that. By keeping our mouths shut we are perceived as weak though. I'm sorry, but that is the truth. Which is proven again and again and again, all these years, by all the fucking Tierneys, the Mariners, the Mosses etc etc etc out there. City were robbed at Anfield, were fucked vs Palace, the same today -the list is endless. The team suffers, and the team loses points. I wonder what it will take for the club to reconsider its "strategy" on this issue. Which is a disgrace. Period...
PS3. I can only assume that **** of a "journalist" did not understand the meaning of the phrase "We did it ourselves" the other night. So insisted on Pep clarifying his position. In a ideal world, Pep shouldn't even have said that, for honest people it was more than enough. But, as we know, this is not a perfect world, is it? If it was, the likes of that **** would have simply done their jobs, saying and writing the truth. But seeking it has never been the objective for that bunch of whores, has it?
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Long term he will be fine, as soon as they get a half competent manager in he will come good.

Having wingers like him or Sané is not a plug and play thing where if you stick them in they'll be excellent. You have to set the side up to put them in 1v1s or get the ball to them early like Pep does and Dortmund did.
Dont know why people keep making excuses for him. Very odd.
Nope, I can't. Nobody can. Because it's not a possibility...

I guess after the 0-5 it would be too much for Utd getting humiliated for the second time in a few days, at home vs a direct rival. So they were protected at the expense of the credibility of the PL, once again. A farse of injustice, yet providing equal chances to opponents in a PL fixture has not been the objective for officials for years, has it?

I'm probably going to regret this, yet that's the way I was brought up by my parents. So on this occasion I'm prepaired to give Oliver the benefit of the doubt. Let's say he missed it. That is exactly the reason justifying VAR's existence though, isn't it? As you say, "...clear and obvious error". Not sending Oliver to the monitor cannot be explained neither can it be accepted. It's not even down to incompetence here, the replays are clear. Oliver himself must be feeling uncomfortable after this, wouldn't be surprised if he complained to his colleague afterwards...

Oliver is not entirely innocent though. Bruno on Kevin is a clear yellow in the end, the **** got away with it again. Not to mention Utd got calls (fouls) City did not. Once again, we have to bleed so as to get a fucking foul, and so on, and so on...

Returning to the match itself, seems that people who get a hard on criticizing Guardiola, found another opportunity midweek, after his comments regarding the importance of the Brugges match. I expect the same people having very little to comment after this win. The important stuff usually remain in the dark due to ignorance...

For what it's worth, expecting Utd's 5 at the bank, wingless with Ronaldo on the pitch and Fernandes providing cover in midfield, by fielding Kevin, Ilkay and Bernardo, with Phil and Gabby ordered to stretch their defence (therefore restricting their fullbacks to defensive duties practically throughout the 90', Shaw especially), Pep won the match before Oliver's first whistle. That is not an exaggeration. In the process becoming clear it was bound to be a formality, unless we conceded through a silly mistake. For the whole 90' City seemed like playing with 12, even 13 players on the pitch, against Utd's 11...

By the way: Following his 5-0 victory at OT, Klopp talked about "respecting opposition", right? A few minutes before he was seen punching the air in front of his fans. Guardiola doesn't need that. He's not a hypocrite -and will never be a populist. Another reason for admiring the man, I salute him for that...

In terms of quality, our performances vs Chelsea and Brugges away were by far the best this season. This afternoon there was no way we could possibly match those performances though, it's deterministic. Do I have to explain why, do I have to explain how fucking dangerous this match was on paper? Following the win at SB, our intensity and sharpness gradually dropped, again, it was fucking deterministic. However, both in Paris as well as in Anfield, we deserved to have won. As for today, given the circumstances, the schedule etc, Pep remained calm, following his masterplan. Ruben got a rest midweek, John got some more match rhytme, Gabby was saved for today, Bernardo and Phil were subbed when the manager felt the result against the Belgians was secured. Which would not be enough anyway, people like Kyle, Joao, Rodri, Bernardo, Ilkay, Kevin and Phil, were expected to suffer today, each for different reasons. Which they did. Less than 3 fucking days to recover, man. Less than THREE fucking days!!!

Nevertheless, the team, I repeat, THE TEAM, delivered this performance, a few hours ago. For people expecting more, I would strongly suggest to not embarrass themselves. It's unfair, not to mention idiotic. As I said, it's deterministic. That is why this is the most important victory so far, exactly because of the circumstances under which it was achieved -and winning against Utd just makes it sweeter perhaps. And by the way, do not underestimate them, not for a moment. Second last season, definitely stronger in terms of squad options this season. Utd's problems lie elsewhere, but discussing them is beyond the purpose of this post...

Warm congratulations to the boss and the boys. Proud of them, as always...

PS. Guardiola is the only manager at this level who has a VALID argument regarding fatigue, fitness and stamina issues. An objective observation since the beginning of last season, to say the least. An argument he has never used though. Never. On the contrary, following the Brugges match, he said the team would be ready to play the following day, if necessary. And his boys delivered, once again. Still, the argument exists, for everybody interested in seeking the truth...
PS2. Is there any point repeating the fact that City are consistently officiated differently, domestically as well as abroad? Guess not. So I guess there is also no point repeating how poorly official City have dealt with this matter, is there? Clowns like Mourinho, currently in Italy, are doing what they've done throughout their carreers, making a case out of nothing, applying pressure to officials etc. I guess we're too large for that. By keeping our mouths shut we are perceived as weak though. I'm sorry, but that is the truth. Which is proven again and again and again, all these years, by all the fucking Tierneys, the Mariners, the Mosses etc etc etc out there. City were robbed at Anfield, were fucked vs Palace, the same today -the list is endless. The team suffers, and the team loses points. I wonder what it will take for the club to reconsider its "strategy" on this issue. Which is a disgrace. Period...
PS3. I can only assume that **** of a "journalist" did not understand the meaning of the phrase "We did it ourselves" the other night. So insisted on Pep clarifying his position. In a ideal world, Pep shouldn't even have said that, for honest people it was more than enough. But, as we know, this is not a perfect world, is it? If it was, the likes of that **** would have simply done their jobs, saying and writing the truth. But seeking it has never been the objective for that bunch of whores, has it?

Unlikeky anyone will be arsed reading all that tbf mate.

Can you give us the nutshell version?
I detest them. If that shitehole was concreted over and turned into an Asda and they went out of existence I'd die happy. Even better if they were floundering around in league one playing in front of 20,000 fans and getting beat every week
Here here.
When we were shit I used to get text and phone calls off them cunts asking how we got on today, knowing full well we’d lost.
Then when the tables turned the phone calls stopped.
I rang one one Saturday and asked if his phone was broke? Confused he said no why?
I said you usually ring me on a Saturday, how did you get on today?
his reply “I don’t watch them anymore cos they’re shit”
Haha fuck the lot of em.
I put this in the match thread but to give context, United had 22 touches in Liverpool's box in the 5-0
I look at it this way. If I was a shite fan:

1. Did we touch the ball in the opponents box, hardly
2. Did we give their keeper anything to save, apart from pretty boys volley, nothing.
3. Did we put the boot in, particularly in the second half when we went three minutes without touching the ball, did we fuck.

No fight, no passion. If that was my team I'd be chaining myself to the main gate until they removed the moron in charge.

As a blue, give him a contract extension!

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