United (A) | Post Match Thread

But that first counter should have been ruled offside.

I agree we need some signings, to frehen things up as much as anything but, yeah mate, to add more pace. Not that I think pace is a guaranteed game changer against the low blocks we keep facing.

We all know that we desperately need a proper left-back but I did think Cancelo looked a bit more like his best self today. and we need a right-winger with pace.
Yeh Cancelo was much better today. Some nice darting runs. One or two really sloppy passes as well mind, but Kev, Riyad, Bernie were all equally culpable in that regard. I don’t know if additional pace is the answer (although as always, I lament the dearth of it in our squad), but we’ve got to try and find some route to goal that doesn’t involve going backwards and sideways for the whole of the remainder of the season.
We are poor and a derivative of our former self. Pep must take the blame for that. We have struggled this term and the worry is that we have nothing better in reserve. I'm guessing we'll struggle to win anything this year!!
Here’s an alternative on that. Pep wanted Kane that’s on record. Pep thought he suited our system best. We decided not to pursue that but paid a similar amount for Grealish. Now only two years apart in age. We then purchased Akanji, Phillips and Gomez. Not to be disrespectful but hardly Pep signings. Plus hardly signings that would win the big trophies.
I'm going to have put my phone down and enjoy my Saturday night soon, but I'm still fuming. More fuming than I've been at a decision since Trent's handball at Anfield, and even then I'm angrier here. I can't remember a decision having that much impact on a game in my life. They know it, we know it, the press know it, the only people who don't know it are the BT Studio and Ten Hag.

We aren't in a great space, but we were getting our swagger back in that half. I'm still personally not giving up on the season, but maybe this isn't our year. But it's a fucking shocking refereeing decision that has no place at this level of the game.
Agree it was appalling, season ticket holder since 1988 and that decision is up there with the worst I've ever seen.
To be fair to Ten Hag he said he wouldn't have been happy if that would have gone against him, he knows it was a bollocks decision but can't come out and say it directly.
As for the drugs cheat and toe sucker on BT, they're about as impartial as the GPC.
As soon as I found out who BTs experts were today I quickly found another stream.

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