United (A) | Post Match Thread

In hindsight all the players should have turned and held their hands up for offside and walked.. as I think it would have been blown there and then as he was so far off and Bruno wasn’t in the picture.

We were actually punished for playing to the whisle. Absolute joke.
In a way, today was a result of how City as a football club deal with their responsibilities. Look at the debacle of away fans being allowed to pelt stuff at our fans then consider it’s reported our fans were kettled today and not even allowed to go for a piss. Consider the whole legacy fan treatment with the ESL debacle. Then consider the club is run from far away with those pulling the strings in Manchester having little connection to the local area outside it’s a job. Consider our players getting kicked to fuck each game, then look at Pep being hounded by the media. Maybe the decision makers at City are pleased we aren’t running away with it, it’s their product as much as the rags and dippers. When we get slandered who does the club put up to shoot it down? No one. Who at the club manages our relationship with PiGMOL? I assume it’s all “welcome Mr Atwell, Oliver, etc etc would you like a nice cup of tea?” instead of ” you better not pull any shit today or we’ll have you!”. What I’m getting at is, if the club don’t give a fuck, don’t support us as fans, allow our manager and players to get shit on, why should we bother our arses?
absolutely 100% city players just gave up after that sucker pun
They'll call you a fanny wipe and return to putting their heads in the sand
Totally mate! I love our club but I can only be honest about what I see on the pitch and how I feel about it….Better that imo than being deluded and getting upset with everyone with something negative to say! Being honest I’ve only seen a few times this season where we have played at anywhere near our usual level. Hopefully Thursday will be the turning point and not another false dawn.
Weirdly, it's a foul, as the law clearly states it occurs before the offside even if the offside player was intending to play the ball

I'd say you couldn't make it up but whenever created the latest laws obviously did!
The linesman gave the offside before any foul could be attempted.
This isnt a situation that has happened over night,our football has become increasingly boring and predictable over a period of some time.

Officiating could have been very different today,but ultimately we were shite......and that was the issue,despite your need to find an excuse.

so,how long do we leave it in your blue blinkered world?
100% agree, I posted last week & got a few on my back but not arsed

Our football from October has been average at best only the big fellow has kept us at the top end

When he doesn't score we don't win

Hes been a passenger in games pre & post Christmas only Leeds away have we been ok maybe 1st half v Chelsea in the cup.

We have had to manny big players sulking, not happy or not bothering

To many out of form & a few just want out imo

Big decisions to make going fwd, Phil is miles off being 1st choice imo & Cancelo although better today has also been shite

We couldn't pass 10 yards v Southampton & 1st half today our passing in the last 3rd was terrible

Why the fuck Alvarez wasn't used is mental

Eddy great save after nearly throwing it away

We need to get back on it or its curtains
I would like the club to publicly ask the FA for an explanation as to why it was given and also why the referee changed his mind?

It won’t change the result, but being in the public eye, means it could put a lid on manufacturing results for a few months at least.
It's been five hours and I'm still fuming with that shite performance.

I'm not going to pretend I know the answers but I couldn't give a shit if I don't see any of them for the next few weeks. Fuck them all off.

The baby can fuck right off with the bath water, as far as I'm concerned.

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