United Post Match Thread

We may as well sack him now, for top 4 it seems like it is becoming more of a risk keeping him in!
Unforgivable performance to be honest.

I can handle getting beat but that today was yet again abysmal.

The MdM debacle from the player and the manager is enough for me and he should go tonight.
And replace him with whom exactly?

If you look at our performance over the last 2 1/2 years, this has been coming. The Rags haven't got any better over this period, we've just regressed back to their level and if we're not careful we'll pay the ultimate price of no CL football next season which is a real possibility. Pellegrini or no Pellegrini, it is what it is and a rash move on our behalf now will only destabilise the team further imo.

Be careful of what you wish for...........
Beaten by Van Pulis's kids off the back of their gruelling Thursday night game. And what a time to leave our weakest defensive pairing unprotected.

Never thought I'd say this but fcuk off Audrey.
I just cant believe how much you can single handedly fuck up a game as Demichelis did that game. It makes me feel sick.

- Singlehandedly made us concede the only goal of the game
- Caused a penalty (Clear as day luckily Oliver is blind)
- Got our keeper injured
- Wasted 2 of our subs (Replacing him and replacing Hart)
- Wasted 60 mins of our derby

Swear to god it seems like he purposefully did it.

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