United post-match thread

Pep's not even hiding the fact that this cup is useless lol

tbf I would've started the same team as tonight, PL and CL is more important
Couldn't agree more, i detest losing united but people who are ripping into Pep for "not taking the rivalry seriously" are out of order, his job is to win the league not beat united in an irrelevant league cup match
Down to the players, we've got too many who just aren't good enough, or consistent enough.

We need a fully fit Kompany, or a defender as good as him who's not always injured, a monster in midfield and a clinical, greedy goal poacher.

For what we've spent we should be unstoppable but we continue, bar two or three examples, to select players a level or two below the best in their position. In my opinion although we have 3 or 4 better players than we had in 2012, our strongest XI is still weaker than that title winning side. We (I?) still miss Tevez, as a player, and Barry and Bellamy. The last two not good enough now, but we haven't replaced them adequately.

We talk a good game, at high level, as a club, about ambition, but to match that, and the targets set as a club by bringing in Pep, is signings of the quality to win more games, more easily. I'm talking about signing players like Bale, Dele Alli, Busquets, Alaba. Until we sign players that good, we'll struggle.
Next game have a look at the players when a pass is even inches away from being perfect. They look straight to the bench. They look like they are shit scared.

He has to sort it out within the next 3 or 4 games or the season could get away from him.

Apparently simeone might be available in the summer if it all goes tits up.

You're a fucking idiot.
Watch the end of the game, I urge you all to watch the end. The ref puts the whistle up to blow, turns to see United had the ball, and puts it back down. He then blows when city win it. WATCH IT!

And what happened to the first minute lost in injury time when Pogba was carded?
Moaners on here again..the ones that boo us when we're top..we don't want you..Glory glory man utd..and they go into the next round of the League cup..they can have it..we have bigger fish to fry being a realist.
People saying words to the effect of "it's only the league cup. Who cares" and "it was our second team" seem to have very short memories or do not live anywhere near here.

And yet I've been called a rag tonight because I'm unhappy with yet another piss poor performance where the team look shit scared and disinterested and the opposition have outclassed us tactically. Again.

Is this what we waited 4 years for? What we behaved disgracefully towards two multi trophy winning managers for? I don't get it if it is.

Piss poor.
That game was a lot more important to them than us. How times have changed.
The future's bright. We're in good hands. It's physical suicide to play the best 11 every game. The results will come, starting at the weekend. That is the least bothered I've been losing a derby in my very long years supporting City. You have to see the big picture here.
Anybody that cannot see the improvements is a nincompoop, we have one of the best managers in the world, a man with a proven track record of almost uninterrupted success, owners that have coveted his services for years that are clearly prepared to back him to the hilt and a squad of players that he has spent less than 3 months with.

Will it happen overnight? Of course it won't, players need time to adapt to his style, those that cannot adapt will leave and they will be replaced by better players.

We lost tonight to a pretty much full strength United team, playing at home in a game that they dare not lose, our team in comparison was makeshift at best.

Do I wish we'd have won? Of course I do, losing to those red bastards always stings but...big picture guys, big picture

pell first season he won league cup and the league but people didn't like him and I think we scored lots of goals

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