United thread 2012/13 (inc merged IPO thread)

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Van Persies left peg said:
simon23 said:
Van Persies left peg said:
Re the Tevez Jones incident thats my point, theres multiple ways every challenge can be interpreted and used as 'why wasnt that punished' arguments, and to be fair i wasnt intending to talk about role models at all, lovecity brought it up and i simply responded saying we all have twats in our teams but we love em regardless, theres no way anyone should start taking the moral high ground where footballers are concerned, anyone who uses a modern day footballer as a role model is asking for dissapointment.

As for Rooney, i was defending his celebrations that marvin asked me about in a previous post, in my opinion these players get vile provocation for 90 minutes so when they get a chance to give it back its fair game, dont be throwing a coin and abusing someone then go off crying when he celebrates and gives it back, ts hypocritical in the extreme, and yup if Tevez does the same as i said earlier ill say exactly the same, Gareth Bale actually did this at OT earlier in the season, scored and ran to the corner and goaded United fans, fair cop seeing as im sure he was being called a chimp faced cock for most of the match.

ah fair enough on the first point and i agree footballers are no role models (besides the odd one here and their...eg..james milner and im sure there are a few others as well...but in general you are correct.

On the celebration but...i can again understand what you are saying but at the same time he has a responsibility not to rise to any of it (no matter what)....its the old media arguement...if people are going to put their lives on show then they are going to get intruded into...well unfortunately a footballer does a big part of his day to day job in full view of the paying public who pay to support their team and mock others (polite way of putting it!)....footballers get paid to put up with that abuse.......so he should (as others should) keep himself in check no matter what...he has a responsibility to and to entice a crowd could have led to serious injuries for both sets of fans

Oh and i would never ever defend the morons throwing coins or running on the pitch etc.....they should and hopefully will be banned for life...they have no part in our club whatsoever any more (or shuoldnt have anyway)...just like the idiots that did it to bellamy at OT a few seasons back

-- Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:55 pm --

Marvin said:
I think Rooney is entitled to celebrate like that too, but the point about Rooney relates to special treatment

What would have happened had that been Balotelli? I guarantee you he would have been blamed for what followed. Rooney is one of those players, like Scholes and gerrard who referee games. He's always in the refs face as soon as there's any contentious foul from the opposition and demanding a yellow card / red

Rooney like his manager is allowed to get away with an awful lot. We are blind to our own and how others perceive them. That goes for us too

If it came to criticism of Chelsea / Arsenal etc we'd probably agree

this is the exact problem i have with the likes of rooney and others....

and the contrast that would have been if it had been balotelli....there would have been calls for the death sentance to be returned or him deported from certain sky pundits and reporters from certain papers

Yup i understand that argument and in an ideal world your totally right, players would simply blank out whats coming from the stands and get on with their job, after all they are being paid hundreds of thousands of pounds a week to be there so no ones going to cry over them getting a bit of abuse, what a shame im sure the money eases the pain, i get that.

But i also think you, me, anyone whos subjected to that level of hatred that level of personal abuse over a prolonged period of time has a breaking point, they have to their human, you can be as mild mannered and ice cold as anyone but sooner or later someone constantly provoking you and maybe taunting you about family members etc sooner or later it gets to you and you need a release, for a footballer thats celebrating, giving it back and a wave of emotion, thats the only way a footballer can give it back, they cant pick up things and launch them into the crowd, they cant turn around and throw verbals back, they cant do anything like this so what they do is rub it in via celebration, and tbh from my point of view i think its fair game, and if i were in the same situation id probably do the same, ask youself, a big city fan, a huge lover of the club, youve just scored a winning goal against United in front of a packed OT having been pelted both verbally and physically for an hour and a half by people you cant stand whove made it perfectly clear they utterly despise you, can you honestly say you wouldnt in that split second want to give them all a big fuck you!? ill be honest i would.

there are players that never react...Gareth Barry and milner both got shit loads of abuse when they moved from their cluns to city...not once will u ever see either of them react to the fans abuse...whereas we all know waht adebeyour did

and id go and celebrate infront of the city crowd...but this is another arguement....at OT this is hard to do cause if Im correct they are up on the third tier....whereas rightly or wrongly the away fans at our place are right on the bottom tier and the tier above....

I think the main issue was not celebrating in front..it was certain gestures that he made.....now that is inflamatory.....just like ade slidding on his knees infront of the arsenal fans....rooney also did it in the first half....he could have just turned around and ran to his own players/manager or fans but he chose to slide on his knees in front of the city fans....are you telling me that isnt deliberate?

some players dont celebrate at all ont he edges of the pitch....balotelli doesnt celebrate his own goals at all!!!!!!
simon23 said:
Van Persies left peg said:
simon23 said:
ah fair enough on the first point and i agree footballers are no role models (besides the odd one here and their...eg..james milner and im sure there are a few others as well...but in general you are correct.

On the celebration but...i can again understand what you are saying but at the same time he has a responsibility not to rise to any of it (no matter what)....its the old media arguement...if people are going to put their lives on show then they are going to get intruded into...well unfortunately a footballer does a big part of his day to day job in full view of the paying public who pay to support their team and mock others (polite way of putting it!)....footballers get paid to put up with that abuse.......so he should (as others should) keep himself in check no matter what...he has a responsibility to and to entice a crowd could have led to serious injuries for both sets of fans

Oh and i would never ever defend the morons throwing coins or running on the pitch etc.....they should and hopefully will be banned for life...they have no part in our club whatsoever any more (or shuoldnt have anyway)...just like the idiots that did it to bellamy at OT a few seasons back

-- Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:55 pm --

this is the exact problem i have with the likes of rooney and others....

and the contrast that would have been if it had been balotelli....there would have been calls for the death sentance to be returned or him deported from certain sky pundits and reporters from certain papers

Yup i understand that argument and in an ideal world your totally right, players would simply blank out whats coming from the stands and get on with their job, after all they are being paid hundreds of thousands of pounds a week to be there so no ones going to cry over them getting a bit of abuse, what a shame im sure the money eases the pain, i get that.

But i also think you, me, anyone whos subjected to that level of hatred that level of personal abuse over a prolonged period of time has a breaking point, they have to their human, you can be as mild mannered and ice cold as anyone but sooner or later someone constantly provoking you and maybe taunting you about family members etc sooner or later it gets to you and you need a release, for a footballer thats celebrating, giving it back and a wave of emotion, thats the only way a footballer can give it back, they cant pick up things and launch them into the crowd, they cant turn around and throw verbals back, they cant do anything like this so what they do is rub it in via celebration, and tbh from my point of view i think its fair game, and if i were in the same situation id probably do the same, ask youself, a big city fan, a huge lover of the club, youve just scored a winning goal against United in front of a packed OT having been pelted both verbally and physically for an hour and a half by people you cant stand whove made it perfectly clear they utterly despise you, can you honestly say you wouldnt in that split second want to give them all a big fuck you!? ill be honest i would.

there are players that never react...Gareth Barry and milner both got shit loads of abuse when they moved from their cluns to city...not once will u ever see either of them react to the fans abuse...whereas we all know waht adebeyour did

and id go and celebrate infront of the city crowd...but this is another arguement....at OT this is hard to do cause if Im correct they are up on the third tier....whereas rightly or wrongly the away fans at our place are right on the bottom tier and the tier above....

I think the main issue was not celebrating in front..it was certain gestures that he made.....now that is inflamatory.....just like ade slidding on his knees infront of the arsenal fans....rooney also did it in the first half....he could have just turned around and ran to his own players/manager or fans but he chose to slide on his knees in front of the city fans....are you telling me that isnt deliberate?

some players dont celebrate at all ont he edges of the pitch....balotelli doesnt celebrate his own goals at all!!!!!!

In all honesty i doubt Milner and Barry get the same level of abuse off their former clubs as Rooney gets off City fans, likewise Tevez with our fans, its a far more volatile atmosphere, i dont recall things being thrown at Barry or Milner when taking corners etc however i could be wrong, the point being i think its different circumstances, i dont personally have any problems with players giving a bit back to fans after taking a lot of shite for 90 mins, be it Rooney, Tevez whoever but as i say thats just me i understand your view completely.

As for gestures i cant comment as i didnt see any gestures, what gestures did Rooney make and do you have any images/gifs of them? id have thought GMP would have been inundated with complaints had Rooney made inappropriate/offences gestures torwards fans? i saw Rooney slide in front of your fans after his first goal to be fair that was at the other end of the pitch from the united fans so you cant really argue about him not running the length of the pitch, as for scenes at the end again i havnt seen them, if sliding on his knees and celebrating is all he did im fine with that, as i was when Bale ran over to the corner at OT and gave United fans the heart celebration in a very goading manner, part and parcel of being a fan, you give it out you occasional get it back, but as i say thats just my view, if i were in that situation and got that level of abuse ive no problem admitting id do the same thing, im sure theres others who wouldnt, depends how easily wound up you are i suppose.
MCFC BOB said:
0-15m: City dominate possession but lack cutting edge, United break and score.

15-45m: United have the control as City flatten, United score a second goal.

45-60m: United have a goal disallowed, City score and begin to press.

60-95m: After controlling the game City get a second goal, United score.

Overall: An even game that United won due to being more clinical.

A scuffed shot and a deflected freekick is hardly clinical Bob. Fortunate yes, clinical no.

My take of the game

0-15m: City dominate possession but lack cutting edge, United break and score.

15-45m: United look threating without controling the game City flatten after the loss of Kompany, United score a second goal, City finish a little stronger.

45-95m: City dominate, United have a goal disallowed, City score twice and push for the winner, United score.

Analysis is just a matter of opinions though.

I for one think that the elbow of Jones was intentionally high and into the face of Tevez which he was disgruntled about and kicked out.
The first min of the game garnny shagger took out one of the midfielders it was a bookable offense and not to mention the other yellow card offenses those cunts got away with. but all in all United took there chances while city where blunt up front. I really do hope roony gets a carer ending injury i have no sympathy for players that mouth off and try to run the game
Van Persies left peg said:
I know how this forum works so I doubt this post will get approved as it dosnt toe the party line but i feel better for getting it off my chest.
Obviously not. Agree with what you said though. It's pretty telling that that young goal hardly gets any mentions here. It's like it never happened. Frustration with the way things turned out have prevented me from posting recently, but well said van pussy's peg.<br /><br />-- Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:53 am --<br /><br />
dave_blue12 said:
I think you are being as one eyed as the post you have attacked.
United's #5?
Is this the RVP 'kick' that he supposedly should have been sent off for? Looks more like Toure has grabbed his shirt then RVP gives him some of his own right back to him.

Red Manc said:
Is this the RVP 'kick' that he supposedly should have been sent off for? Looks more like Toure has grabbed his shirt then RVP gives him some of his own right back to him.


I'm glad you posted that as I didn't notice the elbow of death that went with the kung fu kick.
AntiUnited said:
The first min of the game garnny shagger took out one of the midfielders it was a bookable offense and not to mention the other yellow card offenses those ***** got away with. but all in all United took there chances while city where blunt up front. I really do hope roony gets a carer ending injury i have no sympathy for players that mouth off and try to run the game
Don't you ever get tired of spouting this type of bollox? I can understand people coming out with a statement like this in the heat of the moment, or even the immediate aftermath of a match, but 3 days after the game??

Not really unheard of for you to come out with such classy comments either is it? I know you're AntiUnited but you need to grow up a bit, or at least work on some more original material....
Blootoof said:
Red Manc said:
Is this the RVP 'kick' that he supposedly should have been sent off for? Looks more like Toure has grabbed his shirt then RVP gives him some of his own right back to him.


I'm glad you posted that as I didn't notice the elbow of death that went with the kung fu kick.
Did you see that, f*cking unbelievable!<br /><br />-- Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:56 am --<br /><br />
JM Mcr said:
AntiUnited said:
The first min of the game garnny shagger took out one of the midfielders it was a bookable offense and not to mention the other yellow card offenses those ***** got away with. but all in all United took there chances while city where blunt up front. I really do hope roony gets a carer ending injury i have no sympathy for players that mouth off and try to run the game
Don't you ever get tired of spouting this type of bollox? I can understand people coming out with a statement like this in the heat of the moment, or even the immediate aftermath of a match, but 3 days after the game??

Not really unheard of for you to come out with such classy comments either is it? I know you're AntiUnited but you need to grow up a bit, or at least work on some more original material....
To be fair mate, he's citing his opinions on a City site. Do you mind?
JM Mcr said:
AntiUnited said:
The first min of the game garnny shagger took out one of the midfielders it was a bookable offense and not to mention the other yellow card offenses those ***** got away with. but all in all United took there chances while city where blunt up front. I really do hope roony gets a carer ending injury i have no sympathy for players that mouth off and try to run the game
Don't you ever get tired of spouting this type of bollox? I can understand people coming out with a statement like this in the heat of the moment, or even the immediate aftermath of a match, but 3 days after the game??

Not really unheard of for you to come out with such classy comments either is it? I know you're AntiUnited but you need to grow up a bit, or at least work on some more original material....

There is no need for original material when its the plain truth. When you mouth off and get into the reffs face from the first min of the game and carry it on trying to get players sent off pretty much shows the kind of **** he is = Some one will eventually and should take him out of the game.
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