United thread 2013/14

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Word of warning to drivers this Christmas..
Be careful whilst in the old Trafford area,as there is a good chance you could pick up 3 points,
It's easily done nowadays ;-)
Ifwecouldjust....... said:
Go here

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.redcafe.net/threads/moyes-so-far.373984/page-215" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.redcafe.net/threads/moyes-so ... 4/page-215</a>

6 minutes ago #8589
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amolbhatia100 said: ↑
Silva? What's he done to be a top player? He's been a "top" player just a tad longer than Nani ffs.

Okay let's do a proper comparison.

We have dea gea and they have that fecking pantomime fella.

Kompany is better than anyone we have. Vidic if fit consistently is better IMO but kompany is better right now.

There's not much in the rest of the defences except we have better depth.

Central midfield:
City are ahead here. Their best player (toure) is better than ours as is their second best better than ours.

Wide midfield:
It's close here. In terms of ability, we are every bit as good. Nani, Valencia, Januzaj and Kagawa is every bit as good as navas, silva, nasri and Milner. I think the "way" we play, I.e the style of football doesn't actual help our wide midfielders (other than Valencia who still does fuck all with it).

I'd rather have ours.

Aguero is probably in better form than ours, but our overall strength upfront is much stronger than city's. Hernandez and welbeck as third and fourth strikers is crazy good.

All in all, I think the biggest difference between us and city, or us and Chelsea isn't the squad, but how the team plays. If we start shifting away from this shit on a stick, fuck fluidity and nice passing, crossing hooray football, you'll see how god this squad is.
I agree on paper.. Goalkeeper, Defence, Wings, Up front.. we are better.. I mean any team would pray to have Nani and Januzaj out wide with Rafael at full back.. yet we're clearly not getting anything out of them and I don't blame the players here. Our defenders have to work harder than defenders in other teams purely because the shiteness of the midfield means they have to deal with more attacks and they don't have an easy option to pass too. Likewise our forward players have to operate deeper and on scraps because there isn't a constant supply of possession on which to feed on.

Sort out the midfield!
5 minutes ago

ffs they must be on drugs...............
"any team would pray to have nani and januzaj out wide" Wtf?! yeh, I'm sure Madrid are fucking green with envy and bayern are thinking 'why the Fuck did we sign ribery and robben when we could have had those two?'
oh god my side's are splitting, I need to go and have a lie down.
its a shame that more isn't being made out of the Kagawa story. It's absolutely ludicrous. Self-proclaimed 'biggest club in the world' having to get medical help for one of their players because he ate too much food? fucking barmy

would never have happened under the previous regime.

Here's to you clueless David Moyes, city loves you more than will know.....
I posted this Fri Aug 09, 2013 in the 'Why did the rags hire David Moyes thread':

I know they won the league at a canter last season, but that was solely down to the GPC and our inability to play anywhere near to the standard of the previous season. I truly believe that the rag's squad is pretty poor, if not threadbare with their present injury/age concerns, and that Gollum simply does not have the nouse to squeeze what is needed out of it to do what they did last season.

What I think is interesting is that generally, when a new manager is employed by a club, he tries to impose his own philosophy onto his new team. The tried and tested methods that have made him successful - that he and his backroom staff are comfortable with - are rolled out and implemented. However with Gollum, his previous style is the antithesis to that of Slurgie's and what the rag followers expect. Not only this, I really don't think he has at his disposal the personnel that can carry out either style, at least not without major surgery, which by all accounts looks unlikely.

People keep saying that the rags will be there or there abouts, but I can see them struggling at particular points in the coming season and when that occurs nobody knows how they will handle it. Under the GPC they hardly ever lost two consecutive games but this will happen this year under Gollum.

A couple of questions to consider: How much better was the GPC at management than Gollum? And with that in mind, where would the rags have finished last season if Gollum had managed that exact same squad?

Lot's of people were saying the same thing, so I'm not trying to appear particularly knowledgeable because I'm definitely not. However, what I find really surprising is the actual 'surprise' shown by a lot of pundits and self proclaimed experts at the rag's decline.

Moyes had fuck all experience in Europe (of any note), hadn't beat any of the traditional top 4 in 40 odd games, and played a style of football which resembled Stoke on a good day.

I really can't see why it's such a fucking shock, as it appeared to a lot of people who took an objective stance that the present situation was very likely to occur.
The original story was that he had 'breathing difficulties'. You do wonder if he tried to top himself. Very strange.[/quote]
Talking of breathing difficulties,the rags have had me gasping for air through laughter this week...
Two 1-0 home defeats on the spin...
Rvp allegedly wanting out....
Camel face speaking out over wee davy and his methods....
Kagawa unable to play because he was getting his stomach pumped...
Moyes going on twitter and stating the obvious to 659m mancunians that utd need to pass better,score goals and defend better...
The magnificent meltdown on inbred cafe....
Never in my wildest dreams did i think this could happen to those pig headed gobshites...
David moyes i love you x
Prestwich_Blue said:
karen7 said:
manimanc said:
Have i just read kagawa got his stomach pumped??
The only person i've ever known in the public eye to get his stomach pumped was marc almond and we all know what was getting pumped out wink wink nudge nudge...
Are we to call him shirley kagawa now?
Come to think of it,he does run a bit strange don't you think...

It is a weird story as usually if you eat too much you just throw up not have your stomach pumped,more to this story than meets the eye
The original story was that he had 'breathing difficulties'. You do wonder if he tried to top himself. Very strange.

First that African rag and now this. Moyes is on a killing spree.
shootmeifipost10k said:
I hope they sack Moysie soon, I believe he's in the same mould as Fergie and can see him building another dynasty over the next ten years.
Rag alert...

He'll build a dynasty of shiteness at best.
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