United Thread 2014/15

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Blue Haze said:
The Ironic cheers directed at Fellaini

Absolutely embarrassing, and some people say Chelsea and Madrid have shit fans?
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.redcafe.net/threads/the-ironic-cheers-directed-at-fellaini.394647/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.redcafe.net/threads/the-iron ... ni.394647/</a>

lol good popcorn thread
This one should be a sticky:

It was disgraceful but it wasn't like it was the regular OT crowd. A bunch of day trippers and tourists, what can you do.
citytill1die84 said:
Daz_Blue said:
Apparently rags in talks with Sporting over a deal for Marcos Rojo....who is he ? fee quoted 30m

The lad played LB for Argentina in World Cup. I'm hearing 16m tho and Southampton had a 13m rejected.

Maybe he thinks he's joining City and linking up with Zaba, MD, Kun, Bruno and Willy!
So the rags won a trophy in the good ole USA, their fans will now tell you that the title is within reach.
Hopefully, not too many of you will lose sleep over this.

Genuine question from a neutral (well not neutral really as I like City and hate the rags).

How many of the United starting 11, would get in City's.

Hart is a better keeper than De Gea (will always remember the last minute semi final fumble...bless ya).
I won't go through the defence, as comparing Kompany to Jones is like comparing Messi to Cattermole.
So...midfield.....Ashley Young or Nani v Navas/Nasri/Milner.....again ..no contest.
Now I do rate Mata....but he is nowhere near Mr Silva.
So in attack, we have Jinnyjazz, Welbeck, RVP, and Rooney...when compared against Aguero, Jovetic, Dzeko and Negredo, again, there is no contest.

So having answered my own question, the answer is "0".
Sleep easy all........
Edinburgh Zoo announce that the Panda may be pregnant cue crowds flocking in. Now what does that remind of? Surely not the Swamp Dwellers and their annual trailers for nearly every player in the Universe coming to join them. Perhaps if they got the Panda to sign up that would increase shirt sales in China.
The sycophancy continues.

The only thing missing from back page is it saying "Former United star Ronaldo".

LoveCity said:
The sycophancy continues.

The only thing missing from back page is it saying "Former United star Ronaldo".


Well it will sell a few copies and get clicks that's what it's all about!

Media reporting on football in this country are bottom dwelling two faced liars it's about reporting impartially anymore it's a fcuking joke!
LoveCity said:
The sycophancy continues.

The only thing missing from back page is it saying "Former United star Ronaldo".


Looks like BT Sport are paying for that.
LoveCity said:
The sycophancy continues.

The only thing missing from back page is it saying "Former United star Ronaldo".

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