United Thread 2014/15

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gordondaviesmoustache said:
LoveCity said:
The sycophancy continues.

The only thing missing from back page is it saying "Former United star Ronaldo".


Both organisations are/were very good at propaganda and misinformation.
Vienna_70 said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
LoveCity said:
The sycophancy continues.

The only thing missing from back page is it saying "Former United star Ronaldo".


Both organisations are/were very good at propaganda and misinformation.
They both had rude cunts at the helm too.
No tablets and laptops are allowed in Manchester United’s Old Trafford

Football team Manchester United management has had enough with viewers coming to the Old Trafford stadium and bringing their tablets and laptops along. From now on, those two types of devices are prohibited from making it to the stadium.

While the press release states that the football club is responding to security intelligence obtained by the UK airports and wants to ensure the safety and security of all spectators, it’s safe to assume that blocking the view of others while trying to record the game or make a selfie is enough of a reason by itself.

In fact, all electronics larger than 150 x 100mm are prohibited, so it’s only small camera and mobile phones that viewers can bring along. This also includes the iPad Air and iPad mini 2, which are also banned.

It seems that Manchester United spectators are finally going to be able to focus solely on the game they paid good money to watch.
LoveCity said:
The sycophancy continues.

The only thing missing from back page is it saying "Former United star Ronaldo".


I've just been sick in my mouth
LoveCity said:
The sycophancy continues.

The only thing missing from back page is it saying "Former United star Ronaldo".

Hasn't been in the job two minutes and the media are already hailing him king Louis?
Can't remember pellegrini getting this sort of coverage when he took over,in fact can't even think of any coverage at all for a manager who done the double in his first season.hopefully this building him up causes more mayhem for the fcukers..
Had he gone to Tottenham not one person would have given a single fuck, no offence to Spurs.
jrb said:
MEN live.

Oh dear, United are on the ropes. Twice the visitors go close as the Reds look shaky at the back. David de Gea is not impressed, suffice to say. 1-1.


TBF the first quote wasn't from Spencer.

But you cam imagine he's getting the lube ready. ;-)
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